Astrology Predicted Loud And Clear On Political Crisis In Karnataka By ‘Oath Chart of Kumaraswamy’

by astrodocanil

741 Articles and Predictions in just 45 months

Dasha of Ketu In the natal chart of Kumaraswamy and Dasha of Moon in the Oath taking Chart as Predicted can be a Bolt from the Blue for the Karnataka Political Crisis and seems to take an ugly situation as per the time Frame earlier Predicted and the Crisiss may start from Today itself the Date already Predicted as 14-15th Jan. 2019 in advance .
This is with Reference to the media Breaking News ‘Karnataka political crisis deepens; Four Congress MLAs may resign today’ The 16th Jan. 2019 link
Read my Article “:Kumaraswamy Oath Taking Ceremony On Wednesday 23rd May at 4.30 PM: Simhasan Chakra Bolt From the Blue” link…lt-from-the-blue/ ‎ dated 22nd May 2018
Read this Para written then
Moon is afflicted badly in all the Varga charts and seems the Dasha starting from Venus is Bad and till The Dasha of Moon who is afflicted badly in the chart may not be good after 139 days for 152 days specially when Saturn and Sun are in conjunctionin Transit and over the natal Sun and Saturn in the Natal chart Of Kumaraswamy. Hence till 14-15th Jan. 2019 most venomous from Him and the Coalition Govt. in Karnataka.although after the lapse of 139 days when Dasha of Moon Starts from 9th Oct. 2018 will be most troublesome. The Maleficence of Moon till the 30th Jan. 2019 can be a bolt from the blue ot so seems . The differences will start after 4 days/ 4 weeks/ as can be seen by the difference in the degrees of the Lagnesh Venus and Malefic Saturn , there will be degree aspect on the Venus by Saturn on the 26th May 2018 the 4th Day from the Oath Taking , Also Mars and Sun Poorna Ithasla can bring Malefic Results when Sun transits the Sign Capricorn where Mars is placed . Sun will reach the Mars degrees on the 23rd Jan. 2019 may Bring a down fall in the Govt. it so seems .
Hence from the 14-15th Jan. to 30 Jan. 2019 will be aperiod of Political Tug of War with in the Karnataka Govt.

As Per Simhasan Chakra the Periods of Planets related to Saturn, Rahu and Moon may be responsible for the Fall of the King. Hence Venus and Moon Period Most Malefic in this regard and if this Period is passed the Rahu will be most Venomous . In any Case it seems the Oath Taking Chart is lacking a good Tenure and the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord in the 6/8 axis may also be responsible for Strife and quarrels till Venus is there in Gemini till 8th June 2018 . Saturn will be nearest to Earth on the 27th June when Mars will turn retrograde and will be stationary on the same date and both Saturn and Mars will be at the 15 .0 degree mark is the Most malefic Parameter for the chart. The figures 1 and 4 stand for Day , weeks and Months. The analysis is purely on the Astrology Principles and not my opinion. The whole horoscope revolves on the 4 Planets Saturn, Rahu , Moon and Sun who are adversely Placed , if the Principles of the Mundane astrology work for Simhasan chakra then the Tenure of the CM may be very Limited as explained above and Can Prove as a Bolt from the Blue

What ever is happening in the present scenario is exactly what is Predicted through the Oath chart
Let us also Have a look at the Chart of Kumaraswamy of 16th Dec. 1959 18-08 hrs Hassan Karnataka

The Ketu Dasha is in operation from the 27th Sept. 2018 and from That Period only the Dasha of Moon in the Oath Taking chart has started
Ketu is Placed well in the natal Chart but the dispositor is placed in the 6th house of enemies and competitions . In the dashmasha chart Ketu is placed in the 8th house and receives the malefic aspect of Debilitated Saturn. This could be the most Venomous period for Kumaraswamy
The Transit Of Ketu in the 8th house from Lagna and Moon and further Sun ingress in the 8th house after 14th Jan.2019 seems to be a Bolt from the blue for him .

Written on 16th Jan. 2019 14-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

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