Astrology Hits The Nail On Head: Violence In India, Impeachment Of Trump And Doubtful Truce Of US-China Trade War Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1109 Articles and Predictions in just 55 months from April 2015

Solar Eclipse in Sign Sagitarius where 6 Planets will be there on 26th Dec. 2019 Nodes in own Nakshatra from 12th Feb. to 22nd April 2020 may prove most enigmatic for the Globe in general
This is with reference to my Article “Indian Economy On Door Of Crisis Vish Yoga Of Moon-Saturn 10th Dec. 2019 Indicate Enigmatic Results As Per Rudramsha Chart Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” link…r-anil-aggarwala/ dated 30th Nov. 2019

Let me put the important text here for ready reference below
Saturn Jupiter Conjunction in Capricorn Dasha of Moon -Saturn Forming Vish Yoga Most Enigmatic one as per Rudramasha Chart from the 10th Dec. 2019 to 24th Jan 2020 and then when Mars activates the Eclipse point on the 21st Feb 2020

Foundation chart of India is Below of the 14th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs

The Concentration of the Planets in the sign Sagitarius the 8th house of the Foundation chart of India on the 26th Dec. 2019 at the time of the Solar Eclipse the 6th from the Natal Moon is definitely a concern more so the Eclipse in the 3rd Tara from the Janam Tara for the break in the Indian Economy specially when the Dasha in operation will also be Moon-Saturn from the 10th Dec. 2019 which is forming a Punurfu and a Vish yoga in the sign Cancer of the Chart. Dasha of Moon -Sat-Sat as per the Rudramasha Chart Saturn placed in the 8th house as the Lagna Lord is a malefic combination specially both the Dasha Lords are ill placed from the 10th Lord Mars afflicted in the Aquarius Lagna by Rahu and Ketu this may results in failure of new Ventures. Moon-Saturn-Ketu from the 31-5 2020 to 4-7-2020 may be an enigmatic one.. We all know bloodshed took place after independence when the Dasha of Sat-Sat-Ketu was in operation. Similar events are expected after the 10th Dec. and around the Solar Eclipse of 26th Dec. 2019 and specially when Mars activates the Eclipse point on the 21st Feb. 2019. The Economy may be hit due to unforseen circumstances

Now Look at what is happening after the 10thDec. 2019

“Violent Clashes Erupt In South Delhi Over Citizenship Law”

Look at the news it is full of Violent happenings as predicted well in advance , what will be the consequences are crystal clear specially after the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019
New Delhi: A fresh has agitation started outside the Delhi Police headquarters against the crackdown on students of Jamia Milia Islamia after this evening’s violence over the new citizenship law that practically turned a posh locality of south Delhi into a war zone. A protest march by the Jamia students ended in a pitched battle with the police, with a mob targeting the cops with stones and setting vehicles ablaze. The police retaliated with batons and teargas, and later detained around 100 students. As Jamia said they entered the campus without permission, the police said they did not need anyone’s permission to maintain law and order. The Jamia students distanced themselves from the violence and some officers of the Delhi police privately admitted that local thugs were responsible for it. Schools in the affected area will be closed tomorrow.

“Delhi’s Jamia Becomes War Zone Amid Clashes, Detained Students Released”

Also Read My Articles for the Impeachment of Trump which is hitting the nail on the head “Trump’s Presidency On Treacherous New Ground After House Vote On Impeachment Predictions Prove On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/

Now Read the media News Below confirming the above

“Democrats in Trump districts wrestle with ‘vote of conscience’ on impeachment ”

House Democrats’ effort to impeach President Donald Trump is ramping up as the year winds down, putting the Republican-led Senate on track to hold a trial on the charges against him as the new year begins.

“Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction Twice In Sagitarius and Capricorn Prone To Economy Burst After 5th Nov.and 30th March 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/

“You call this a trade deal? ”

OK, let’s assume that something deserving the name “U.S.-China trade deal” has been reached — even one dubbed “Phase One” or “preliminary.” Deep doubts would remain justified about whether it can possibly serve American interests.
For example, where’s even an English-language version? There’s nothing new about such agreements coming out in both English and Chinese, raising thorny questions about ensuring that key terms in both languages are commonly understood — on top of all the towering issues raised by China’s long record of flouting official commitments it’s made.
But if something worth announcing officially on both sides has actually been produced, why is the most detailed description so far this statement from the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) office?

The Near Future is not good for the Global Events since there will be 6 planets in the sign Sagitarius in the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019, may be it is Trade War, Trump Impeachment, Violence in India due to Dasha of Moon-Saturn foring a Vish yoga from the 10th Dec. 2019. There would be untoward happenings in the globe as per my earlier Articles on the Solar Eclipse already predicted on my webpages and

Article “Solar Eclipse of 26th Dec. 2019 What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

Let me reproduce this here for ready reference below

6 Planets in the sign Sagitarius and the Solar Eclipse falling in this sign is indicative of Anguish and Pain for those Countries where the Eclipse is falling in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun or Moon and specially Dasha or Anter Dasha of Rahu or a Planet which has the Capacity to bring Down fall for the Native or the Country

It is the Last Eclipse of the year 2019. The central path of the 2019 annular eclipse passes through Saudi Arabian Peninsula, southern India, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines and Guam. A partial eclipse is visible thousands of kilometers wide from the central path. It will cover East in Europe, Much of Asia, North/West Australia, East in Africa, Pacific and Indian Ocean. The eclipse begins with an antumbra having a magnitude of .96 and will stretch 164 kilometers wide, and travel towards the east at an average rate of 1.1 kilometer per second. The longest duration of annularity is 3 minutes and 40 seconds, at 5.30 UT1 occurring in South China Sea (0°45’54.0″N 105°29’06.0″E)

The eclipse will begin in Saudi Arabia about 220 kilometers northeast of Riyadh at 03:43 UT1 and will end in Guam at 06:59.4 UT1. It will reach India near Kannur, Kerala at 03:56 UT1. The shadow will reach the southeast coast of India at 04:04 UT1. Traveling through northern Sri Lanka, it will head into the Bay of Bengal. The next main visible places are Palau (Malaysia), Sumatra and Singapore. It then passes through the South China Sea, it crosses Borneo and the Celebes Sea, the Philippines archipelago and then heads towards the western Pacific.

It is a Amavasya Day and will witness a Solar Eclipse which will be visible in East Europe,Major Portion of Asia, North/West Australia, East Africa, Pacific , Indian Ocean

Let us have a Look at the chart of the 26th Dec. 2019 10-43 hrs at the time of the New Moon below

Normally Saturn and Jupiter Meet in the same sign after 60 years and Association of Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu is rare specially when total 6 planets in the sign Sagitarius and Ketu also with the above

As per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao when the Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun or Moon and dasha, anter dasha of a Planet which has the capacity to kill then what happens ? When Mars the Igniting Planet activates the Eclipse point then the Country can have a Fall, this is also applicable to individuals who are kingly and living like kings specially the eclipse in the sign Sagitarius

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and afflicted in the Eclipse Chart with Ketu in close degrees and also in the nakshatra of Ketu. The Day Lord Jupiter is placed in the yama of Gemini the 5th house of the chart where Rahu in adverse motion is placed there having affliction by both Saturn and Mars.This affliction is killing.
The Following parameters are malefic in this Eclipse apart from the above
1. The Nakshatra of Eclipse is Moola of Ketu and adhomukh and downward looking and extremely bad . It is also a Ferocious and a Bitter Nakshatra.It is also called Teekshna-Daruna
2. Karna Lord is Kimstughna which is a malefic Karna indicates malefic happenings and uncompleted tasks
3.There are 6 Planets in the sign Sagitarius and Eclipses in the sign Sagitarius brings down fall for the Kings and the Dealers of Cars and Automobile.
4. Eclipses in the fiery sign bring a down fall in the Industry and also a Fall in the Stock and the Financial Markets
5. On the 26th Dec. 2019 The Lagna Nakshatra is of Satabisha and of Rahu, 4 Planets Mercury, Sun, Moon and Jupiter in the Nakshatra of Ketu and Saturn and Ketu in the nakshatra of Venus.This may Bring Air Crashes
6.The Navamsha is also of the Sign Sagitarius and Jupiter in Navamsha is placed in the sign Cancer with Debilitated Mars . This Mars alkso aspects Rahu in the navamsha by 8th strong aspect and Ketu aspected by Saturn , hence both in the Rashi and Navamsha the Nodes are afflicted
7. Mars activating the Eclipse point at 9.59 degrees on the 22nd Feb. 2020 may prove to be most venomous in this respect
All this indicates great calamities taking place . Mars is placed in the sign Scorpio and aspects Rahu in the sign Gemini by 8th strong aspect. Those Countries signified by Sagitarius will be influenced most in this respect.

Earthquakes of High intensity, and Mars placed in the 12th from the Eclipse sign in Scorpio can sprout destruction with magnitude specially when Mars activates the Eclipse point of 9.59 degrees in Sagitarius on the 22nd Feb. 2020. In fact the effects will be seen after Mars crosses the 6.40 degrees in Sagitarius after the 17th Feb. 2020. Fire and Cyclones cannot be ruled out. All happenings can take place just before or after the Eclipse and the intensity will be high when Mars activates the Eclipse point.
Possibility og Significations of Mercury may suffer, like the Weather, Communication. Stock and the Financial Markets
Scams will be unearthed regaring the Stock and the Financial Markets

The Solar Eclipse will take place in the 6th from natal Moon and the 8th from the Ascendant and Dasha of Moon-Saturn will be in operation just then . This Dasha does not indicate good results for even India . Tug of War In the Politics cannot be ruled out and an ugly one.
As per the Koorma Chart the Nakshatra of Moola signifies the West Direction . This indicates a tough time for the Country for the coming 3-4 months

The Other Countrie swhich will be influenced most will be


Since the Eclipses taking Place in the 1/7 axis of Sun and 3 more planets in the sign Gemini and Dasha of Rahu-Rahu which is placed in the 12th house and the dispositor in the 7th house of wars and International Relations . Trade War may escalate beyond control with China and other Countries


A concern but but as much as the US


It is Taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart is not good

Other Countries which will be influenced most will be England,Poland, Germany,Palestine,Syria, Israel, Belbuim,Romania,Madagascar,Australia, Hungary,Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Indonesia, Phillipines, Spain , Hongkong can witness natural disaster, Unrest in the country, Financial Crisis, Political revolution where millions of people will be effected

The Planetary positions will be parallel to the above event in the US after the 12th Feb. 2020 and exactly parallel on the 21-22 nd Feb. 2020. I have mnentioned this in my Articles on the nodes in own nakshatra . Terrorism can be on the Cards with magnitude as far as the Nodes are concerned
Brawl betwen the nations may take ugly turn in the Middle East ,Indo-Pak, US-China may all be influenced adversely till 22nd April 2020. In this Context 30th March, 8th April and 16th April 2020 are most Venomous Dates as per the Rashi Sanghata Chakra is concerned discussed in my Articles on my webpage


Gold May Surge beyond Expectations as Predicted and may cross all boundries

The effects of the Solar Eclipse may not be a good one in totality and hence the Global Economy may suffer to quite an extent since Satuen would have completed the 90 year Cycle from the Oct 1929 Great Recession. ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING
Written on Date 26th August 2019 12.20 hrs

15th Dec. 2019 19-30 hrs Dubai
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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