Astrological Analysis Of The Primeminister Message To Light Candles On 5th April2020 At 9.00 PM For 9 Minutes Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1265 Articles and Predictions in just 60 months from April 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday addressed the nation through a video, and made an appeal to everyone to light candles and torches for 9 minutes at 9 pm on April 5, “to show solidarity in the time of darkness”
While appreciating the Call Let me also Analyse the Importance of the same Through Astrology Principles. Mars the Lord of the Natural Zodiac Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord and Placed in the 10th house ZENITH of the Natural Zodiac and is also the yama Lord at the time of the instructions and in Exhaltation along with being the Karna Lord will definitely impart Strength so desired connected to the 10th house and the 10th Lord Moon . It is definitely appreciable effort

The Chart of the 5th April 2020 9-00 Pm is as Below

The Panchasng of the Day

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun Placed in the 6th house of Virus and Diseases but in a friendly sign aspected by Saturn the yoga lord not good but Placed in the yama of Scorpio the 2nd House of the Chart. The Yama Lord is Mars and Exhalted and Placed in the 4th house of the Sukh sthan is extremely powerful yoga. Mars is Strong at Night and after the Sun Set. Mars is also the Karna Lord and aspects the 10th house and the 10th Lord is extremely good Parameter for Lighting the Candles at Night since Mars is also Electricity and Energy. The Navamsha is also of Mars Aries sign at 21-00 hrs but after 9 minutes the Navamsha rising is of Venus who is Placed in own house in the 8th house in the Rashi chart and Exhalted in the Navamsha Hence both Parameters of the Navamsha are good finally For Energy enhancement
Mars the Yama Lord and the Karna Lord for Fructifications acquires an important dimension is with 6th Lord Jupiter and Saturn the 4th Lord
The Placement of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the Uttra Shadha Nakshatra is a Pious Combination in the 4th house for Vaccine developement as already predicted by me till the 6th April 2020
As Per Navamsha the Time which may bring good results of the Mars Strength will be after 4 days since in 4th Navamsha and after 9 minutes the Navamsha of the Venus and some Effect of the Energy positive will be seen after 15x 2.18-3rd Navamsha = 33-45 days , hence some positive energy may be there after 33-45 days.which may bring some relief after the 20th May 2020 taking a positive stance. After the 23rd April to 27th April there are again combinations of Vaccine developement due to Sun in Exhaltation in Ashvini 4th Pada , but limitation remains till 28th May 2020 and 2nd August till when the planets afe gripped by the nodes

The Lagna Libra the Navamsha Aries Venus and Mars the Prime Planets Mars will remain in this Sign till 4th May 2020 Hence till this period there should be some relief coming specially after the 28th April 2020 when Mercury is out of the Aroha Kaal Sarpa yoga but will be in the same sign as the North node Rahu. Venus will remain in this sign till 31st July 2020
The Pendulum of the Watch will touch the Lagna, 5th house Mercury, 7th house Aries sign and the 9th house where Rahu is placed. This forms an anchor and touching the Aries sign , Libra sign and the 6th Lord of the natural Zodiac placed in a Good House may impart good Energy, The Negative Part is the Rahu in the 9th house in own Nakshatra and will change Nakshatra on the 23rd April 2020 will give some relief as already Predicted .
The Primeminister has tried to use the collective energy to energise the Planet Mars at night . Lets see what is the Outcome of the same .
I Have already mentioned in my Articles that Mars connected to the 10th house and the Baby when born in critical conditions saves the Child. Mars is connected to the 7th house by 4th aspect, 10th house by 7th aspect and 10th Lord Moon by the 8th aspect.
Using the Aries First House of the Natural Zodiac, Libra the 7th house of the natural Zodiac, Leo the 5th house of the Natural Zodiac, may give relief as in the case of the Babby in trouble at Birth. Mars is not Digbali in the 4th house so we need to give him power so by switching off the Electricity in our 130 crore houses the Mars will get Energy to save the people on Earth who are in distress like the new born Babby
Lets hope for the best and Comply with the Pious Instructions of the PrimeMinister There will also be discipline inculcated which is the need of the Hour
I Salute Narendra Modi for his efforts in a Spirtual way to Energise Mars . I have been mentioning that Mars in Capricorn in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac and ‘ZENITH’ and extremely powerful. Mars will be at Exhaltation point from the 1st May to 2nd May 2020. If God Willing we should expect some relief . It is certainly a positive move and good effort of N Modi to energise the 2 Planets and specially Mars the Energy the Lagna Lord , 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac which is placed in the Zenith as per the Natural Zodiac. This act of switching off the lights and lightening the lamps willm inculcate disciple in all the Indians the need of the hour of the Day. This is a good start by the Primeminister. The Culprits will be punished by the Goddess Nriti

Day lord Sun placed in the yama of Scorpio the 2nd house of the Chart and the Aspect of the 8th Lord Venus who is also the Gulika Lord aspecting the Yama sign.
Mars Placed in the Yama of Sagitarius and the Sign has Ketu and the Yama Lord Jupiter Debilitated and with Mars .
Lagna Lord in the 8th house
Day Lord Sun in the 6th house aspected by Yoga Lord Malefic Saturn placed in the 4th house
Above parameters added yesterday night on the 4th April 22-00 hrs

My Articles
The most Important Article Conjunction odf Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reel ing in Anguish and Pain link

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala



Read My Articles below
1. ” Planetary War Of Superior Planets in ‘ZENITH’ Capricorn As Predicted Rashi Sanghata Chakra Foretell’s Dreaded Time Frame Till 16th April 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
2. “The Conjunction Of 3 Superior Planets In Capricorn ‘ZENITH’ Planetary War Of Mars Saturn 29th March – 2nd April 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
3. “A Comprehensive Astrological Study Of The Planetary Positions For ‘COVID-19’ What They Have Up Their Sleeve’s ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
After the 4th Aprilto 6th April some positive news for the Vaccine and reduction of the Cases in the COVID-19 Not Ruled out but since all the Planets will be gripped till 28th May and 2nd August the Virus woes may be seen . If Virus not contained by this date then Relapse possible like the Jan 1918 Spanish Flue

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
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