Astrological Analysis Marriage Through Tamil Text Of Virat Kohli The Star Of The Cricketing Era

by astrodocanil


After a long speculation of will they-won’t they, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have finally tied the knot in Italy on December 11 2017.

Giving all rumours a rest, Virat and Anushka have officially announced the news on Twitter with the most adorable photo and caption ever. In an official statement, it has been revealed that the wedding was attended by close family and a few friends as they wished their wedding to be a very private affair.

Anushka writes, “Today we have promised each other to be bound in love forever. We are truly blessed to share the news with you. This beautiful day will be made more special with the love and support of our family of fans & well wishers. Thank you for being such an important part of our journey.” On the other hand, Virat also shared the same note with a different picture from the auspicious ‘jaimaal’ ceremony.

Virat and Anushka’s wedding ceremony took place at a resort called Borgo Finocchieto in Buonconvento town in the Province of Siena in Italy on the 11th Dec. 2017.



In this article I will analyse the Marriage of Virat Kohli  through Tamil Texts for Natal Astrology and in Continuation of my Teaching in Astrology is concerned 

The Chart of Virat Kohli birth details as Taken from Google and other reliable Astrology Forums is Born on the 5th Nov. 1988 10-28 hrs. New Delhi

The Native is Born on Saturday in Krishna Paksha , hence the Malefics Mars and Saturn become strong .Karna Lord placed in the 10th house and in Rajyogas  and aspected by the Yogi Planet Jupiter  makes the Horoscope very strong .The Day Lord Saturn is placed in the yama of Gemini and the Lord is Mercury in Budh Aditya yoga and Rajyogas in the 11th house .

9th house of the natural zodiac is rising in the Lagna and the Lord is placed in the 6th house indicates dogmatic approach in life , such natives have to be careful about their speech since can be exploited  for the same . Jupiter in the Nakshatra of Krittika is highly auspicious  and no Planet aspects Jupiter 

Dispositors of the Nodes and all the 7 Planets are connected to the 10th and the 11th house due to the exchange of the 10th and the 11th Lord Mercury and Venus . This parameter alone shows the fire in the native for his passion and Career 

2 Planets Venus and Sun are debilitated but due to the exchange of Mercury and Venus their Debilitation gets cancelled and in Neecha Bhang Rajyoga 

The 9th and the 10th Lord Dharmadhiati and Karmadhiati in the 11th house forming Budhaditya yoga  and connected with Garbshishta Planets 

Atma enters the horoscope from the 5th house and the 5th Lord is also in a Rajyoga being placed n Kendra, The Miscusp Lord of the 5th house is Venus and in Neecha Bhang Rajyoga , Hence some constraints in life which will also be sorted out 

The Horoscope is extremely strong 

Why Sports and Cricket 

Sports is seen from the 3rd house and the Karka is Mars , Both 3rd House from Lagna and Moon are connected to 10th house from Lagna and 10th house from Moon  Making the Native extremely strong and Fire brand in Sports

3rd house from Lagna is owned by Saturn , aspects the 10th house where Moon and Venus are placed  and also the 10th house from Moon

3rd House from Moon is owned By Mars and also aspects the 10th house  from Lagna and also the 10th house from Moon ,Moon and Venus

Both the 3rd Lord from Lagna and Moon are well placed in the Kendra and aspect the 7th house and the 10th house  and 10th house from Moon making the Career extremely strong and  all this combination is also the 10th house from Saturn the Longevity of the Career and shows that the Native will be  having good tenure of his profession. The Connecton of the Luminares, Mars and Saturn with the 10th house make him fire-brand in his sports field, specially when the Karna Lord  and the Yama Lord are  also connected 

Let us now look at the Marriage Parameters 


My Research of Marriage from Garbshishta Planets 


  1. 7th House , 7th Lord from Lagna , Moon and Venus, the Physical, Mental and sexual condition 
  2. 2nd House 2nd Lord and 8th house 8th Lord for Women
  3. Karka Graha Venus and Jupiter for Women
  4. Upgraha Rahu
  5. Bhavat Bhavam  – Lagna
  6. Saptmaroodh
  7. Up Pada
  8. Midcusp Lord of the 7th House , its relation with 7th house and its Lord
  9. D9 Navamsha
  10. Mathematical Navamsha
  11. D30 For Women


  1. Saturn,Jupiter , Mars and Rahu Transit
  2. Vimshotari Dasha -Anter Dasha
  3. Mangal Dosh from Lagna , Moon and Venus
  4. Dosha Samyam should be equal in both cases and not More for sure in the case of Females
  5.  VivahaSaham
  6. Venus Placement as per Declination  and its Role in the Vedic Progression charts as per Manu Smiriti  for the Year of Marriage
  7. Special Attention to Venus Dispositors and Ketu Relation with Saptmaroodh
  8. Connection of Mars and Mercury in the charts of Females .

Timing of Marriage 

  1. MD/AD connection with Lagna/Lagna Lord 7th house / Lord of D1/D9
  2. Char Dasha  connection with DK, DKN, Darapad, Uppada or 7th Lord in D1 .D9
  3. Jupiter activating the Vivahasaham or its Navamsha  or the Lords
  4. Double Transit of Saturn and Jupiter activating the 7th house /Lord /Venus
  5. Piya Milan . Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord Meeting in Transit  or Over the Natal Lagna Lord or the 7th Lord
  6. Ju;iter activating the Natal Venus in case of Mens and Mars for Women
  7. All Planets near the Lagna or the 7th house at the time of Marriage
  8. Year of Marriage Venus activating the 7th house/Lord or Natal Venus as per Declination
  9. In the Vedic Progression chart the connection of the Venus , Moon and the 7th house/Lord
  10. Rahu/Ketu Transitting over the 1/7 axis of the D1/D9 over the Lagna or in the 5/11axis
  11. Ketu Method for finding the year of Marriage

Let us now go step by step the Marriage analysis of the Native 

Marriage Promise through Garbshishta Planets 

  1. The Karka for Marriage Venus is ill placed and a concern
  2. Midcusp Lord ill placed from 7th house and 7th Lord 
  3. Shukraarudha afflicted by Ketu and Dispositor Debilitated , but in Neecha  Bhang 

Promise in the chart

  1. 7th house from the Lagna  the Physical condition is good since vacant and as per Tamil Shastra it is supposed to be very good, and aspected by both Mars and Saturn and the 7th Lord Mercury with Sun in the  11th house is also aspected by Mars, these Parameters are not good for a smooth marriage relationship, but since no planet is in the 7th house to receive the aspects is a saving factor.

2. 7th Lord from Venus and Moon the Sexual and the Mental condition respectively  is Placed in the 6th from Lagna who is also the Midcusp Lord of the 7th house is again not good for smooth Marriage relationship, but Placed in the 9th from Moon and Venus, 6th house is a single house which is yoga Karka since it is the 9th from the 10th house and 10th from the 9th house hence after Marriage the native will do extremely well in his career.

3. Karka Graha Venus

Venus  is in Neecha Bhang Rajyoga 

Dispositor of the Venus in 2-12 is a Malefic Parameter but dispositor of Dispositor is Venus , hence ok

Venus ill placed from Garbshishta

4. UpKarka Rahu

Rahu is Placed in the Saptamarudha of the 7th house

Kendra from this house shows the sustaining strength , Jupiter and Saturn are well placed but Ketu in the Kendra is a negative Parameter

5. Bhavat Bhavam

Lagna has Saturn and a Malefic is not good  and not aspected by any Benefic 

6. Saptamarudha 

The sign is Aquarius  and has Rahu and Ketu in the Kendra  along with Jupiter the Sustaining strength is given by Benefics and not malefics hence not strong 

7. Uppada

Sign Cancer and the 8th house of the chart and having Rahu and Ketu in the 2/8 axis from this is extremely poor for good and smooth relations 

8. Midcusp Lord of the 7th House , its relation with 7th house and its Lord

The Midcusp Lord of the 7th house is Jupiter and ill placed from the 7th house and the 7th Lord is extremely bad for good and smooth relationships in Marriage . It is a single factor which decides the strength of Marriage . There will not be stability in the relationship , though there may be satisfaction .

9. D9 Navamsha

The 7th house of the Natal chart is rising which is a Bhadak house is not good for smooth relations and Stability, more so since the 7th Lord asper Rashi Tula navamsha has gone in the 12th house in the sign of Mars  and the Lagna Lord of the Navamsha has gone in the 6th house , both these positions donot confer good relationship in marriage. The Navamsha Lord of the 7th Lord  Mercury is Mars and aspects the 7th house  in the rashi chart and afflicts it .  Both Mars and Saturn in the Navamsha aspect the Lagna Lord of the Navamsha and the 7th Lord of the Rashi Chart , this affliction is precarious. Venus , 7P, MCL of the 7th house  and the 7th Lord all are afflicted 

10. Mathematical Navamsha

The Nakshatra Lord of the Navamsha is Jupiter and is not wel placed from the 7th house and the 7th Lord  is not good for smooth relationships in Marriage 


  1. Saturn, Jupiter , Mars and Rahu Transit

At the time of Marriage Saturn has activated the Natal Saturn , Jupiter over the Natal 7th Lord Mercury , hence the Dual Transit has been activated for the 7th house for Marriage  on the 11th Dec. 2017. Rahu in the 8th house and Ketu in the 2nd house in Transit and Mars has activated the Natal Venus and the 7th Lord in the Sign Libra , since in Transit there is also exchange of Mars and Venus

2. Vimshotari Dasha -Anter Dasha

The Native has got married in the Dasha of Rahu-Saturn-Jup

Rahu is Up Karka for Marriage and Dara Karka for the Horoscope since as per Tamil Astrology if any Planet is Retrograde then it loses the Strength to become a Char Karka in Jaimini Astrology and in such cases Rahu Becomes the Dara Karka  and is influencing the 7th Lord Mercury and the 7th House in the Navamsha as per Jaimini Astrology  and Rahu is a Natural Karka for Marriage also 

Saturn is placed in the Lagna and aspects the 7th house and in the navamsha it aspects the 7th Lord Mercury of the Rashi Chart 

Jupiter is the MCL of the 7th house, NakshatraLord of the Navamsha Lagna  and also the 7th Lord in the navamsha chart

3. Mangal Dosh from Lagna , Moon and Venus

Virat Kohli is a strong Manglik from the Lagna, Moon and Venus  and also Manglik from Moon and Venus in the Navamsha chart , hence he is strong Manglik and the Chart has to be Matched properly with the Spouse .

Below are the Charts comparison for marriage Matching 

Anushka  was Born on the 1st May 1900 12-00 hrs Bangalore as per the Data available on some Astrology websites 

She is also Manglik but as per the Lagna  and Moon  and Not as per Venus  and in Navamsha she is Manglik only by Moon 

As Per Ashtkoot guna milan there are 25 points and the Rashi of Moon signs are 2/12 but both are friends 

As Per Dwadasha -Koota Milan they get 30 out of 50 .

4. DoshaSamyam

The Factor of Dosha Samyam is Most Important and is as follows 

This Factor is also Ok 

The Longevity with respect to each other is also Ok as per the Placement of the 8th Lords in each others house 

Now Last but not the Least the Spirtual, Mental and Material Growth to be seen with Respect to the Lagna, Sun and Moon 

Lagna Influence , Virat has Saturn and Anushka has Saturn in Sagitarius hence the Lagna is afflicted  in the case of Virat Kohli, In the Case of Anushka the Lagan is the 8th house of the Virat and Cancer sign but not afflicted in the chart of Virat , hence good for Anushka 

In the Case of Virat Sun is Placed in the sign of Libra and Anushka has Moon is good , In case of Anushka Sun is Exhalted and not afflicted By any Planet in the chart of Virat .

Moon signs are also not afflicted in each others chart, But Debilitated Sun in the sign of Libra where Anushka Moon is Placed , not bad either 

5. VivahaSaham

2s 9degree and 40 minutes  Sign Gemini and aspected both by Saturn and Jupiter the Dual Transit activating the Saham

6. Venus Placement as per Declination  and its Role in the Vedic Progression charts as per Manu Smiriti  for the Year of Marriage

Explained below in the Vedic Progression chart

7. Special Attention to Venus Dispositors and Ketu Relation with Saptmaroodh, Rahu-Ketu both Influencing the Saptamarudh is not good for healthy Marriage Relations 

Day of Marriage Planetary Positions as per Virat Kohli Horoscope as below  on the 11th Dec. 2017 and comparing with the Natal Chart 

All the Parameters are satisfying in the chart for Marriage , but few Parameters which are of Concern 

DaraKarka Rahu in the 8th house  aspecting the 7th Lord in the 12th house alsog with Venus 

7th Lord Mercury is in Fallen State and Most Venomous parameter  for Marriage Muhurat 

The Timing of Marriage also Took Place as per the declination method of Venus and Ketu Principle and In the Vedic Progression chart  see below the combinations indicating Marriage 

Vedic Progression chart for the running year  for Marriage of Virat Kohli below

The 7th Lord Moon in own Nakshatra and aspected By the Lagna Lord and Moon is Placed over the Natal Venus the Karka for Marriage and Venus over the 7th Lord Mercury over the Natal chart  Points out the exact time of Marriage in the Progression  chart, This chart also gives the exact Day of Marriage  and can be calculated as per my Article on my webpage Article “Amazing Prediction for the Day of Marriage By Vedic Progression chart By Manu Smriti link

Tamil Astrology is amazing and not like Parashar where the Fine Predictions are missing 

Virat Kohli Marriage Promise has been explained in the above Article in Detail , Irrespective of the Birth Data wrong , The Learners of Astrology will benefit by the Procedure to be followed for Marriage analysis and Matching 

The Details of the Birth charts have been taken from a Famous Website on the Net  and it the Details are wrong , Please excuse me , Let it be an Exercise to evaluate ones Marriage and the Procedure 

Let me also write here that when Planets are retrograde they lose the strength to become the Char Karkas in Jaimini Astrology and Rahu becomes the Dara karka even if One Planet is Retrograde  and the Predictions made by Many Astrologers go wrong since they donot consider the Jaimni Astrology By Tamil Texts and Shastra which is the Core of Hindu Astrology and Most Amazing 


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 18thDec. 2017  Time 19-10 hrs. Singapore 
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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