Ashtamangla Jyotish Gives Amazing Results For Query Of Marriage Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

954 Predictions and Articles in just 49 months from April 2015

Ashtamangla Prashna Gives Heart Throbbing Results for any Query , one case being discussed in this Article for Marriage. The 3 Planets of the Past Present and the Future open the secrets of the Query

A Query was raised on the 17th June 2019 for Marriage Between 16.21 to 16.34 hrs By the Parents of a Boy and wanted to know when they could find a suitable Match for their Son.

I immediately Conducted the Ashtamangla Prashna and following was the Result

The Ashtamangla number obtained by the Ashtamangla Process was 732. Hence the Planets involved are as follows .
Past Moon
In the Prashna chart Moon is Afflicted badly in the sign Sagitarius with Ketu and Retrograde Saturn, hence the Past was Bad specially after 23rd March when Ketu ingressed in the sign Sagitarius and Jupiter the sign Lord was fallen on the 23rd April 2019. The Client was amazed at the Predictions and the exact Dates when he experienced negative results for the marriage of his Son. Moon Connected to Ketu, Retrograde Saturn, and Mars is self explainatory for the Results in the Parshna chart at the time of the Query

Present Jupiter The Present is also not good since Jupiter is fallen and Retrograde , hence there could be 3 Prepositions which may have not clicked, to this the Client Replied in affirmative

Future Mars
This is Showing that since on the Day of the Query there is Planetary War between the Mars and Mercury and Mercury losses in the War. The Moon and Mercury Both under acute affliction the Client is in Anguish and Pain for the Son’s Marriage not taking place inspite of the Best efforts. Since the Future is depicted by Mars there may be fear from Disputes and Fights regarding the Son’s Marriage and Mars may not bestow good results for the Preposition in hand
The Client asked Me will the Preposition in Hand for a Girl work out ? I replied in Negative and told them that the Girl Parents will call you and since you have approached me and the Planetary positions specially the Lagna Lord in the 8th house and that being Karka for Marriage and Moon under affliction the Preposition may nt bring good results. Latter i did all the calculations from the Ashtamangla number and found negative results for the query asked by the client for Marriage of their Son.
The Centre number and Present calculated as per the rules turned out to be Mercury who was in Planetary war on the day of Query indicated most malefic Results for the Query
Latter the client informed me that the Preposition ended in a break. Mars Connected to Moon and both in dual sign most malefic for the Girl in question for Marriage, I had Predicted a Break.
The Arudha Lagna was Gemini on the day of Query as per the Direction faced by the querist and most Malefic since the Lord Mercury was in Planetary war with Mars. This also Shows the Mother who raised the Query was in depression since every time they proceeded for the Son’s Marriage there was pain


See the Chart below of Prashna when it was Raised

The Day was Monday and the Lord afflicted Badly not only in the Prashna chart but also in the Birth chart Debilitated in the 7th house .
Libra sign Shisshodayo and a benefic sign rising was good but no benefic aspecting it, the Lagna Lord and Venus the Karka for Marriage in the 8th house , hence the Boy in Question will not get a Bride . Since the sign Libra was rising in the Lagna at the time of the Query at 16.21 and in the 4th Navamsha and Lord in the 8th house I told them that From 2nd Sept 2018 to 2nd Jan. 2019 there were 4 matches which did not click and all ended in a failure. To this they were much surprised. Astrologer must Know the Transit Positions of the Lagna Lord and Venus also with 7th Lord for the Marriage Query. Venus Overstayed in Libra in the above stated time frame for 128 days in the Lagna of the Prashna chart

At 16.34 hrs the Mother asked if the preposition in hand for the girl would fructify, I told them , since at that time the Gemini Navamsha Lagna was rising, and afflction in this sign it would not fructify

Most Surprising when I opened the Birth chart of their Son all the above 3 Planets Moon, Jupiter and Mars were connected to the 7th house of Marriage and were opening the Secrets of the Query for delayed and negative results. The Main Planet of the Arudha Lagna Debilitated in the Birth chart as well who is also the Navamsha Lord of the 7th Lord in the Birth chart. The 3 Planets were connected as follows

Moon Placed in the 7th house in Debilitation Extremely Bad for Marriage and shows the Past was bad experience like the Prashna chart which opened all the secrets

Jupiter Placed in 2nd House of the Prashna chart fallen, Retrograde most malefic for the Present results . In the Birth chart connected to Both the 7th Lord and the Karka for Marriage Venus and these Planeta ill placed from Garbshishta showing negative results

Mars the Future Planet is the 7th Lord with Venus the Karka for Marriage and ill placed from the Garbshishta

MCL of the 7th house is the juice of the Marriage and afflicted both in the Birth chart and the Prashna chart, hence difficulties in Marriage. unfortunately the Dasha in the Birth chart was also of the MCL of the 7th house Mercury -Jupiter

The Client was much amazed at the Ashtamangla Technique which gave 100 % Predictions for the Marriage
Latter I saw the Progression charts ,Prashna chart, Birth chart and from Ashtamangla total Number 3 and Predicted that after Jupiter goes in Sagitarius only then Marriage could take place after 5th Nov. 2019. The Promise for Marriage in the chart of the Boy in question is late and delayed one


Date 19th June 2019 23-00 hrs.
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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