‘Ashtama Moon Adverse North Node Rahu’ Boney Legal Notice To Priya Prakash Varrier May Prove Futile Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

739 Articles and Predictions in just 45 months from April 2015
Media News “Boney Kapoor slaps legal notice on Priya Prakash Varrier film Sridevi Bungalow ” link https://www.msn.com/en-in/entertainment/bollywood/boney-kapoor-slaps-legal-notice-on-priya-prakash-varrier-film-sridevi-bungalow/ar-BBSgrKs?ocid=spartandhp&pfr=1 This News comes on the 15th Jan. 2019 at 16-00 hrs

The Nut shell is Muhurat Chart is of Vital Importance when Starting any activity. As per the Birth details availble as per wikipedia for Boney Kapoor the Transit Moon is Ashtama Moon from his Natal Moon, Navami a Rikta Tithi Adverse Rahu and just after the Sankranti are negative parameters for Him to come out with Flying colors in the Court case. A Toatly similair Case of Reserve Bank Governor Urgit Patel, I had Predicted he would have to Resign and my Predictions proved on dot. Read My Article on this —-

Article 1. “Ashtama Moon and North Node Adverse May Prove Most Venomous For RBI Governor Urjit Patel” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/11/ashtama-moon-and…rnor-urjit-patel/ dated 5th Nov. 2018 17.45 hrs
Article 2.”Urjit Patel Resigns As RBI Governor: Ashtama Moon and North Node Adverse Prove Venomous As Predicted” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/12/urjit-patel-resi…ous-as-predicted/ dated 10th Dec. 2018

A year after she became an internet sensation for her wink and eyebrow game, Priya Prakash Varrier is back in the headlines. Read my earlier Articles and Predictions which proved on dot ” Priya Prakash Varrier’s Viral Song In Trouble” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/02/priya-prakash-varriers-viral-song-in-trouble-what-stars-foretell/ dated 14th Feb. 2018
Birth Details of Priya Prakash Varrier were not available when I wrote the above article . I assumed that Priya Prakash has to have a Strong Sun, Mars, Venus and Rahu in her Chart and hence she may be Born in the Month of Sept. 1999 when Rahu is also in the Sign Cancer and Transit Rahu over the natal Rahu and Venus in close degrees since asper the Media she is 18 years old and every 18 years Rahu will come over the natal Rahu and give her fame for the Viral Song
Let us first see the Birth Planets as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boney_Kapoor
He is Born on the 11th Nov. 1955 Just looking at the Planetary position son the day of Birth and on the day he has gone in the Court let us see what we can derive from the same

The Planets which are influencing Boney for aggressive action is Sun and Saturn Bhandan yoga in the natal chart and also in Transit . See the degrees of Saturn 29.51 and when this Saturn aspected the Transit Sun at these degrees of the Sun in Transit on the 14-th Jan. 2019 he decided to go in the Court of Law
The planetary positions are adverse for him going in the Court due to the following Reasons
1. No act should be Done near the Sankranti since may not bring fruitful results
2. Rahu North Node in Adverse motion
3.Karka for Govt. and Judge afflicted in Transit by Ketu. There is no benefic aspect on the Sun
4. Sun nand Saturn in Transit 2/12 axis
5. Moon in the 6/8 axis with the Natal Moon and in the 8th from the natal Moon. In such Conditions the results are expected in multiple of 8 and a negative one . May be with in 8 days, weeks etc.Saturn reaching the 24 degree mark which are the Degrees of his Natal Sun will give the results to him and hence maximum by 10th March 2019
See the chart of the time when the News comes on the 15th Jan. 2019 around the 16-00 hrs.

6.All the Benefic Planets are in the Houses from the 3rd to 8th house for the Defendend Priya Prakash and No Benefic Planets for the Plaintiff Boney

Hence from the above it is evident that this may not bring any Success for Boney it so seems

I dont have the Complete BirthDetails of Boney of Priya But I am trying to evolve this Research Method. If My Predictions fail it may not be taken as a Failure of ASTROLOGY

Now Let us also see the Planetary Positions for Priya Prakash Varrier

See the Chart of 14th Feb. 2018 which was discussed by me in the above reffered Article according to which I had Predicted her victory which proved on dot. I am also comparing the Planetary positions today with the Earlier chart.

As per Today the Solar ingress in Capricorn has brought the Legal Notice.The Planetary positions shows that since Venus was aspected by Mars by 4th aspect and Transit Venus is now over the Mars in Scorpio and reaching the same degrees and Rahu is adverse as was also on the day on the 14th Feb. 2018 She may come out of the Trouble
Also see the Birth details now available of Priya Prakash Varrier as per https://www.quora.com/Who-is-Priya-Prakash-Varrier 12th Sept. 1999 and the Planetary positions today

The Transit Sun and Moon both in 6/8 axis from the Natal Sun and Moon, and for this reason the Court Case . The Transut Mars and Natal Mars are placed well. Rahu over the Natal Rahu and Venus and Rahu in a similair situation as the Prevouius Court Case when Rahu was also adverse . She has a Very strong Rahu. Hence before 23rd Jan or after 28th Jan. 2019 the Court may give a Decision which may not be favourable for Boney from the Planertary positions . In any case if the verdict is also against Priya Prakash it may not influence her much in any respect
I have observed that when a Person starts a work and the Transit Moon is in the 8th from the natal Moon it brings adverse effects . This is the main parameter for analysis along with Adverse Rahu for a good Muhurat.

Written on 16th Jan. 2019 08.00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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