As Predicted Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn and North Node Rahu May Prove Catastrophic In April-June 2017

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Articles on my webpage . Let me elaborate the same.

“Eclipses in 2017 Bane or Boon ” dated 25th Nov.2016 link

“Roman God Saturn Transit In Sagitarius Boon or Bane” Dated 24th Nov. 2016 link

Brutality of ISIS and Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017″ dated  23rd Dec. 2016 link

“Syria: The Civil War Torn Country and Its Fate” dated 20th Dec. 2016 link

“Extended Stay of Venus in Pieces, Tsunami and Earthquakes” dated 2nd March 2017 link

“Journey of Roman God Saturn after 6th April 2017 :Bane or Boon” Dated 9th March 2017 link

“Roman God Stationary For First 11 Days in April 2017 : Bane Or Boon” Dated 30th March 2017 link

“North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, As Trump Prepares to Host China Xi : What Stars Foretell” Dated 5th April 2017 link

“Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War ,What it has up his Sleeves in 2017-2019 ? ” dated 6th April 2017 link

In the Present Context the Planetary Positions are indicating exactly what has been Predicted in the Articles above . Let me in this Article pinpoint the Events in the near Future in April to July 2017 By the Game Plane of  Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn and North Node Rahu.

There are the Following Possibilities

  1. North Korea Nuclear Strike as US Warships Approach.  Fear of Attack By US on North Korea . As Per Article “North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, As Trump Prepares to Host China Xi : What Stars Foretell” Dated 5th April 2017 link and the Present Scenerio  discussed
  2. ISIS Terrorist Activities They may Escalate as Discussed as per the Article “Brutality of ISIS and Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017″ dated  23rd Dec. 2016 link
  3. 2nd Gulf War as Predicted by me As per My article “Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War ,What it has up his Sleeves in 2017-2019 ? ” dated 6th April 2017 link
  4. Stars Foretell Terror Groups Can Spark 26/11 Indias Fury. War ,Earthquakes , Terrorism in Globe  June-Oct 2017 link dated 11th April 2017

Let me Reproduce the Text of the Article “North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, As Trump Prepares to Host China Xi : What Stars Foretell” Dated 5th April 2017 link

As per the Media News above the Meeting Between Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago resort in south Florida on the Thursday and Friday the 6th and the 7th April 2017

Let me Write the Most  Crucial Parameters of the Planets  at the time of the Meetings

  1. Saturn Stationary in Sagitarius in the Nakshatra of Ketu and aspecting Ketu , Saturn will turn Retrograde on the 6th April 2017
  2. Rahu in Forward Motion from the 5th April2017 to 7th April 2017
  3. Mercury becoming Retrograde on the 9th April 2017
  4. Mars ingress in Taurus on the 12th April 2017 Most Crucial

Shastra Says any discussions for any Ventures , Disputes do not fructify Properly and Can be Catastrophic  when Rahu is In Forward Motion and then when Saturn is also Stationary

The Date 12th April 2017 will be most Crucial for the Talks since then Mars will aspect Rahu and Saturn will aspect Ketu  and Again between the 20th to 25th April 2017 Rahu will be in forward motion  Mars will also aspect Saturn till 21st June 2017 when Saturn will become Fallen .

From  the above alone it can be said that the Meeting may not be fructifying , If any Dispute takes place it can take a Greater dimension, Ventures and Contracts may not last long , Situations may be lingering like a hanging Fire. The Aggravation of the Situations will be when Saturn Falls Back in Scorpio from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017  and when Mars activates the Eclipse Point of the Solar Eclipse on the 22nd August 2017 between the 1st to 3rd Sept. 2017

The above indicates that Saturn Transit may not be a good one for the Above Meeting , things may escalate rather then getting solved

I do not forsee a happy meeting between the 2 Giants.

Since Saturn is Becoming Retrograde lot of Efforts will be required to Settle the issues and hence may linger on like hanging fire.

Chart of North Korea as per the Book of World Horoscopes is Below 12th Sept. 1948 12-00 hrs

The Present Dasha the Country is running is Jup-Mars till  7th July 2017 and then Jup-Rahu which can be catastrophic for a Nuke war

In the Natal chart of the Country Transit Saturn has activated the Natal Sun and the Jupiter along with Natal Saturn, the Country will not change its stand easily

Mars is Totally Eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis and is with Ketu is Most Dangerous for the Country Trying More Nuke Tests in the South Sea. The Transit Mars is also activating the Natal Mars  and on the 12th April mars will aspect the Transit Rahu , hence this Period will be full of Aggression by the North Korean President.

Vedic Progression chart By Manu Smiriti Below

Critical Parameters in this chart

1.Lagna Lord in the 8th house and will be activated when Saturn Falls Back in Scorpio in a Most malefic State after 21st June 2017 to 26th Oct. 2017.The effects will be felt from 6th April 2017

2.Mars  will join Taurus Sign on the 12th April and aspect the natal Mars , Sun, and Saturn Natal

3. Saturn and Mars Influencing Moon in this Chart are most Crucial

4.Saturn over the Natal Mars and Sun on the 21st June 2017 as a Fallen Planet will escalate the issues

5.Rahu-Ketu over the Natal Saturn the Lagna Lord will Further Escalate the Issues relating to this Country

Hence from the Above it is clear that the Meeting Between the 2 Giants may not bring any Relief to the Situations . The 2 Giants also may not gel with each other as Expected and Things may linger on . This could result adversely between the 2 Countries as far as the Economic Situation is concerned . North Korea may not mend his ways and therefore meet Sanctions against the Country.

Nut Shell

Trump Aggressive Actions and Acting on N Korea and Syria may Escalate the issues as Rahu is adverse and Saturn Retrograde and Stationary . The Outcome of the Summit will be a difficult and the Issue may remain Hanging , there are more chances of a Negative out come Rather than a Good Mutual Relationship between the 2 Countries , N Korea and Syria may be the Targets of the Near Future . Russia May Intervene for Syria , this may aggravate the Situations in Syria due to US. This may also complicate the situations  Rahu adverse , Saturn Retrograde and Stationary are explosive for the Summit . The Situations may be out of Control till Sept. 2017 and May take Explosive Shape as per My Article “Eclipses in 2017 Bane or Boon”

The above is also indicative of that when Ketu Joins Saturn in Sagitarius  could Prove Most Explosive for the Nations around April-June 2019

Now As Predicted above in all my Articles the Predictions are proving On Dot  Read these lines as written above  as follows

Shastra Says any discussions for any Ventures , Disputes do not fructify Properly and Can be Catastrophic  when Rahu is In Forward Motion and then when Saturn is also Stationary

The Date 12th April 2017 will be most Crucial for the Talks since then Mars will aspect Rahu and Saturn will aspect Ketu  and Again between the 20th to 25th April 2017 Rahu will be in forward motion  Mars will also aspect Saturn till 21st June 2017 when Saturn will become Fallen .

Now Read this “U.S. military drops 22,000-pound bomb on Islamic State forces in Afghanistan” link

Predictions Proving on Dot

“Tensions high, North Korea readies nuclear test: report” link

Let us Now see the Planetary positions what they have up their sleeves in the near future

The Planetary positions in the near future on the 17th to 24th April 2017 and from 15th June 2017 are Explosive . Saturn will be fallen on the 21st June 2017 to 26th Oct. 2017

Let us see the Charts which point out Explosive situations . The Solar ingress chart of North Korea on the 14th April 05-34 hrs. is Below

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and placed in the Yama of Pieces and which is the Lagna of the Solar ingress chart  and Jupiter the Lord is Placed in the 7th house of Wars  and Pieces sign has the 8th Lord Venus who is stationary , Venus is the 8th Lord from the Lagna and also the 8th Lord from Moon since Moon is Placed in the 8th house , hence this Parameter is most crucial and Explosive for N Korea and the the President to take an adverse action and Launch the 6th Missile in the South Sea on the Saturday the 16th April 2017

The Karna Lord is also Venus hence most Explosive . In the Solar ingress chart Sun is Placed in the yama of Saturn the 12th House of the Chaer where Ketu is placed and aspected by Retrograde Saturn from the 10th house which is aspected by Mars from the 3rd house

The Placement of Mars in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th, 9th, 10th house and the 12th Lord Saturn makes a Perfect combination for the Country involved in War mongering Tendencies . In the Foundation chart also Mars is afflicted and Eclipsed in the 12th house . In the Vedic Progression chart also the combinations are activated for War mongering and the Country involved in War like situations  and in aggression

Moon Placement in the 8th house , Lagna Lord aspected by Retrograde Saturn  and Saturn in the Yama of Sun is an Explosive Parameter in the Present Scenerio

Now see the Chart of the 18th April 2017  03-34 hrs. below

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon Placed in the yama of Pieces and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 8th house is the most malefic Component in the chart above .

Just see the Lagna has Ketu  and close to Lagna Degrees  and aspected By Saturn in close degrees from the 11th house

Rahu is aspected by Mars in close degrees , hence the 1/7 axis is afflicted badly

Moon is with Saturn and aspected by Mars , Dispositor of Saturn and Moon is Placed in the 8th house and Saturn also aspects the 8th house making the worst combinations ,

there are perfect combinations for Aggressive stance by North Korea

The Navamsha is no better

From the above it is clear that North Korea may Launch its 6th Missile on Saturday the 15th April 2017 and US may Take some Aggressive action on the 18th April 2017  both the Dates show Explosive results specially on the 18th April to 24th April when Rahu will also be in Forward motion

Now see the Chart of the 15th June 2017 already discussed in my earlier Articles

Let us First see the Solar Ingress Chart of Gemini since  Saturn will fall after this Ingress only. The Solar ingress is taking Place on the 15th June 2017 at 05.33 hrs . below

At the time of the Solar ingress of Sun in Gemini the Lagna is Gemini 1.23 degrees  in the Nakshatra of Mrigshira and Mars , who is also Placed in the Lagna with Sun at very close degrees of the Lagna  and Aspected by Saturn from the Bhadak house at same Degrees

The Most malefic Parameters at the time of the Solar Ingress

  1. Sun 00.00 degrees and Lagna 1.23 Degrees  and at MEP aspected by Retrograde Saturn at 180 degrees from Sun and aspecting Degreewise .
  2. Saturn is in Gandantha and is the 8th and the 9th Lord  and its aspect on the Jupiter is most Malefic aspect  in the 4th house of Virgo
  3. Saturn in the Bhadak house for Dual Lagnas
  4. Jupiter a 7th Lord is aspected by both Mars and Saturn  the 6th and the 8th Lords
  5. Jupiter when afflicted as the 7th Lord for Dual Lagnas is Most Malefic . He is Bhadak, He is Marak and he also has Kendradhipati dosh and since afflicted by Mars and Saturn and Saturn from the Bhadak house and in Gandantha will make Jupiter a First Rate Killer. Jupiter can be compared to an Elephant , when he goes mad has the capability to Ruin the Jungle . In the above Case Jupiter will Ruin the 4th house, as already mentioned above due to the Malefic combinations in the Chart
  6. The Chart has a Bhandan Yoga , Sun in Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house and degree aspect .
  7. Saturn aspects Sun, Mars, Ketu, Moon and Jupiter.
  8. Saturn aspects degree wise Ketu, Moon, Sun from Sagitarius in Gandantha Position
  9. In Navamsha Again all the Planets are afflicted badly Saturn and Mars Return aspect on the 7th house , Sun and Moon in Rahu-Ketu axis and Bhandan yoga again Present in Navamsha  and in Rahu-Ketu axis . Jupiter, Mercury, Venus , Moon and Sun all afflicted .
  10. Rahu will be in Forward motion from the 14th to 18th June 2017 making most Catastrophic Planetary Positions
  11. On the 21st June 2017 at 04-40 hrs. Saturn in Gandantha and as a Fallen Planet will aspect  Rahu, Mercury , Making the worst combinations

See the chart below of 21st June 2017 04-40 hrs

Parameters which acquire a Special Dimension when Saturn the Roman God Falls Back in Scorpio as a Most Malefic and a Venomous Planet and worst then a Snake Bite

1.Saturn In Gandantha .

2.Saturn Before Falling in Scorpio aspects Ketu, Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter , After Falling In Scorpio aspects Rahu, Taurus sign, Capricorn and Leo, It will also aspect Moon after some Hours , Making the Planetary Positions Most Critical, except Venus all the Planets will be aspected the same day by Saturn in Gandantha  . This Parameter is Most Crucial .

3. In Navamsha just before Falling Saturn will aspect Venus in Navamsha

Hence from the above it is crystal clear that the Planetary Positions are similar that of 26th Nov. 2008 and from June 14th 2017 to 22nd June 2017 for the Following Parameters .

1. Terrorism Countries Prone, India, US, UK, Syria, Europe,

2. Earthquakes , Tsunami. Cyclones in Countries already mentioned by me in my Articles and Specially, Indonesia, Japan, India, Australia,  China etc .

3. Draught, Famine

4. Political Tug Of War  India  specially

5. Mass Happenings , Processions, Strikes

6. Untoward Happenings due to Discrimination Relating to Caste and Creed , Hindu-Muslim Fights Pertaining to their Fundamentals and Nationalism

7. Syria War Prone and  Torn Becoming an Arena of War, All Neighboring Countries with Syria similar effects

8. Triggering Tensions Between Countries specially US and North Korea to Explosive dimensions as per Dated discussed in this Article

9. 2nd Gulf war like situations like August 1990

10. Terrorism in India By Terrorist Groups

11.Indo-Pak Relations taking a beatings  and taking explosive shape

12. US-Russia Relations, US-China Relations taking a Beatings

12. Abnormal weather conditions

13. Violence in the Streets.

14. Oil Prices may Surge ,

15. Stock markets may become Volatile and may take a Beatings , specially as per the Dates in June 2017mentioned above

16. Economic Melt Down and Job losses for many  specially those on H1B Visa

The Eclipses in August 2017 will further aggravate the Situations making them worst around the 18th August and 21st August 2017 and then from the 1st to 5th Sept. 2017

The Chart of US also Shows aggression as already discussed in my Articles and Dasha of Mars -Venus both show War mongering Activities  and US  I mean Donald Trump will not leave any Stone unturned  for his success against North Korea Nuke advancement  and war against ISIS, there will be more attempts BY US to attack the Hideouts of ISIS

Hence from the above it is obvious that the Present and the near fiture for the globe is not a Good One and Tensions between Countries will escalate and take an Explosive situation, specially between US and North Korea and Gulf Countries and Role of ISIS

Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn and North Node Rahu it seems are going to play a Catastrophic Role till the Solar Eclipse effects till Oct. 2017 and may further Escalate when Ketu Joins Saturn in Sagitarius in April-June 2019

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

14th April 2017  08-20 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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