As Predicted 11th to 15th August Prone To Retaliations :Restrictions Reimposed In Srinagar, Cops Ask People To Go Home Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1009 Articles and Predictions in just 53 months from April 2015
Planetary Positions are most Venomous from the 11th to 15th August in the immediate present and Govt. Preventive action may ease the Situations in the present

Read my Articles on the Jammu & Kashmir written recently below for the Current situations
1. “Red Planet Mars Of War Joins Leo Fiery Sign What It has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Read this in this Article ” NUT SHELL
Inspite of the Venomous Planetary position there is not much affliction to the Taurus-Scorpio axis and Cancer Capricorn Axis hence the War Can only take place when Saturn Mars and Jupiter join in Capricorn after 30th March 2020, In the immediate present and Future there may be Boarder clashes and Terrorism with Magnitude after 10th August and more from 11th to 15th August since Rahu is also adverse during this Period
2. “Scrapping Article 370 Mars At Debilitation Point In 7th House Of Wars What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Now Let us see the Planetary Position at the time when the Article 370 was scrapped and passed in the Loksabha on the 5th August 2019 around 19-00 hrs

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the yama of Scorpio the Debilitation sign of Moon and the yama lord is placed in the 7th house of Wars in Depression and almost at debilitation point at 27.50 degrees, this point is the 7th house of the Natal chart of the Jammu and Kashmir where Saturn the Lagna Lord is placed at 28 degrees. This Parameter is most malefic for the time when the Article was scrapped and will be strongly opposed by the opponents and war like conditions may be on the cards. In the Foundation chart of India it is the 3rd House of Wars where Sun is Placed at 27.59 degres . This Parameter also suggests Boarder issues in the immediate future
The Parameters which acquire an important dimension are as follows
1. Lagna Capricorn Malefic at the time of Scrapping the Bill and is Adhomukh and Prishtodayo and aspected by Planet in Depression most malefic parameter.
2. Moon as mentioned is in Depression in the yama chart and the Yama Lord is also In depression at Debilitation degrees in the 7th house of wars with 3 more planets and the 10th Lord Venus is Combusted
3. Bhav Bala of the Lagna Capricorn is 363 and Cancer the 7th house is 427
4. Lagna Lord is placed in the 12th house in Retrogression and with Ketu is weaker then Moon the 7th Lord. Hence it is obvious that the 7th house is stronger than the Lagna and there will be strong opposition by the neighboring Countries since this Combination in the 7th house is being aspected by Jupiter the 12th and the 3rd Lord from the 11th house the house from where the amendments are made in the contitution.
5. Mars in Debilitation in the 7th house is connected to Mercury the 6th Lord , Jupiter the 12th and the 3rd Lord make its perfect combination for war like conditions . The Malefic in the 7th house will give strength to the opponents and aspect of benefic is good on the 7th house since there are also benefics in the 7th house . The Lagna has no malefic and no Benefic is aspecting the Lagna .
6. 3 Planets acquire major dimension 8th Lord Sun at the MEP of the Lagna in the 7th house , Mercury who has just changed sign and is the Lord of the 3rd and the 9th house and Mars which is about to change and go in the sign Leo sign and the 8th house and then will aspect the 3rd house with strong 8th aspect.Then the 7th house will also be in Paap Kartari yoga
7. The Time at which the Article was scrapped is also Din Ratri Sandhi since the Sun set is at 19-05 degrees
8 Mars at Gandantha points till 11th August 2019
9. Karna Lord is Mars and In Depression again Malefic Parameter more so the Karna Lord in the fortnight is also Malefic Kimstughana
10. DBA Planets Moon-Ven-Ven and Venus is the 10th Lord is good but totally combusted is a weak parameter
11. Navamsha is of Gemini which is the 6th house of the Chart and has just changed sign from the 6th to the 7th house and is in first Navamsha and in Astrology Mercury takes 2 Months to give results hence Next 2 Months become critical for any retaliation from the neighboring countries
Mercury is 0.50 Degrees and 320 Minutes = 60 days therefore 50 minutes = 15 days Hence from 20th August to 5th Oct. 2019 Critical time for any Retaliation from the Neighboring Countries
Now See the Govt . action “Restrictions Reimposed In Srinagar, Cops Ask People To Go Home: Sources” on the 11th August the Date which has been pointed out as per the Mars Transit in Leo and Venomous one

Now Read this “Restrictions Reimposed In Srinagar, Cops Ask People To Go Home: Sources”
New Delhi/Srinagar: Prohibitory orders banning large gatherings was re-imposed in Srinagar today, a day after the government said sporadic clashes took place in the city after the restrictions were relaxed yesterday.
Sources said police vehicles were seen making announcements on loudspeakers asking people to return to their homes, and shopkeepers have been told to shut their shops.
On Saturday, a Home Ministry spokesperson said there have been “stray protests” in Srinagar and Baramulla, none of which involved a crowd of more than 20 people.
Asked about Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s claims that huge protests have taken place in the state, police chief Dilbagh Singh said there has been no untoward incident “barring minor stone-pelting which was dealt with on the spot”.

Govt. Total Security may bring some relief it so seems and right act by the Govt.
Astrology guides us and if we take Preventive measures lot of our Problems can be solved to quite an extent my experience

Date 11th August 2019 15-10 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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