As Per Myur Chitram Mundane Classic Concentration Of 6 Planets In Capricorn Parallel 5th Feb.1962 7 Planets Classical Combination For War And Mass Happenings Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1426 Articles and Predictions in just 65 months from April 2015

This is with Reference to My Articles written on my webpage below for the Venomous Planetary positions  starting from the 25th Sept. 2020 and more so after the Jupiter ingress in the sign Capricorn on the 20th Nov. 2020 and Planetary war Between Saturn and Jupiter on the 16th Dec. 2020 ( As per Matsaya Purana Classic Combination for Wars, Virus, Earthquakes and Famine) and then on the 12th Feb 2021  when there will be Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus (As per Mundane Classic Myur Chitram Classical Combination for Bloodshed ). These Classic were written many years ago and these combination have a long Lasting for decades for the complete world. We have also seen the Concentration of the Planets in the sign Sagittarius on the 26th Dec. 2019 and the whole world is suffering on account of the same  and there may not be early relief from the Coronavirus as I have already Predicted

1.”Astrologer Anil Aggarwala Speaks On Planetary Positions From 25th Sept 2020 -12th Feb 2020 Most Enigmatic

This article was written on the 23rd Sept. 2020

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala Speaks On Planetary Positions From 25th Sept 2020 -12th Feb 2020 Most Enigmatic

2.”Red Planet Mars In Aries-Pisces Till 21st Feb 2021 Bolt From The Blue For Brawl Specially For US- Iran, US- China Indo-China Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Red Planet Mars In Aries-Pisces Till 21st Feb 2021 Bolt From The Blue For Brawl Specially For US- Iran, US- China Indo-China Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


3.”Conjunction Of Jupiter & Saturn From 20th Nov.-5th April 2021 Turning Point For Nations Specially India China & US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Conjunction Of Jupiter & Saturn From 20th Nov.-5th April 2021 Turning Point For Nations Specially India China & US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4.”Will We Have War With China ? Affliction To Taurus-Scorpio Axis By Nodes & Saturn In Capricorn Prone To War Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Will We Have War With China ? Affliction To Taurus-Scorpio Axis By Nodes & Saturn In Capricorn Prone To War Astrologer Anil Aggarwala



2020 has been most  turbulent for the whole world till now and will continue till the end of the Year.  Some Unique Planetary combination on the 12th Feb. 2021 as I have been mentioning in all my Articles and Videos  for the past few months  . The 6 Planets in the sign Capricorn in the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb. 2021  are parallel to the 7 Planetary Positions in Capricorn on the 5th Feb 1962  Have a look at the charts below
5th Feb 1962  Lunation chart of the 03-58 hrs
We all know the out come on the 20th Oct 1962 . We had war with China . In the chart above we have 7 Planets in the sign Capricorn and also Ketu in this sign. As I have been mentioning that the Cancer-Capricorn Axis affliction is most Prone to War like situations for India since the Sign Capricorn has been allotted to India By Varahamihra
Have a Look at the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb 2021 at 00.35 hrs
Saturn is also on the completion of the 60 Year cycle from the  5th Feb 1962 when the combination of 7 Planets took place in the sign Capricorn. Saturn will also be in the same navamsha  Have a Look in both cases in Aries Navamsha 

The Planetary war in the sign Capricorn between Jupiter and Venus is classical Combination for Bloodshed as per the Classic Myur Chitram

In the Year Feb 1962 United States  and Soviet Russia  Cuban Missile Crisis. The fear of war divided the world in to two groups. Situation remained for decades and Cold war between the Countries

In Sept 1979 5 planets in the sign Leo created Turmoil in the Muslim world from the Islamic revolution of Iran, leading to Terrorism

Hence from the above we come to the conclusion that these Planetary combinations are most enigmatic in the lunation chart of the 12th Feb 2021  leading to Mass movements War like situations in the complete world and Bloodshed as mentioned above

I have already Predicted about China  that it may enter the worst situations after this transit since it is running the Dasha of Mer-Mer and is most afflicted in the 9th house with Ketu the Avyogi Planet which can bring about  Fall in the Stoocka and the Financial Markets . Pakistan will be no better  May 2022 Year will be the worst Year for China when Dasha of Mercury -Ketu Stars—— Note these Predictions. It may also be divided in 5 Parts  then and the Venomous situations may start after this Lunation chart  and the Conjunction of 6 Planets over the Natal Ascendant and the Moon in the case of China

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
24th Sept. 2020 11.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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