Are You Struggling In Career Or Business ? We Give Consolidated Predictions By 7 Modules Using Tamil Classics

by astrodocanil

“Are You Struggling In Career Or Business ? We Give Consolidated Predictions By 7 Modules Using Tamil Classics”

We also Provide Natural Remedies no stones  but just communication with nature helps in solving your problems  along with other Remedies .

99.99% Astrologers use only one module  and use only Parashar Techniques and use only Birth chart to give Predictions.  They also suggest use of stones and Puja pad and give reasons when Predictions fails  due to following reasons. I am the only Astrologer of the world who used 7 Modules and Techniques to answer a query and predict the time frame when the person will be out of the pain and agony  and struggle and when will be as good time to try for Job or Business.

  1. You are running the Sadesati.
  2. You have Ashtam Shani.
  3. You have Kal Sarpa Yoga.
  4. We use the Following methods as mentioned below.

I have devised a 7 Modules system to give a consolidated Report with Natural Remedies . I Also Do Ashtamangla Prashna the Most reliable technique which is not used by any Astrologer in the North India. Birth chart is like having a Passport Visa and Ticket whether the Flight will be available or not it cannot tell since it is a static Chart . Hence Dynamic Charts are to be generated to see if the Flight is available. I am sorry no Astrologer uses these Techniques . Using  Transit of Jupiter and Saturn which is not a complete analysis.99.999 % ASTROLOGERS FOLLOW ONLY BIRTH CHART. WE USE THE FOLLOWING ADVANCED MODULES AND TECHNIQUES

The 7 Modules used

  1. Miscellanous Methods including Shakun and omens total 10 parameters like direction, Color of clothes, Breath, Arudha Navamsha chakra, Lagna Chakra, Kaal Chakra, Beteel Leaves Number 
  2. Ashtamangla Prashna between 111-888
  3. Prashna Chart at the time of Query
  4. Prashna By South Indian Methods
  5. Birth chart
  6. Declination chart

 7.Arudhyam Analysis & DPYH Charts


First and Foremost is to try to communicate with nature. For anything in life, nature always guides us, it is we who ignore it, but mind you the poorva janma karma also dictate our life. We  also give Natural Remedies

Information Needed For Professional Consultation through above 7 Modules

1.D.O.B Place of birth, Time of Birth .

  1. Direction  Facing is Most Important.  Sun rises from the East, See your Compass and tell me which direction you are facing when talking to an Astrologer.
  2. Query should be asked with Pious Mind and the one Bothering you most. The Query should be put in one line in Inverted comas.
  3. Number between 1- 108
  4. Number of Betel Leaves as per Tambula Prashna from any number between 1-12
  5. Any Number Between 1-27  for Missing Persons Query only
  6. Ashtamangla Number 3 digit number between 111 to 888 not using 9 and zero. And total of the number should be 12

Choice 1 any number as per above  from the following numbers but you should not take time.


Choice 2  from the following numbers  select one number


8.Colour of Clothes worn by the Querist at the Time of Query

  1. Body parts touched by the querist
  2. Breath from Which Nostril stronger left or right
  3. Which Leg is stronger or ahead
  4. Draw a Square and Point out the directions 1,2,3, 4 by arrows

13.. Any Omens and Shakuns(Happenings) at the time of Query Around you. Please write what ever is happening

  1. Arudha Navamsha Chakra select the Bigger square and the Number in it

  1. Please select one out of outer 12 Squares in the above diagram and the number in it preferably touch with Gold ring is most important

16..Please also mention what is your  activity at the time of Putting the Query by mail or Phone.


1.Garbshishta Planets. The sole planets which decide our promise and fructification of the events.

2. Bhavat Bhavam.

3.MCL of the 10th house  for Career and Business the juice of the Profession.

4.Dashmarudh   10P DA

5.Vivasahayarudh   VA


7.D6 of D10 Divisional Chart.

8.Varga Charts for Dasha e.g. Saturn Dasha D19  for  Saturn-Mercury Dasha  D17 of D19

9. Bodhkan, Vedhkan, Pashkan and Karkan Planets to analyse the Dasha Results.

10. D3 and D11 Varga Charts

11. Mathematical Navamsha .

12. Vedic Progression Charts By Manu Smriti Called DPYH Charts

No Software gives all these Parameters and all have to be calculated .

All the above is Advanced Astrology not known to the Astrologers

Professional Fee will be according to the Query as below.

Rs 11100/- by Prashna and Birth chart for one query using the 7 modules  or General Analysis of the Horoscope

 Rs 7100/- Single Module  By Birth chart one question

Rs 9100/- By Birth Chart  General Analysis alone

 Rs. 7100/- By Prashna Alone one question.

Rs 2100/- for Questions Answer In Yes or No for any one Question

Rs 7100/– for Questions Pertaining to  Stock Market in Yes or No . The Question should be straight and simple 

Profession fee  for Career and Finances and Stock Market Suitable or Not Rs 13100/-

Only Career and Finance Rs 13100/-

Stock Market Compatability and Career Analysis with Finance Rs 17100/-

General Predictions from the Horoscope Rs 13100/- with one specific Question

Predictions for Nifty or BSE Separately  for Day to day or weekly or Monthly Predictions

 Please discuss on phone the best way to answer the queries and the Profession Fee

My Mobile Numbers below

+918527884764    +919810038903 both on whatapp


 Date 15-5-2024 07-00 hrs New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch Year 1971


Worked in Multinational Companies like Escorts Ltd Fbd. Motor Cycle Division as Divisional Manager

Worked In Joint Venture with Maruti Udyog Haryana Gurgaon as Deputy General Manager till 1987.

Then Started Own Consultancy Business  For Engineering Project from 1987 to 2007

Did Jyotish Acharaya Course 3 Times from 2007 to 2012 including Research in Astrology

Total Teaching and Training in Astrology for 8 years under the guidance of Shri K N Rao.

Started My Webpage from the March 2015. Till 2007 from 2002 I was doing Astrology as a hobby

My Expertise  on Natal Charts for any Query, and as above mentioned 7 Modules and Techniques

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi year 2012


Acharaya Anil Aggarwala BSc . Engg.P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi

Date 15th May 2024 

My webpages

Written more then 3000 predictions and all 95-96 % Proved spot on  No Post mortem like other Astrologers . More then 700 Videos on the YouTube

Google  astrologer anil aggarwala – Google Search

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala | Facebook

Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 670 You-Tube videos and 95-96% results. No Post-Mortem



Disclaimer Clause applicable as mentioned on my webpage. Please read  on the website.


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