Analysis Of 6th July Lunation Chart By South Indian Techniques Jamakkol Arudam

by astrodocanil

“Analysis Of 6th July Lunation Chart By South Indian Techniques Jamakkol Arudam”

South Indian techniques give amazing results for any query and used in the south India. Let us see the Lunation chart of the 6th July 2024 at 04:27:14 hrs New Delhi below

The Udhayam is Taurus and Venus approaching the Udhayam  is very good.

From Udhayam the  9th and the 10th Lord is Saturn and is Debilitated is extremely bad for Religion and Communal Riots. It is also bad for the Prime Minister.

Arudhyam is Virgo and the Planet approaching is Mars  who is the 7th and the 12th Lord and placed in the 6th house hence Espionage from Foreign Elements.

The Arudham Lord is Mercury and towards Rahu-Time is very bad .

Kavippu  in 8th house Sagittarius and approaching Sun  the King is very bad.

Planets towards  Kuligan is Venus the Udhayam is not good.

Hence from the above it is clear that the Fortnight from the 6th July will be full of Troubles for the Govt.

Students will Protest for the Cancellation of the  NEET Examinations.

Using the Transit Planets is also not good . Jupiter 8th Lord from Taurus very close to Udhayam degrees . Mars Placed in the 12th house from Udhayam in Transit and has aspects by Retrograde Saturn degree -wise where Saturn Jama Planet is Placed  in Aries over the Transit Mars is the most explosive parameter in this Fortnight . Difficult situations for the King and the Prime Minister. Communal Riots , Strikes by Students and Terrorism are on the Cards.  Big Earthquakes are not ruled out.  Natural Calamities. It can also influence the  Stock Markets .

Till 13-1-2025 the Things will be very bad for the above predictions.

In a Nut shell Using all the Techniques  for the 6th July 2024 seem to be explosive as per on my webpage below

Will The On Going Planetary Positions & Brawl Between Nations Break Out Into World War 3 ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Mars Transit In Aries 24 degrees & Lunation Chart Of 6th July What It Foretells ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

22nd June 2024 11:00 Am New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya Anil Aggarwala

Will The On Going Planetary Positions & Brawl Between Nations Break Out Into World War 3 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala 

BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch Diploma In Marketing Management FMS Jyotish Acharaya 3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao

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Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi

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