Analysing Planets in Mrityu Bhag and Pushkar Navamsha

by astrodocanil

A small note for astrology lovers and learners of Astrology

Mrityu Bhag

Planets in Mrityu Bhag is a  Vital Parameter and if not analysed properly can lead to wrong Predictions . The Fateful degrees of Planets in different sign called Mrityu Bhag  are considered  Inauspicious.

While analyzing the planets in mrityu bhag one must give importance to the following Parameters

1.The Ascension of the Signs Must be Kept in Mind

2. Saptsalaka Chakra must be drawn for the 28 Nakshatras including the abhijet nakshatra  and the Planets plotted in the chakra to see if there is any veda to the Planets in Mrityu Bhag By  Planets in Amrit bhag or in Exhaltation then the Effect of the Planets in Mrityu Bhag is Nullified.

3. Planets in Long ascension harm Prestige, honour,and no physical damage

4. Planets in Short Ascension negative for longevity  further suggestions according to  they are Shisshodayo or Prishtodayo signs

5. Sun, Rahu, Moon in Amrit Bhag extraordinary Strong.


Short Assension           1                   6                  7                        12

Medium                         2                  5                  8                         11

Long Assension             3                   4                  9                        10


Mercury in Mrityu Bhag Murderer

Trust Friendship is 2nd House

Mercury in 2nd House In MB Break of Trust


Mercury in 8th House in MB Akaal mrityu

Long ascension Planet in MB  Fall of Prestige , Honour, No Physical Damage

Short Assension the Physical Harm, Bad for Longevity

Moon in Ardra Nakshatra , MB Decision making very Low

Moon has 150 Characters and 86to96 amsha Controlled by Moon



Table for Amrit Bhag, Amrit Ghati, Visha Ghati, Mrityu Ghati   are available in most of the Astrology Books

Pushkar Navamsha


Planets in Rashis,

4,8,12——1st and 3rdNavamsha

2,6,10—— 3rd and 5thnavamsha

 1,5,9 in  7th and 9thnavamsha

3,7,11—— 6th and 8thnavamsha

Pushkarnavamsha are in Venus, Jupiter, Moon and Mercury Nector giving planets

Any planet in Pushkar Navamsha will give auspicious results , even though he may be 8th Lord or ChidraGraha. Planets in AmritBhag are also very auspicious.


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

27th Oct. 2016 08-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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