Analysing Disease By Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to Analyse a Query pertaining to Disease by Prashna Jyotish using Tamil Texts

The Query is on the 18th August 2016 19-10 hrs New Delhi . The Chart is Below.

18th Aug

1.Prashna Triangle (My Research) The Planet influencing the Query is Sun and Sun aspects the Lagna and the 6th Lord in the Lagna closely .

2.Pancha Pakshi Birth Bird is Vulture  Walk and fine tuning  Average  =0.60.

3.Nakshatra  Dhanistha Andha  The Disease May be cured in 3 days with difficulty See Eastern Direction.

4.Direction Faced by Querist Facing Northeast  on Thursday , Jupiter as per Naisargik Chakra and and asper Tatlika Chakra  Moom Hence Moon-Jup Very Favourable Position indeed  for the Query for Recovery.

5.Clothes Worn By the Querist White Shirt with Blue Lines and Blue Bottom, White is Top hence upper portion of the Body influenced by Moon who is the 6th Lord , Blue Is Saturn hence the Lagna is of Saturn and Moon in it.

In the Prashna relating to Disease the Lagna represents every thing concerning the Doctor , Since Ketu is Placed in the Lagna with 6th Lord Moon , the Diagnosis of the Doctor may not be correct. The Karka for Disease Ketu and 6th Lord Moon  Placement in the Lagna is not good

4th house is Treatment , includes medicine , indicating Disease is acute or Complicated one , since aspected by Malefics disease is complicated one . The 4th Lord is Placed in the 7th house and Both Venus and Rahu are in Amrit bhaga  if good for recovery , more so Venus aspects the Moon in the Lagna .

7th house  Disease indicated by this house , since 7th house has benefics and Malefics Mixed results . Benefics in this house indicate cure . Venus and Rahu in Amrit Bhaga are good for Recovery. Sun close to Lagna degrees and aspecting Moon in Lagna the 6th Lord indicates disease related to Sun, Heat, Demenshia

10th house  House of the Patient  and his behaviour and the Will Power, since strong Mars is placed here the Patient will have good will power , but Saturn Placement is not good . The will power is the single factor which will be instrumental  and make a lot of difference in the cure of the Patient . 10th Lord is strong indicating the Querist will come out of the Disease

Panchang of the Day

Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter Placed in the 8th house in Friendly sign is Good for the Cure of the Disease, more so the Day Lord is Benefic  , it is in Initial degrees and Close to the MEP of Lagna , hence good , although in Dead Avastha , But Placement will save the Querist slowly

Tithi KP-1

Nakshatra is Dhanistha 24 Number  and the Lord is Mars Placed in the 10th house represents the Querist and is strong.

Karna  Balava and the Lord is Moon and the 6th Lord and Placed in Lagna will give disease.

Yoga Shoban  Lord is Sun placed in the 7th house aspecting the Lagna closely , it is a Malefic Yoga , Sun is Influencing the 6th Lord Moon and Ketu

Hora Moon  and Var Jupiter hence Disease will be cured and not Death afflicting.

Yama chart The Day Lord is Placed in the Yama of Scorpio who is Placed in the 10th house and in own sign with Lagna Lord , Hence the Querist will be Cured but since affliction the Patient may not cooperate fully .

In the Queries Of Disease the Lagna is signified by the Doctor , since there is Malefic Ketu in the Lagna the Doctor may not be able to Diagnose the Disease Properly

6th house talks about sickness and the 6th Lord Moon in the Lagna in a Fixed sign but towards the Movable portion along with Lagna , Has Ketu also at 18 degrees and away from Moon and Lagna MEP

6th Lord Moon is closely aspected by Sun degreewise  and Sun is also the Yoga Lord of Shobha  a malefic Yoga Lord indicating a Disease pertaining to Sun Significations

8th House Talks about Death, since the Day Lord Jupiter is Placed in a Benefic Rashi the Cure will take place slowly.

Moon and Rahu not good for Cure

UdayLagna  is Shirshodayo  and Arudha Lagna  is also Shirshodayo Leo sign   and Moon and Ketu in Shirshodayo Sign is not bad for cure since Ubodayo Planets , Arudha Lagna has both Malefic and Benefic Planets  and Rahu and Venus in amrit Bhag are good for Cure . Chaitra Rashi is Libra , Uday, Lagna , Arudha Lagna and Chaitra rashi are Placed well from each other hence Recovery  and Chaitra rashi is Movable is good and a Benefic one , Lord of Chaitra Rashi is in Arudha Lagna and also in Amrit Bhag is good and aspects the Uday Lagna also , Lord od Uday Lagna is Vargottam and in Shirshodatyo sign  and Lord of Arudha Lagna Placed in Arudha Lagna itself , hence suggest recovery ., But since Sun is in Kendra the Kendras are adhomukh and hence will take time for recovery

Since the Lagna is in the 1st Dreshkanne the disease is in from Head to Neck, Now Aries sign is not afflicted hence The disease is in Taurus sign since afflicted by Mars and Saturn  and Taurus is Face, In the Yama chart Moon the 6th Lord is also Placed in the sign of Taurus , hence Disease on the Face

Since Mercury is the 8th Lord and also the Gulika Lord going in the 8th house the disease may escalate after 19th August 2016 but will be cured slowly ., Since the 6th Lord is Placed in the Lagna the Disease is in the Face , Now the closest Planet aspecting the Lagna and the Moon is Sun

Now Lagna is afflicted by Ketu , Mars  and Mars is also Conjunct with Lagna Lord Saturn hence the disease is also Pertaining to Mars  and Virul Fever . Lagna Lord is Vargottam placed in the 10th house to give strength to fight the disease

6th House has no Planet and no Planet aspects the house  , 6th house is not stronger than 8th House .

The Closest Planet influencing the Lagna and Moon the 6th Lord is Sun and Sun ingressed in Leo on the 16th August 2016 at 18.40 hrs  hence the disease has come when Sun ingressed in the 7th house from the 6th house and now influencing the 6th Lord and Lagna in close degrees as stated above .

Planets Influencing the 6th house and 6th Lord are as follows

6th house is aspected by Dhoom by 8th aspect hence  Odema

Sun aspects the 6th Lord  Demanshia, Heat

Mars aspects the 6th Lord  Virul Fever

Lagna is not in Dwadamsha of Sun and Malefics are not in the 6th and the 8th house  and Benefic Jupiter in the 8th house recovery will be there and more so, since  in the initial degrees hence will take  care of the Disease , the Sign is also a Benefic one in the 8th house , hence recovery .

6th Lord is in the Avastha of Infant hence the Disease will be in Infant avastha  and grow with time

The Arudha Rashi Leo is not falling in the Debilitation sign of the Day Lord Jupiter , hence no fear of Death Ocuring .

As Per the chart the Arudha Sign is Leo   the Querist will have Troubles in the Stomatch, Eye , Spittual Affliction  and diseases caused due to extreme heat ,

Arudha Sign is Leo and Has Rahu and Sun , hence there will be wounds and itches and heat , Saturn is also aspecting the Sign Leo

Since Arudha Lagna is holding 8th Lord Mercury   and in Mrityu avastha the Disease will be bad one . The Lagna Lord is stronger than the 8th and the 6th Lord hence disease will be cured  

The Lagna , Navamsha Lagna are not holding the Gulika hence the Querist is safe

Since the query is for Jeeva the Lagna is Fixed and Odd the Jeeva Query has to be in the 3rd Navamsha hence the time is 19-08 hrs 

There are 4 factors for Disease  The Arudha Rashi  Arudha Navamsha , Lagna ,Navamsha Lagna , if one of these is afflicted then Disease must be predicted and if 3 are afflicted then Death May occur

Here the Rashi or Navamsha Position of Gulika should coincide with the above 4 factors

Here Gulika is not in Arudha Lagna

Arudha Lagna is not afflicted

Lagna does not have Gulika

Navamsha Lagna does not have Gulika , hence the Querist is safe

Determination of the Length of the Disease

The Parameters  considered in determining the Length of the Disease are as follows.

Lagna  , 8th house., Moon

Lagna Lord is Vargottam and in the Kendra is strong

8th house is having  a Benefic and 8th Lord is about to join the 8th house the next day at 17. 11 hrs ., but in the Kendra is not good hence till it is there in the Kendra will give Problems Skin Related

Moon  is considered to be weak when in the 6,8th or the 12th house , Moon is Placed in the Lagna aspected by Benefics and with Ketu and aspected by Mars, Hence Mixed Results

Combination of Diseases

Saturn in the 10th House signifies troubles from Pisachas

Sun is Not weak in the Prashna Chart

Since the Lagna is in the first Dreshkanne the Disease is above the Neck

Since the Lagna is in First Dreshkanne the disease is in the Head  specially aspected by Mars  and Right side since the Unexpired Portion is long  and is ruled by Right Hand side and hence the disease is in the Head and the Right hand side

Beginning of the Disease

The Sickness would have commenced on the Day  ruled by the Nakshatra arrived at by Counting from the Moon Nakshatra to the Lagna Nakshatra

Here in the Chart he Lagna Nakshatra and the Lagna Nakshatra are the same  hence when Moon Transitted in this Nakshatra on the 18th August 2016  at 00.17 hrs  as per the Kundali below

Direction of the Beginning of the Disease

The Query was Put when the Querist was facing North Direction , counting from the Yama it is the Pieces sign and it is the 8th Yama hence 24 hours Before the Disease has occurred hence 17th August Evening

According to the Expired portion of the 6th Lord in a Rashi , if the Longitude of this Planet is less than half Rashi   then the Person will suffer for a long time , if it has crossed more than half then he would have passed the worst , Hence the Disease here may linger for a more Period, since Moon it will give issues fast

When will the illness subside

When Moon enters the Lagna , he is already there

, Navamsha Rashi is Sagitarius  will take time  approx. 3 weeks

Dwadamsha Rashi is Aries  . Moon will reach this sign on the 23rd August 2016

Rashi Occupied by Gulika on the 27th August 2016

As Per the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord Ithasla being in 10th house in Kendra and fixed sign the Timing works out to Months

Asper the Stanza 15 Of The Tamil Texts  When Moon, Sun, Jupiter  transitted the sign Leo where Malefic Rahu is Placed  the disease Sprouted hence after Sun Ingress in Leo on the 16th August evening hrs. When ever these Planets enter the Rashi occupied by the Most Favourable Planet Jupiter  the Disease will subside hence after 19th August Mercury will enter Virgo, then Venus on the 25th August and Sun on the 16th Sept. 2016 , Hence disease will be cured then.

Since the disease occurred in the Nakshatra of Dhinstha  the Recovery will take place in 15 days as per Nakshatra allocation of the Time Period

The Janma Nakshatra is P Bhadra Pad in the 1st Pada of P Bhadra Pad  and the Prashna Nakshatra of Moon is in the 4th Pada of Dhanistha , till 1st Parda of Shatbisha it is Favourable and 8th Tara and fully Benefic Hence the Cure will take place in multiple of 8 days days.

From the Nakshatra of Sun  . Since Sun is Placed in Magha at the time of Prashna  the following Constellations will give early Relief

Anuradha , Moola, Dhanistha, P Bhadra , Bharini and Rohini .

In the Present Context the Native had Put a Query when Moon was in Dhanistha Nakshatra hence the native will recover early

Full Moon in Lagna and aspected by Venus  recovery can be predicted.

From the above the Native is suffering from Excessive heat  and Skin Trouble on the Face with wounds and itches , The recovery will take place with in 24 days and after the Benefic Planets join the 8th house and asper the Transit of Moon in the Various houses

The Prediction falls almost 100 % . The native developed Skin Trouble on the right hand side of the Face after 16th August  with Itching . The Disease is in the initial stage and will take 15 days for Full recovery

The Doctor was not confident of the Disease when the Querist went to the Doctor  and had some apprehensions for a Bad disease Herpes but not confirmed . Luckily the Querist is well and recovering slowly, through the skin trouble may sprout with in few days , since Moon is in the initial degrees .Till Moon Transit the Lagna the disease may take a grave shape and after 20th August the Recovery may be there slowly.

In this case the Querist was me and I resorted to taking the medicines even before the Doctors confirmed the disease and hence the cure was initiated early. I also used my little knowledge of Medical Astrology and since my Venus is strong the Probelms may not be acute one and the disease may not influence the eye


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

19th August 2016  14.30 hrs. New Delhi 



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