“An Interesting Calculation For Day of Birth for Caesarean” Proves On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

This Article was Published in the Astrology Magzine “Star Teller”  in the September 2014 edition.

Mars is the Planet for Surgery and Connection to the 6th and the 8th house along with Connection with Moon placed in the 7th house from Arudha Gives The Day of Caesarean keeping in mind the Child Birth 9 months and 9 days

An Interesting Episode for Child Birth day calculation For Caesarean Birth Of a Child

Here I am going to discuss some interesting case for child birth of a native on the family way known to me . As  far as the birth details are concerned , I only know her day and place of birth and the Time of birth is not known. I also donot want to disclose the day of birth for obvious reasons. Good astrologers can find out the day of birth

from the planetary positions. The Doctors had given the delivery date  early  3rd week of Dec. 2013, they wanted to go with a caesarean C- section delivery in the early 2nd week of Dec. 2013 as suggested by their Religious Guru.

Now see the Date of delivery calculated by me on the Following factors first from the Mothers horoscope and then in Transit chart which will be freezed as the Chart of the new born baby.

1. The Native had gone Abroad in Rahu-Mercury dasha  and holds a strong  Contract for her career. 10th lord Exhalted and placed  in Uttra shadha nak. in the 12th house . For the above Sun has to have relation with 10th house/Lord and preferably in Rahu-Ketu axis for a contract career with the Govt. or a company of Repute.

2. Affliction to the 4th house , Dispositor of  Rahu is placed in the 11th house and aspected by Exhalted Saturn from the 9th house , Saturn is also the 12th lord . Ketu is with 7th Lord Sun and its dispositor is Exhalted and placed in the 12th house . Mercury is the 5th and the 8th lord and with Ketu and Sun.

3. Combination for staying abroad  as explained above   . The Native was abroad till Rahu-Venus for short period ,12th lord in movable sign and connection to the 9th and 3rd houses , Rahu, Venus dasha brings transformation and since yogkakka and placed in the 11th house  and combinations explained brought her back to India.

4. For Caesarean C- section   Mars has to connect the 6th and 8th house in transit and Moon to the 5th H/L, Jupiter . Mars has to be Shooksham Dasha Lord and Moon has to activate the respective house for Child Birth with in 72 hours.  Saturn and Jupiter Dual Transit should first activate the house of conception for females the 9th house/lord and then the 5th house /lord for delivery.

5. Dasha of Planets for conception 9H/9L and Delivery 5th H/L/Jupiter/ Navmarudh.

6. For reasons best known I am not disclosing the Date of  Birth.

7. MD/AD/PD to connect the Respective houses, Shooksham dasha Lord to be Mars  since Caesarean C- section  . and connected to the 6th H/L and 8th H/L.

8. The mother  was running the dasha of Rahu-Sun-Jup  as per the date of Birth, but the exact period cannot be known till you connect the happenings and exact time of birth is known  Now See the Chart of the Mother made by me.of 19th Nov. 1984 with Aquarius Lagna.Puja

I first made the  Tentative chart  on the 1st Dec. 2013 for the  Transit to see the possibilities of Ceasearen Baby after the   1st Dec. 2013, since I talked to the aquantance on the 1st Dec. 2013.Mars placed in the sign of Virgo in the 8th house but not connected to the 6th house or the 6th Lord Moon in transit, hence to satisfy the Combination for the C -Section  Mars the significator has to be connected to the 6th and the 8th house/Lord. . I found the first Possibility to be on the 4th December 2013 satisfying the combinations as explained above. See the chart of Transit below.Sera

1. Mars in transit for Aquarius Lagna is making a relation with 6th lord Moon by 4th aspect in the above chart. I took the chart of Aquarius lagna since the Parameters known to me for the mother satisfied me .

2. The next and second possibility will be on the 11th Dec. 2013 when Mars will make connection with Moon for this chart  when Moon will be in Pieces in Revati nak. since then Mars will aspect Moon who will be in Mercury nak, who is also the Lord of the 5th house and lord of Child birth for the mother .

3. The Third   possibility will be when Moon will be in Aries sign in the nakshatra of Venus who is the 9th lord  on the 13th Dec. 2013.

Now we have 3 possibilities of the Mother delivering the baby. 4th Dec. , 11th Dec. and 13th Dec. 2013 . I told the aquantance that these are the three dates.                                                                                                                        

Now see the Tentaive chart of the Mother  and the Planetary positions in her chart as above the first chart.

Let us Take the date 4th Dec. 2013 and see the interlink between the Mothers chart and the Transit on the 4th Dec. 2013 to match the condition of Caesarean C- section  birth.

Planetary positions on the day of birth of child as calculated above  and the Mothers chart   Lagna is tentative but with this Lagna on the 4th Dec. 2013 she has shooksham dasha of Mars which fullfills the requirement for Caesarean C- section.

Planetary positions on the 4th Dec. 2013 with Shookasham dasha of Mars for Cezearen . The time of birth in this case comes to be  11-56-30 hrs.

The Chart above  satisfies all parameters mentioned  , Hence I did not do the further analysis of the other 2 dates as mentioned above of 11th Dec and 13th Dec. 2013 .

1. The shooksham dasha Lord Mars is Placed in the 8th house and has connection with the 6th Lord Moon in Transit who is in nakshatra of Ketu and Ketu is placed in the 3rd house in the own nak. and aspected by Mars , is perfect combination for Cezearen delivery.

2. Mars in Transit is over the 6th Lord Moon of the tentative natal chart of  Mother in the 8th house . Natal 6th Lord Moon is in the 8th house and Mars is aspecting the 6th house from the 12th house.

3. I now Rectified the chart of the Mother to suit the Aquarius Lagna and the shooksham dasha of Mars in  the chart as per the shooksham dasha in transit on the 4th Dec. 2013. The dasha worked out to Rahu-Sun-Jup-Ven-Mars.

Maha Dasha Lord Rahu.

Now see the Chart of Mother , Rahu MD in natal chart is placed in Taurus in the 4th house . The dispositor Venus of Rahu is Placed in the 11th house with Karka Jupiter and is also the 9th lord and aspecting the 5th house of child birth,   and in Transit Rahu  it is Placed over the natal Saturn the Lagna lord in the 9th house of the female from where the conception is seen . The Transit  Lagna Lord Saturn  is Placed over the  Natal Lagna lord Saturn and both are in close degrees and same navamsha.

Antar Dasha Lord Sun.

Sun the 7th Lord of the natal chart of mother is placed in the 10th house with 5th lord Mercury who is also the 8th lord . In Transit Both Sun and Mercury over natal Sun and Mercuryin the 10th house ,  Mercury in Transit the 5th and 8th Lord is over Natal  Sun AD karka for the soul al almost degrees and in same navamsha , Sun is 3.31 degrees and Mercury Transit 4.39 .

Pyrtanter Dasha Lord Jupiter.

In the Natal chart  Jupiter is placed in the 11th house and aspects the 5th house  along with 9th lord Venus.. Transit Jupiter is Retrograde and at 25.15 in Gemini aspecting the Natal Jupiter and 9th Lord Venus who is also placed over natal Venus in Transit.

4th Stage Dasha Lord Venus is as explained above.

Shookashma Dasha Lord Mars 5th Stage  is placed in the 12th house in the natal chart in the nak. of U Shadha, it is aspecting the 6th house , whose lord Moon is placed in the 8th house.

Transit of the  Planets in the natal chart of the Mother.

Saturn in the 9th house over Lagna Lord and aspecting Jupiter and Venus in the 11th house and aspecting the 6th house as well, See the Natal Saturn and the Transit Saturn both very close degrees and in the same navamsha Taurus, Saturn ids the Lagna Lord for the Mother.

Jupiter in transit in the 5th house aspecting the 9th house  . Jupiter aspecting the natal Jupiter in 1/7 axis.

Rahu in transit in the 9th house and its dispositor in the natal chart  in the 11th house aspecting the 5th house , In transit also the dispositor of Rahu is aspecting the 5th house and is about to go in the 12th house hence before it goes in the 12th house it will activate the 5th house.

Mars Transit in the 8th house over the natal moon the 6th Lord and Natal Mars aspecting the 6th house and the shooksham 8th from the 8th house.

Sun Transit  Over the natal Sun and Natal Mercury the 5th Lord of Child birth.

Mercury the 5th lord  Transit  is very close to Natal Sun degrees the AD and in the same navamsha of Leo , which is the 5th house of the saptamsha.

Moon  Transit, The moment Moon has gone in the 11th house aspecting the 5th house and over Jupiter nad the 9th Lord and shooksham dasha of Mars the child has born, which is 11.56-30 hrs. I did not proceed further since the parameters were fully activated , The native confirmed that the Time of Birth is 11.57 which I corrected to 11.56.30hrs since at 11.57 hrs Mars is not the shooksham dasha lord for Caesarean C- section.

Now some finding and authenticity of the Chart by following parameters.

1. Lagna Lord Saturn in Natal and Transit in the same house and same navamsha.

2. Anter dasha Lord Sun over Natal Sun and near Natal 5th Lord Mercury.

3. 5th Lord Mercury in transit over natal Sun in Scorpio very close degrees and in same Navamsha , Leo. As per navamsha 6th and 8th Lord together in Leo in transit.

4.  Dispositor of Rahu Maha Dasha Lord in the natal as well as the transit chart is same Venus and both are placed in the sign of Sagitarius and aspecting the 5th house , Venus is also the 9th Lord. Rahu is in Transit in the 4th Navamsha over the Lagna Lord Saturn and Lagna also in same navamsha the 4th navamsha.

5. The navamsha sign in the birth chart of the child is the Natal sign of the 5th lord of Mother Mercury in Scorpio.

6. .  Kshetra Sputa is Pieces 11.24 aspected by Moon 6thlord from the 8th house, hence operation .In D9 it is Libra and aspected by Mars , In D7 Rahu in Scorpio and Sun aspecting it.

7. Navmarudh  Aquarius aspected by Jupiter in Transit.

8. Lagna, Mercury, Mars,Moon all very close to Sun and Rahu degrees of the Mother the Maha Dasha Lord and all in 2nd Navamsha.

9.  The date of delivery as given by the aquantance was 4th Dec. 2013 11.57 hrs , which as per me is not possible since the shookasham dasha Lord is Rahu, hence the exact time of Birthis 11-56-30 hrs.

10. The shooksham dasha Lord Mars  for Mother and the Child the Primary Parameter taken by me has given 100% results for the Day and Time of Birth.

Astrology is amazing .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala .

Written in December 2013 ,Published in Sept. 2014 in Star Teller and Reproduced here on 1st April 2015

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

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