Ammunition Dump Mars Stationary Turning Retrograde Sun-Saturn Opposition July 2018 Eclipses Boon Or Bane

by astrodocanil

Red Planet Mars Stationary Turning Retrograde Sun -Saturn Opposition and July 2018 Eclipses Boon Or Bane

The Sun and Saturn opposition in Transit and Saturn coming close to earth on the 27th-28th June 2018 and Mars Stationary on the 28th June and going in Retrogression may escalate the Trade wars, Political turmoils, Natural and Unnatural calamities and Brawl between nations may escalate . The Sun and Saturn opposition and activing the natal Sun and Saturn and Saturn influencing the 8th house or the 8th Lord with Mercury can be disastrous for individuals and the nations as well , the saving will be if Saturn is also influencing Jupiter as in the case of Narendra Modi, due to divine Blessing one will escape this period when Jupiter will slowly ward off the negatives one is facing after Jupiter becomes direct in Transit after 11th July 2018. .It seems the major concern in this Transit will be mainly escalation of Trade wars which will spoil the relation between Countries specially US and China . When Mars the Red planet is in Retrogression it gives uncertaility and behaves like a debilitated planet and it just on the knife edge now and becomg Stationary any time now today from the 24th April  to 2nd July 2018. It seems there will be major impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets apart from other events in the globe as mentioned by me in the articles mentioned below 

This is only astrological analysis and not my personal opinion and a research in Astrology and it it does not come true please donot blame me , since there are no researches made by our seers in the financial astrology  and if some one invests or sells he will be purely doing it at his own risk and fancies . The writer of this article is no way responsible for any losses incured by any Individual or any Company for that Purpose .Read the Disclaimer Clause at the end of the Article and on my webpage for it .
Read My Articles on the Stock , Financial Markets and other happenings for the global events .
1.Sun-Saturn Opposition In Solar Ingrees In Gemini May Prove Historic…/sun-saturn-opposition-in-so…/”. I have mentioned Saturn and opposition may sprout Earthquakes
2. Lunation Chart of June 2018 and Eclipses in 2018 Bane or Bone…/lunation-chart-of-june-2018…/
Sun and Saturn are bitter enemies and exactly what ever is happening is depicted in my articles
3.My Article ” Is Gold Losing It’s Luster ?…/…/is-gold-loosing-its-luster/
4.Read My Article Astrology Speaks Loudly ! ‘Sun-Saturn Opposition’ Proves Havoc As Predicted…voc-as-predicted/
5. Also read My Article “Red Planet Mars And South Node Ketu What They Up Their Sleeves For the Financial Markets ?” link…inancial-markets/
6.”‘Red Planet Mars On the Wheel’ Twists and Turns In Political, Financial Markets, Weather and Relation Between Nations” link…-between-nations/ ‎
All articles written much in advance and Research ones the Mars and Ketu Conjunction is similiar to the one which occured 205 years back in 1813 and the Solar Eclipse on the 28th July 1813 and a similair one but Lunar Eclipse on the 28th july 2018, Hence parallel situations and August 1813 was a month of Wars . Now can be even worst than 1813 it so seems . Trade Wars, Earthquakes, Tug of War between nations .Tug of war in Politics and unfoseen things happening.

Normally when Planets are in Retrogression the Market is Bullish and there will be Jupiter, Saturn, Mars in Retrogression till 11th July 2018 hence this Period also acquires a very important dimension. Rahu has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down and may trigger the events in reverse of what ever is happening hence the Period around the Eclipses will be most Prone Periods for the Globe may be it is Stock and Financial Market, Politics, Brawl between the nations, Earthquakes, Weather conditions and in General the Atmosphere around . Rahu is Dara Karka and activities related to the 7th House will be breaking news . 7th house is Wars, International Relations and Trade , Agreements and alliances, Anti social activities, Immorality in the Country, Marriages and Divorces, Foreign Secret agents  specially when Rahu is adverse 


Crimes, Wars  violence of worst kind, Stands for rebellion and mutiny, Roits, Death by suffocation, Muslims and immigration to foreign countries , Diseases Chronic,Creates enemity of worst order. Potent evil when Connected to Mars in houses like 6,8, 12th  hence Sagitarius sign  will be the suffering the Most 

The Time frames most Critical for the global activities are as Follows 

1. Mars Stationary from the 24th June to 2nd July 2018 4 days before and 4 days after becoming Retrograde are most vunerable points .

2. Saturn coming closest to Earth on the 27th-28th June 2018 and Mars Stationary and going in Retrogression. Saturn will be exactly 180 degrees from Sun on these dates 

3. 24th and 25th June 2018 become most crucial since Mercury is ingressing in Cancer on the 25th June 2018 at 18.04 hrs  and will be out of the aspect of Saturn and Joing Rahu and then having aspect of Mars Stationary . Mercury is significator of Stock Market, Weather, Earthquakes. Mercury is 8th Lord for  those individuals and Countries having Scorpio or Aquarius Lagna  will be an important Transit since Saturn opposing Sun and connection with Mercury is a Malefic Transit as mentioned specially when Saturn will aspect  the 8th house also for these Signs  Hence uncertainities and untoward happenings all will be triggered by Mars since  it is also ammunition dump

4. Please read my Article “Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/ dated 23rd Jan 2018 

Details of the Eclipses falling are below 

13th July 2018                   Partial Solar Eclipse              26.35 degree Punarvasu         South In Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, East Part of India

27-28th July 2018       Total Lunar Eclipse       10.38 degree Sravana          Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa,  North /South America

Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica, North West Part of India as per Koorma Chakra

11th August 2018              Partial Solar Eclipse    24.34 degree Asleasha     North/East Europe, North/ West Asia, North America

                                                                                                                                                                Atlantic, Arctic, South East India as Per Korma Chakra


Mars will go in retrogression on the 28th June 2018 in the sign Capricorn at 15 degrees  till 27th August 2018 at 4.30 degrees  this Transit will be most Crucial , since the Eclipse point of the 27-28th July 2018 will be activated again and again 

Month of June Saturn and Sun opposition, Crime associated with Women will be on the Cards and could be the most Trouble some Period of the year in the Politics.

July 2018  will be worst to induce Political Tug of Wars , Provocations and most Venomous and Chaotic conditions 

The Solar Eclipse of the 11th August 2018 will have noteable effects on India , since The Eclipse will be in the 7th house from the Sign Capricorn and the 3rd House of the Foundation chart and over the 5 Planets in the sign Cancer , The Natal Sun is Very close to the Eclipse Point and has aspects of Retrograde Mars , may ignite and prove ammunition dump by Mars  and indicates Explosions, Bombing, Violence, Train Accidents, Terrorism, and Earthquake with Magnitude 

Jupiter and Venus Conjunction in the Sign Libra after 1st Sept. 2018 till 11th Oct 2018 also indicates Bloodshed as mentioned By the Great Astrologer Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi in the Classic Vypar Ratna and the Prices of Gold may also surge 

Mars stay in the sign Capricorn from the 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 will be most Venomous activating the Eclipse point again and again and these 187 days will be crucial for the world as already pointed out by me in all my articles

Last not the least but the most important Parameter the Eclipse Points Activation  specially of the Lunar Eclipseon the 28th July 2018  and the Solar Eclipse of the 11th August are Crucial points and will be activated on the following Dates which could Prove most Venomous for the Globe and the Financial Markets

Partial Solar Eclipse on the 13th July 2018 and Eclipse point 26.35 degrees in Cancer will be activated on the 25th April 2018 and again when it goes Capricorn and aspects the sign on the 31st Oct 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse on the 27th-28th July 2018 and the Eclipse point of 10.38 degrees will be activated on the 25th July 2018 just days before the Eclipse and on the 28th July Mars will be at 9.49 degrees very close to the Eclipse point which will be activated again on the 26th-27th Sept. 2018

Partial Solar Eclipse on the 11th August 2018 and the Eclipse point at 24.34 degrees will be activated on the 27th-28th Oct. 2018

The Following Countries may bear the burnt of the Eclipses 

England, Yemen, Maldives, Lebanon, Mexico, Iran, Syria, Peru, Venezuela, Germany, Egypt, India, Iraq, Italy, Japan, USA, Israel, Malaysia, Korean Peninsula , China

Hence the above Dates are ammunition dump and can prove most Venomous specially where the Eclipses are visible , the other countries will also be influenced but at a lesser level. The Dates are also sensitive for the Stock Markets specially those one when the North node is also in Venomous condition and has the Capacity to turn the Tables upside down. The Saturn is also on the completion of the 90 year cycle in 2018-2019 around the May-June 2019.

The Time frames when Rahu is adverse may be most prone period along with Mars Stationary from the 24th June to 2nd July 2018 and Rahu adverse Periods as below 

Then asper the Eclipses of the 13th and the 28th July 2018 as follows the Prone Periods for the Country 

1st July to 8th July 2018 Most Prone 

14th to 21st July 2018

27th to 30th July 2018 Most Prone

7th August to 11th August 2018

19th August to 25th August 2018 Most Prone

On the Positive sides there will be innovations since  necessity is the mother of invention and at the time of  Eclipses Rahu is the main planet for Researches may be in the space or the Communication system and other ares in life may also be connected to Mars , But a difficult Transit it so seems 


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  • Written on 23rd June  2018 20-00.00 hrs  
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