Some Amazing Research In Astrology after Jan. 2016

by astrodocanil

I am a very Passionate Astrologer and observe the Planetary movement with lot of focus. I have been observing the Planetry positions and made lot of Researches in Astrology . After Jan.  2016  I observed only those People approaching me who have the Following Planetary Positions and I am able to find their year of Birth, Month and some times even the Date of Birth using the Following Parameters . I am in my last leg of Life in Vansprashta and Acquiring Knowledge and Sharing Knowledge is the best Karma in this Stage of Life 

  1. Rahu-Ketu over Natal Rahu -Ketu.
  2. Jupiter having Guru chandal yoga, Fallen and with Jupiter in Pieces
  3. Mars and Saturn connection in the Horoscopes.
  4. Marital Problems
  5. Problems in Health for Liver  associated
  6. According to the day when a Querist approaches me I am able to almost give his or her Year , Month and even Date of Birth due to the Planetary combinations which are Adverse in the Transit in almost 60-70 % of the Cases
  7. For an Astrologer to Predict all the above has to work like a Computer and have a Hard disc of good capacity meaning Good Rememberance of Planetary Combinations and Placement of Planets  specially the Superior ones. He can only do this if his Dispositor of Mercury is connected to Dispositors Dispositors . lucily I have Mercury in Aries in the 11th house and with Sun  and the Dispositor Mars is Placed in the Lign of Leo and Sun and Mars have exchange . This combination in Astrology is most amazing and Good to Remember things and for Good Memory, But with my age , I am losing a bit on it which is normal ,but those who are astrologers with this combination can Predict extremely well , if they have Good Astrology skills
  8. The Need of the Day is a Research Astrology Software   to give instantly the Dates and thus Predictions can turn 100%.
  9. I wish I could Help a Software Designer  to Help such a Software for the Benefit of all astrologers
  10. The Other day a Girl approached me  and I  was almost on the dot for her Day, Month and the Year . Astrology is most amazing and I feel much more can be achieved from the Research then what we have achieved .
  11. Recently a day or so  Querist Came for some query and as a Normal Procedure which is followed by me , I asked the activites of the querist talking to me , He told me that he had some Bleeding on his Tongue I could Immedaitely Predict his Lagna to be Libra which turned 100%.
  12. Declination of Planets is another Area where lot of Research is required and gives amazing Results when applied , for Example for Marriage  Declination of Venus in the Birth chart
  13. Shakun and Mook Prashna Give you amazing Predictions which I normally Follow and Tell the Querist not to disclose his query , till I Predict. I have written a Dozen of article on this on my Webpage for this .
  14. Use Of Medical Astrology can prove a Miracle  and much needs to be done on this . Dr Charak is the Only Doctor who is an Astrologer and Works according to Astrology Parameters  where ever possible for his Patients
  15. Like Minded Research Astrologer should join hands to Give much more than what is achieved till Date.
  16. I am writting thisarticle when Mars wll attain a Venemous State, hence lot of Queries will be from People who have afflicted Mars  specially in Libra, Aries in the 9th Navamsha
  17. I shall be organsing Astromeets  on Regular Basis and those Interested may Please contact me for the same  for  General Astrology discussions

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

17th  June 2016 09-40 hrs. PM  New Delhi 



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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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