Amazing Predictions Using Shakun Jyotish From Native Drinking Glass Of Water Impatiently Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

976 Articles and Predictions in just 50 months from the April 2015

Shakun Vichar Is a Practise of determining the hidden signification of cause of events and foretelling the future according to the same . I have been observing that the Shakun and Omens play an important role to listen to the talk of the Nature . It is the best way to communicate with nature . It is said that then nature indicates the events for the Future and it is we who ignore the signals of the Mother Nature.

One of the most amazing Predictions made by me using Shakun Jyotish when a Querist approached me and asked for a glass of Water. Before the Querist could ask me his query I asked him few questions just by looking at the Way the Querist drank the Glass of water. The Querist was impatient. I used the Shakun and Omens using Astrology Parameters of the 3 signs of Water Cancer, Scorpio and Pieces. The Query was on the 18th June 2016 at 19.18 hrs. I knew all the 3 Sign Lords of the Watery sign were afflicted on that Day as Follows
1. Moon Lord of the Sign Cancer Debilitated with Saturn Retrograde
2. Mars the Lord of the Sign Scorpio Fallen in Libra Retrograde and at 29.52 degrees and even stationary. Supposed to be most Venomous
3. Jupiter the Lord of the Sign Pieces Placed in the Sign Leo with Rahu and Totally Eclipsed in very close degrees.

All the Lords of the Watery signs were afflicted badly. The Watery Signs are also Controlled by Kuber, hence I told him that the following Queries are bothering your mind.

1. The First Query is related to Wealth and supposing there was 10 Crores in the Glass full of water and since the Querist had consumed almost 90%, hence I told him that you have consumed 9 Crores and Balance 1 Crore is in the Bank as a Security and you canot use it , To this he replied in afflirmative

2. You have A Responsibility of a Handicapped Brother after the demise of your Father , To this also he replied in affirmative

3. There is a Court Case regarding Ancestral Property to this also he replied in affirmative

All the 3 Predictions were on dot when I had not even opened the Prashna chart. The Querist was much amazed at the way of Prediction by Shakun and Omens

Now Read My Detailed analysis Below

1.Prashna Triangle My Research Parameter
Saturn is the Planet Influencing the Query and the Querist and since 9th Nov. 2014 the Native has been in Distress ever since Saturn has ingressed in Scorpio
Saturn is in Mrityu Bhag in Transit and with Debilitated Moon and also with Mars , who has got fallen in Libra just on the evening of 17th June , Hence Significations of Mars will be most crucial for the Query
Mars is significator of Fights, Karka for 6th house activites and Disputes, Diseases and Loans is extremely bad for the query of Loans and Debts. Mars will not give Good Results from 17th June to 14th July 2016 and More so till 1st Nov. 2016, Till 18th Sept. 2016 extremely bad.
Birth chart
Mars and Saturn are in Transit in the 8th house from Lagna and Moon as well is the worst Placement In the Birth chart from 20th Feb. to 28th Jan 2017 .

2.Pancha Pakshi

Birth Star Bharini Birth KP Nakshatra Pakshi Peocock
As Per Time of Visit to Astrologer Nakshatra Pakshi is in Death State and Negative for the Query as Per Birth Chart Pakshai Between 06-00to 08-24 PM
Sukla Paksha Saturday 06-00to 8-24 PM Walking is OK

3.Breath Of Querist
The Querist Breath from the Left Nostril Malefic for the Queries

4. Color of Clothes Worn
The Color of clothes worn by the Querist were white and Moon is the significator here and with Mars and Saturn as per the above most Critical
Prashna Chart
As per the Glass of Water as discussed above There was Lightening also at the time when the Querist Came . Hence Mars significations come into play as discussed above
6. Direction Analysis
As per Naisargik and Tatlika chakra the Planets influencing the Query were Moon and Venus and showing that the significations regarding both are giving him pain. Moon Debilitated and Venus Combusted in the Sign Arudha

7.Nakshatra Anuradha and Lord Saturn in Mrityu bhag and Number 17 Results Negative Fastest
Birth chart Nakshartra Bharini Lord Venus and Prashna Anuradha is 16th Nakshatra meaning 7th Bhadak is Most Malefic , Natal Moon in Aries and Transit Moon in Scorpio the Worst Conditions

8.First Letter of the Word By Prashna Mera M Is Either Tatwa since MA is Saturn again and Extremely bad for the query

9.Direction Direction faced by the querist South East and is Gemini on Saturday
As per Naisargik Planet influencing the query is Venus and asper Tatlika chakra it is Moon, Hence Venus in Moon, Native should take the help of a Women to soft out his Problems
Arudha Lagna is Gemini in Prashna and Has Venus Combusted is not good for good fructifications of the query

Now see the Prashna chart Below

Panchang of the Day
Day is Saturday Lord Saturn In affliction as explained above
Tithi SP-14 Rikta Tithis is most malefic and donot lead to Frutifications of the Queries specially related to wealth.
Karna Lord is Jupiter and totally eclipsed with Rahu and aspected by Saturn in Mrityu Bhag and Jupiter Lord of Dagdha Rashi Not connected to 10th house
Yoga Sadhya
Nakshatra Anuradha and discussed above
DBA planets Sat-Mars –Mars Totally most Malefic and not connected to good Houses and Mars Fallen in the 11th house and Saturn 2nd Lord in Mrityu bhag
Hora Lord Mercury and Hora Sandhi of Mars and Mercury and Mercury in Mrityu Bhag
Day Lord and Hora Lord Both in Mrityu Bhag
Yama Lord 5th Yama of Scorpio which has Debilitated Moon and 8th Lord and Lord is Fallen in the 11th house is most malefic for this Query fructifications
Lagnesh is Placed in the Yama of Mercury and Mercury is in Mrityu bhag aspected by Saturn in Mrityu bhad and also Fallen Mars
Moon and Mercury Ithasala by 7th Lord of opponents in 2 months on the 20th July 2016
6th Lord Venus and Karka Jupiter For Loans Both in Terrible condition and no relief for Loans and Expansion
LAGNA Lord of Dagdha Sign Lordship and totally eclipsed with Rahu since 9th Jan 2016 hence troubles of Jupiter significations after 9th jan 2016 Diabeties , Liver , Expansion of Buisness
There is exchange of the 7th house and the 6th Lord and 6th Lord in Bhadak house and Combuated is terrible combination when the 7th house ia also Dagdha sign query on the SP-14
8th Lord aspects the 7th Lord in the 6th house and Future ithhasal on the 20th July 2016 is explosive
All Planets in Rahu-Ketu and Saturn and Mars is extremely bad for Fructifications
The Native has Poorva Punya Dosaha since 5th Lord is Fallen and in the 7th house from the 5th house
6th house is rising of Rog, Rin , Ripu Lord is combusted and gone in the 8th house of the navamsha chart . Sun aspecting Both the D1 and D9 and D6 also
Lagna Lord of D6 gone in the 6th house and is Mars is fallen hence little possibility of some respite

Total Failure of Queries of the Querist due to Following Parameters
1. Prasha Triangle Negative due to Saturn .
2.Nakshatra Number 17 Negative and Results will be fastest and loss from the South Direction.
3.Natal Moon and Transit Moon in 6/8 axis. Nakshatra from Birth Nakshatra 16 the 7th Tara and Vadh Tara most malefic
4.Hora Mercury in Mrityu Bhag
5.Day Lord in Mrityu Bhag and with Debilitated Moon
6.Lagna Dagdha Rashi
7.Lagna Lord Eclipsed since 9th Jan. 2016 and aspected by Saturn in Mrityu Bhag
8.20th Jun most Critical for Expansion of Activities .
9.Yama Lord Fallen and Scorpio 5th Yama has 8th Lotrd and debilitated Moon
10.Tithi SP-14 Rikta Malefic for Queries and Non Fructification
11.Period from 17th June evening to 14th July most critical foe 25 days
12.Navamsha 6th house rising hence Rog, Rin, Ripu strongly influencing the Querist Venus is the Navamsha Lagna Lord and Takes one Fortnight but in 3rd Navamsha hence 15×3 =45 Days most critical and 2nd August Most Critical for Loans , Repayment and difficult
13.Moon Afflicted in Rashi and Navamsha and Navamsha Lord Venus goes in Lagna on the 7th Nov. 2016 will again be a critical date for fulfillment of Loans , Best way is to take help of a Women
14.DBA Planets Sat-Mars-Mars and most malefic in the Present scenario till 27th July 2017
15.Lagna of Prashan chart gone in the 8th house anLord in Rahu-Ketu axis in the 6th house basically till Jupiter in Leo and rahu-Ketu in Leo will be most malefic till 12th August2016 and 17th Sept. 2017
16.D6 For Loans Weak chart
17.Expansion of Buisness D10 is also not strong to give Expansion , LL weak Sun and Debilitated mars aspects the Lagna and the 10th house from the 7th house . Moon is also Debilitated
The Native was told to Propitiate the 3 Planets Moon, Mrs and Jupiter and specially Propitiate Lord Kartike on a shasti Tithi

Date 8th July 2019 17-35 am
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

youtube link of the workshop on the 19th May 2019

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My Predictions on the Pulwama attack and IAF pouncing on Terror Camps of Jaish Prove on Dot for even the dat and time

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of
All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US
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My Interview in Singapore On YouTube
My Interview

My Interview by a University of Repute from US in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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