Amazing Predictions by Shakun Astrology For Marriage Query

by astrodocanil

One of my client approached me in Feb. 2016 for a Query regarding Marriage and a Love relation  as per the chart below Marriage Qury chiraj

As Per My Research of Prashna Triangle the following were the Predictions

Prashna Triangle

Neptune  Negative Placed in the 7th house of the chart for Relationships

The Planet signifies cheating  and this Planet is placed in the 7th house of Relation ships , hence illusions, deceptions, fantacy , defective and mysterious relationship happenings..

Nak. Revati 28th  Sulochana  Failure of Results pertaining to Relationships.

Avyogi Planet in Lagna Jupiter totally eclipsed with Rahu.

Karna Bava Lord is Sun and about to enter the 7th house in the Aquarius sign . Hence query pertaining to 7th house and Relationship Failure

Moon in the 8th house native in deep Depression.

Direction North  on Friday  and as per Naisargik and Tatlika Chakra  Rahu-Mercury  Scandle and Disgrace . The Native will act on his own andmay  not act on the advice of the Astrologer.

I conveyed him that a love relation ship took an ugly turn after 9th Jan 2016 after Rahu ingressed over Stationary Jupiter . Since Moon is in the 8th house it is also indicative of acute depression due to the same . I told him to forget about the Relationship since the Girl would take an aggressive step to harm him .The Querist was surprised at the accurate date and the Excat happenings Predicted

The Querist agreed to my Advice. The Prashna chart also showed that the Querist is going to get married soon since  Moon and Venus in Even Signs and Even Navamsha . Saturn Placed in Even house aspecting the Lagna as the 7th Lord degreewise .


The Day the Querist had to Visit me and I started to make the Predictions and the Screen of my Laptop crashed . I immedaitely went to Nehru Place to Get the screen changed .

When the Querist approached me I gave him the following Predictions , A New Marriage match is Scheduled for you , Since Before He had visited me I had Purchased a New Laptop just 3 days before his visit and not started using it .I gave him the following Predictions for Marriage

  1. A New LapTop was Purchased before he had come to visit me just 3 days before his visit . A New Relationship is destined for his Marriage .
  2. I Sold my Old Laptop on the 3rd June 2016 and as per My Prediction I had told him he would get Engaged after 3rd June 2016 and before the 13th June 2016
  3. The Two Families agreed to go in a Relationship on the 12th June 2016
  4. Marriage will take place just after 11th August when Jupiter is out of affliction and 6 months have passed from the Day of Query
  5. The Native got married after 12th August 2016

Now also read these Predictions made by me  for him.

DBA Mer-Moon-Ketu  For marriage 2-7-11 is Result giving here they are , Mercury and Ketu give Marriage hence when Mercury goes in the 10th house and aspects Saturn the 7th house also Venus will also be in the 10th house and when goes in the 11th house Marriage can be fixed on the 12th June 2016 as Per Timing Method.

Favourable for Marriage  Saturn Placed in the even sign.

Moon is having future  Ithasla with Lagna Lord entering the 7th house and difference in degrees =6 ,hence it may take 6 months for Marriage and Fixation may take place on the 12th June 2016 and Marriage after 6 months and around the 12th August 2016 , Saturn aspects the Lagna from the 4th house degreewise hence Sure Possibility when Jupiter also Reaches the Lagna degrees before the 20th June 2016 , Unconventional marriage is indicated

Surprisingly the Fixation took Place on the 12th June 2016 and Marriage exactly after 6 Months of the Prashna after 11th August 2016

Astrology is most amazing and if Shakun is also used in Prashna Astrology it gives most amazing Results.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

7th Sept. 2016  09-30hrs. New Delhi 



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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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