Amazing Predictions By Prashna Jyotish For A Blind Query

by astrodocanil

Prashna Jyotish by Tamil Shastra is one of the most amazing Techniques to Solve a Blind Query. . In this Article I am going to Take up and Analyse a Disease Query just by the Date of the Native Approaching a Doctor  and with no other Data Available

One of My Clients asked me  a Person has been admitted to the hospital on the 9th Sept. 2016. The Querist  is not directly connected to the ailing person  admitted in the hospital. For Astrological Reasons wanted to know if Prashna Shastra could tell the type of Disease the native is going through.

As a Good Astrologer one is supposed to know the Planetary positions at the time of query and the Day of the Query. I opened the Chart of the Sun rise of 06-07 hrs  and used the Natural Zodiac also to Predict the results . As Per the Natural Zodiac  Saturn, Moon and Mars in the 8th house and Mercury , Venus and Jupiter in the 6th house of Diseases and Mercury about to fall in the 5th house of Lungs and having connection with Sun clearly points out the disease of the ailing Person


I immediately open the Panchang of the day which was as under

Day Was Friday and the Lord is Venus and Debilitated in the Prashna chart Placed in the 2nd House at the time of Sunrise

Tithi is SP-8

Nakshatra is Jyestha and Moon changed the Nakshatra Early Morning around 05-00 am  and is most important nakshatra of Mercury

Yoga Vishkumbh and the Lord is Saturn

Karna Vishti  a malefic Karna Lord is Saturn

Planets acquiring an Important Dimension . Moon Debilitated , with Mars and Saturn and changing nakshatra from Anuradha to Jyestha

Mercury about to Fall in Leo on the 9th Sept. 2016 at 17.59 hrs . Mercury is Retrograde with Jupiter and Debilitated Venus the Day Lord

A Planet which is about to change its state or Sign is the Most important Planet and till the time it is in that Rashi if some one is suffereing , will suffer till it leaves the sign

Virgo Sign is the Most important sign for Diseases and the Day Lord Venus is Debilitated in this sign at Sun Rise , The Dispositor of Day Lord and the Sign Lord is about to fall back , Hence Most malefic Parameter is the Debilitation of the Day Lord and the Nakshatra Lord of Moon and the Sign Virgo whose Lord is about to Fall, hence the above clearly points out the Query is related to Disease  and the Ailing Person will not recover till mercury is in this Leo sign and Crosses the Retrogression mark on the 7th Oct. 2016

Mercury will have Exchange with Sun the Moment Mercury falls in Virgo . Mercury Earlier also was in Leo from the 27th July to 19th August 2016 and was totally Combusted on the 9th August at 18 degrees  and also with Rahu at 18 degrees in Forward motion , This Parameter shows the Disease Started to show its results after this date . Mercury Normally Causes Diseases of Breathing  Etc , Since on the Day of the native getting admitted in the Hospital there is also exchange of Sun and Mercury  there is definitely some Problems in the Lungs since Sun is the Lord of the 5th house of the natural Zodiac and Moon is in the Watery sign and Saturn aspects Sun and would shortly also aspect Mercury from the 8th house of the natural Zodiac, Shows the Disease in the Lungs and a serious one causing Breathing Troubles

Mercury became Direct on the 22nd Sept 2016 at 10-58 am and is supposed to be stationary at 20.44 degrees  the degrees of it getting totally combusted by Sun,and very close to Rahu who went in Stationary and adverse motion on the 23rd  Sept. 2016 and the Doctors Declared a Serious Disease not Curable in the Lungs .

The native was surprised and gave the information that what ever has been analysed by Prashna Parameters have hit the nail on the head and the predictions are 100%

As Per Combinations of Moon in Scorpio and in Jyestha Nakshatra in the Watery sign and Mercury about to fall which is the Most Venomous Planet and worst then a snake bite Proved its state , since when it became direct and with Rahu gave the Diagnosis of in Curable disease of the Lungs , since Mercury is influenced by so may Planets , Mercury is the 6th Lord of the natural Zodiac and Virgo has Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. On the 9th Sept. 2016 at Sunrise Gulika Lord was Venus , Navamsha Lord Of Gulika Mars , who is with Moon

The native will suffer till Mercury is in Leo and after 3rd Oct. 2016 17.58 hrs  . Mercury will cross the Retrogression degrees on the 7th Oct. 2016   and will set in the East on the 13th Oct. 2016 and Join Debilitated Sun in Libra on the 21st Oct  and will be totally Combusted on the 27th Oct. 2016  Are some Critical Parameters , but only God Can tell what will happen . God Bless

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 28th  Sept.2016 15-00 hrs


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 



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