Amazing Predictions By Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

  The Importance of Prashna Jyotish

Astrology has 3 branches 1. Ganitha (mathematical astrology) 2. Hoaraa (Predictive Astrology) 3. Samitha (Mundane astrology) Prashna is full fledged division of Hoarara branch of Astrology.

What is Prashna

Prashna is a sanskrit word which means interrogation or question. The name is because , in this the individual with a desire of knowing his future approaches an Astrologer. The astrologer answers the query with the help of the chart drawn at the time of the query, since the Chart is made at the time of query and predictions made there in , this method derives it name PRASHNA

Similarities in Natal horoscope and Prashna Chart .

  1. There is no control on the baby coming in this world and on the desire of an individual asking a question from an Astrologer. A Person takes Birth as per his good or bad karmas in the previous birth . The birth of an individual cannot be prevented . in the case of Prashna , the native is compelled by the circumstances to go to the Astrologer and ask the query which is bothering his mind. Both Natal and Prashna Astrology have spontaneity and inevitability.
  2. Planetary positions are marked in the charts in both cases which have ten constituents viz, Longitudanal positions of the 7 planets 2 nodes and the Ascendant. In Prashna chart there are Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna , Chaitra Rashi , Spri Stanga Rashi, Janam Rashi and Navamsha Lagna Rashi which are the 6 parameters most essential for prashna Jyotish.
  3. In both Ways of astrology the Ascendant has the importance , Along with Panchang parameters.
  4. The rules of Prediction are more or less same but different as well

Dissimilairities in Natal and Prashna chart.

  1. In the Prashna chart the querist or his representative approaches the Astrologer , hence there is direct involvement , where as in natal horoscope he may not be present at the time of predictions.
  2. In prashna the direction faced by the querist is most crucial and is termed as the Arudha Lagna where as in natal astrology it is not required.
  3. Prashna deals with one aspect of life and all the different houses are used for the same where as in natal astrology only one house represents a particular query like Career from 10th house and marriage from 7th
  4. Prashna deals for a particular portion of time where as Natal astrology deals for a complete life time.
  5. Natal Horoscope deals with the good and bad effects of the previous birth, the deeds of the present life are not depicted by the natal horoscope . in case of Prashna chart the present deeds are reflected.
  6. Since the Results of the good or bad deeds are modified by the present day deeds , natal horoscope cannot reflect the true picture of the native and his true life. Prashan chart shows your present deeds and the querist can be guided accordingly.
  7. The results of Prashna are sharp and accurate since the exact time of query is known, where as the factor of exact time of birth not known with accuracy, the results are vast and varied.
  8. In Prashna by the 6 lagnas as mentioned above the fructification of the events can be worked out along with use of the yama chart, where as these parameters are not used in Natal astrology except the navamsha Lagna.
  9. Shakun and Omens are of great importance where as they are no no relevance in the Birth chart horoscopy.
  10. Prashna can answer any blind queries as well with some event taking place and using the time with the help of Mook prashna Method, where as birth chart has limitations on this . For Example, birth chart cannot tell about lost articles , rain, travel, lost horoscopy, Disease etc.
  11. Prashna is more pragmatic then Birth horoscopy.
  12. To sum up Prashna starts where Natal Horoscopy stops and fails.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 5th April 2015

Mook Prashna  

Hello Friends and Associates , Some of my most Amazing Prediction on Child Birth by Mook Prashna when the Querist had not disclosed his query. Read below . I had put it on my Facebook page

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

April 14 at 5:30pm ·

Prashna on 13th April 2016 20-12 hrs New Delhi 


Mook Prashna odd lagna rising and 6th navamsha the query is pertaining to a Jeeva . Lagna in the nakshatra of Rahu, Lagna Lord in the Nakshatra of Saturn , Karka Graha connetced to the 5th house and 5th Lord along with Rahu anf Moon placed in the 5th from 5th and dispositor aspecting the Lagna At MEP, The query is Pertaining to Child Birth.
Male Progney, Birth on the Day when Jupiter enters a sign, or Navamsha of the 5th lord from Lagna or Moon or where Jupiter is Posited is the Main Principle . According to this Since Jupiter is Retrograde It cannot Reach either Scorpio or Capricorn Navamsha. Jupiter is in the Navamsha of Libra the 5th sign from Moon hence before Jupiter enters the Virgo Navamsha Child will be born, when Aries Lagna is rising and Moon in Virgo and Jupiter in Virgo navamsha . Hence 16th April 2016 onwards to 19th April 2016 between 6.15 to 8.45 Am , The chances are more after 06.19 am when Jupiter and Rahu will be in the 5th house . Mars is influencing 5th house, 5th Lord and Moon , there could be intervention of C Section Delivery . DBA Planets are Jup-Sat-Mars . Shall write a feedback on this Prediction of mine .This is a Mook Prashna and the Querist did not disclose his query . Let see what the feed back is

Now Read the Actual happenings and the Answer by the Querist after 19th April Morning at 07-00am ——-The Query was Pertaining to the Following Facts

1. Child Birth .

2. As Predicted Male Child is Born.

3. C Section Delivery.

4. The Lagna of the Male child Born is Aries as Predicted.

5. Child is Born with Jupiter in Virgo navamsha , which I Expected in Libra navamsha , but then Since Virgo Navamsha Moon has to be in Virgo Sign for Child birth and hence 19th April at 6.21 the babay is Born. Astrology is most amazing and the Principles coming True again and again . The basic Principle of Mars Connecting to the 8th house of Surgery holds good , moon at the time of Query is In Gemini and aspected by Mars hence Moon has to be in the 6th house of the Chart of the New Born Baby and in the sign of Mercury . Tamil Texts are heart Throbbing since the Predictions work 100% Read Full Text..

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

27th  June 2016 14-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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