Amazing Prashna Jyotish Findings For Relationships Astrologer Anil aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1346 Articles and Predictions in jsut 62 months fromApril 2015

I have the permission of my client to put it on my webpage regarding a Query for relationship

Few Days back a client asked me when she would meet a person with whom she could marry  ?  I could tell her some amazing facts of the past  which were heart throbbing  just from the Prashna chart


The Miscellanous Methods did not indicate very Promising results .

 Prasna Triangle

The Planet influencing the Query is Mercury and Placed in the 12th House with Rahu not good shows difficulties in the relationships

The Breath of the Astrologer was Neutral  Not very Good

Kaal Chakra

See the chart Below the 7th Lord and the Karka for Spouse Jupiter in Wandering  State not good

By the first Letter of the Word 

I have strong ——- The First Letter word is of Water is good and also Vovel is good and Placed in the 11th house with Venus   is Good for the Future for Relationships

Other Methods also did not give conducive results for the Query


The Ashtamangla Prashna was conducted and the Number obtained was

8 3 1


The Past is represented by Rahu and extremely bad for relationships and Placed in the 12th house with 12th Lord  In the Prashna chart  shows Break in the Relationships , more so the Transit Rahu on the Day of the Query is in Adverse motion and also Darakarka shows that the Native did not have good Marriage in the  Past. Mercury is in the 12th House in the 6th Navanmsha  , hence the native is trerribly upset since the last 6×2= 12 months and Rahu in the 2nd Navamsha hence 2 years  Hence since the last 2 years the Native is upset on the relationships


No happiness from Marriage since Jupiter is retrograde and debilitated also. The Native had some hope after the 24th Jan 2020 but Saturn turned Retrofgrade after the 11th May 2020 , hence  further Hurdles  for the Relationships taking a positive turn

Present is jupiter and Debilitated and since the March 30th 2020 and specially after Jupiter turning retrograde the native is getting depressed  for relationships and not finding a good Match. Asper the Prashna chart she can find a spouse after Jupiter goes in the 8th house the Mangla Sthanafter the 4th April 2021 and specially when it goes in the sign Pieces she could find a good Spouse after April 2022


The Sun is good for the Future of Relationships but may not have permanancy since Venus  Afflicted and aspected By Debilitated Jupiter , But Over all the Future is good in General for the querist

The Future is Secure since signified by Sun and placed well in the 11th house with Venus the Karka for marriage aspected By Jupiter the Karka for Husband  but weak ones there may be some relationship where the Native may be in a commanding Position but the Relations may not have the beneficaiance  required for a Good Marriage

 As per the Calculations of the Star, Tithi, Day, Planet and Element were all good but the Sign Calculated was Gemini the 12th house of the Prashna chart and the 8th house of the Birth chart which indicated that  she could only have Live in Relations nd not Proper marriage 



Have a look at the Chart Below

Cancer rising occupied or aspected by any benefic then one will find a bride.
Sani in the 7th in an even sign indicates that the querist is sure to get a
spouse  for marriage.
The Karka for Spouse is Jupiter and the 7th Lord is Saturn both are Retrograde , shows that there will be 3 relationships  and this is query for the 3rd Relation ship
 Lagna in Female Dreshkanne the Querist will definitely  find a Spouse.
Jupiter in the 7th House  the native will find a spouse for her self.
 Moon in the 8th house impediments for finding a spouse .
Jupiter in the 7th house and with 7th Lord Saturn the spouse will have upper hand
 Mars and Moon in the 8th house  and Ishraaf Yoga with Sun and Ithasla with Mercury, shows the Native had Very good Relations in the past and Since there is Ishraaf yoga of Mars with Sun the Earlier Spouse was of high personage and well placed . and Broke since Sun is in the 8th Navamsha and takes 6 Months , here relationship with the first Spouse broke 6×8= 48 months back = 4 years back and hence in the June 2016 may be in the first week of June 2016. The Second relationship is due to Mercury Ithasala with Mars  and Mercury signifies a Trader  and the difference between the Mars and Mercury is 7 degrees  and Mercury takes 2 months hence 7×2=  14 months whic h lasted till Oct 2017 .Adding 14 months from June 2016 indicates the 2nd relationship may have lasted till then
 The Future Marriage is possible since the 7th house is rising and Saturn is Retrograde . The next Relationship will take place after 3x 2.0022(Navamsha ) =  Over 6 years  Hence after June 2022  since the First Broke in June 2016
 The Native is amazed and gave an answer in affirmative that what ever has been predicted above is spot on
 The Yoga Sphuta calculated is  Gemini  and is the 12th house of the chart and has Mercury and  Rahu. The Native will not have happiness after Marriage and can have Live in Relations only
Negatives in the chart
Debilitated Planet in the 7th house is not good For Marriage
Mars in the amsha of Venus  Not good
Mars and Moon in the 8th house not good
The details not discussed here but as per the Birth chart also the conducive period as per the Venus Declination and the Vedic Progression chart the Period from the Nov 2022 to Nov 2023 is Conducive to give some Positive results

Please read the Article in the link CORONAVIRUS THE BURNING TOPIC

Read My Articles I Predicted long back in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019
1.”Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala –
Read the Predictions for China made on the 17th Sept 2019 much before the Virus actually spread and anu News . It is basically due to the Cluster of the 6 Planets at the time ogf the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec 2019 over the Natal Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK sign and China Dasha starting in Sept of Mer-Mer the 6th Lord with Ketu the disease Giver and Specially the Transit of Ketu over the 22DK sign. Rahu and Ketu also Ingress in the 7th house of the D6 Shatasmhsa

The First Astrologer to Predict the Virulant Virus from China as per My Articles Dated 17thb Sept 2019 link…/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-…/
Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
14th June  2020 13-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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