From the Early June 2017 I am getting queries related to Career and Marriage and in Each case I was able to tell the age of the Native for which the Prashna was Raised. Amazingly the Querist the Mother also had the same Planetary Positions and I could even tell the age of the Mother along with the Month, since The Planets acquiring special dimension are influencing the Natives to a greater extent , special Saturn I could Predict the Following parameters when the Querist did not even utter a single word for her Query
- The Query is for her Son For Career and Marriage
- The Native in Question is in the Multiple age of 9 and is Born after June 1990
- The Natives Mother is Born in the age Bracket in the Multiples of 12 and hence her age is 48 and Born after May 1958
- I inquired about the Father and Turned out same as Expected
Amazingly the Planets which are influencing the Transit are the same in their charts
The Transit Planets Influencing In June are as Follows
- Jupiter Becoming Stationary on the 5th June 2017
- Saturn in Gandantha and about to fall in Scorpio
- Rahu-Ketu about to leave the Leo-Aquarius Axis
- Venus Extended Stay in Pieces till 31st May 2017
- I used the Declination of Planets and all above Parameters in Telling the Querist the above 4 Parameters .Astrology is amazing and Applying the Cycle of Planets Proves Most amazing along with Declinations
- The Number of Queries asked for Natives Born in 1985,1990, 1958 increased after May 2017
- anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya , Research BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
- Written on 14th June 2017 Time 20-10 hrs. New Delhi
- Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
- Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
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