Some of My Amazing Experience In Becoming an Astrologer

by astrodocanil

Some of My Amazing Experience In Becoming an Astrologer

From my childhhod my dreams became true. I was a Bright student in all the subjects but lacked in History . I fine evening probably on aFriday I told my mother that on coming Monday I have a Exam of History and I am totally Blank on the Subject. My Mother Told me It is Night time so we will discuss the same in the Morning what best could be done.Surprisingly I dreamt and saw the Question Paper of History at night . In the Morning I told my mother about the dream. She told me to Prepare Minimu  3 question as per the question Paper so that I could get through the Exams and obtain relatively good Marks. To my Surprise the question Paper was the same what I had seen in the dream and since I had Prepared well I did justice with the question Paper and latter obtained good Marks. This type of Happening has been observed even now , but normally I dont dream .

In Jul-Aug 1983 I met Late ShriHardeo Sharma Trivedi : The Great Astrologer of 20th Centaury . Read my Article My Family’s Experiences with Late ShriHardeo Sharma Trivedi : The Great Astrologer of 20th Centaury link…of-20th-centaury/

I met him Just before going to Bombay for  a Fake Case Framed against me. I have Rahu Stationary in my chart which is  totally eclipsing Exhalted Sun in the 11th house. I have  observed that during the Dasha connected to Rahu, I have fake people coming in contact with me who try to exploit me , but latter they suffer and I go scot free. Rahu, Mercury and Sun all the 3 are my Yogi Grahas and aspected by Jupiter from the 7th house forming a Panch Maha Purush Yoga,Rahu and Sun are also in Pushkar Navamsha. The case was quashed the same day as Predicted By Late Shri Hardeo Sharma Trivedi   and Got Scot Free. The same has been discussed in the article mentioned above .        

I was then not familiar with Astrology , But this episode did have a bearing on me.This experience was also an Amazing one .

Saturn, Rahu and Mercury Exhalted, Sun in own sign Mars Neecha Bhang Rajyoga , Jupiter with Ketu .Planets have to be strong specially when you meet a Person of Such Stature.

In the year early March 1986  My Father took to an Astrologer of Repute in the South Delhi about 3 Km from my house in the heart of the Kailandi Village Opposite Kailandi Coloney On the Ring Road, Near the Ashram Chowk. If I remember Correctly  Mars and Saturn were together in Scorpio, Mars at 21 degrees and Saturn at 14 degrees , Exactly what they are in Scorpio in the Present Transit at the time of writing this article and  both have exchanged the degrees Saturn at 21 and Mars near 13 degree. Again on the 3rd May 2016 when I got a chance to meet another Spirtual astrologer in Singapore the above Exchange of degrees of Mars and Saturn were there as compared to the first time of meet  with a Spirtual astrologer.

Let me first eloborate the Planetary positions at the time of Meeting the Second Spirtual Astrologer  Narayan Panditji

I am making the chart of 1st March 1986  for the Second Aquintance with a Spirtual Astrologer in South Delhi  as per my Birth Lagna of Gemini  as below


The Astrologer Narayan Pandit is a welknown Astrologer in the South Delhi and Commands a Respectable Position even now , What ever he Predicts and the way is really amazing. He Looks at you and then the Chart and as he Smokes a Cigeratte and deep Breath inside and then Predicts and Looks very serious when he Predicts and Gives his Predictions with Force . After Looking at my chart of 4th May 1948 08-23hrs  New Delhi he Predicted the Following  happenings for me .

  1. I will visit 5 Countries Abroad and in the Eastern Part of the World in the First week of Dec. 1986 and in case I am not able to do it before 25th Dec. 1986 the Countries visited will only be 3.
  2. I would Visit the Eastern Part of the Globe and Since then I was Working with Escorts LTD Faridabad Motor Cycle Plant  , obvoiusly Japan and near about Countries .
  3. When Iwill be abroad I will be served Bear and Black Grapes by 7 Beautiful women.

To this I reacted very shaprly and told Panditji that he was talking out of his head  and this could not be possible since I was at a Managerial Level and Normally in an MNC the GM Level only gets this oppurtunity and I was only 38 years old then  and Visiting Japan was considered to be a Miracle and most Prestigious.. I told him outrightly that since I dont have a Passport , I will also make sure that I dont make it of my Own, since his Predictions were all illusions and would not come true.

Some where in Early August 1986 , My Brother in Law from Canada was on his visit to India New Delhi and the Family of Other Brotherin Law  and my family  visited Badkhal lake Faridabad  for Excursion, where My another Brother in Law was challenged . Since I was Working In Escorts Ltd in Faridabad , MyBrother in law asked me to solve the issue .

I was then Manager Purchase In Escorts Ltd. and  had very good Contacts with the Industrialists . I called one of my Top Suppliers who said it was a very small issue and the Papers and the Licence will be returned very soon. I was amazed that I had just finished  my conversation with my Supplier  and  I got another call from the Local Police station that the Papers are being sent to me after cancelling the challan after fining Rs. 10/-. After 3 days of this happening I Found  a Police Chap want to meet me in my office , in fact this Person was the H ead of the Police Station in Faridabad  and had helped me for the Challan. He asked  me that since I had very good contacts with the Industries, I must help his son get a Job  or help him get a Contractor Job in any Induatry. I immedaitely called back the same Supplier and told him  to help the Chap fix his Son . This Police chap was friendly with the supplier for so many years , inspite of that , his son was not having any good occupation. Upon my ringing the Supplier the Son of the Police chap was fixed as a Contractor . After about 3-4 days the Police chap came and touched by feet and said sir nobody helps the Police , you have really helped me and my son for his career . He then told me Sir I am the Passport Officer of Harayana and if I was in Possession of a Passport ? I told him my deal with the Astrologer , he said Sir irrespective I will get your Passport made in 3 days and forced me and got all the formalities  done the same day and I got the Passport in a Matter of just 4 -5 days , in fact he took an Authority letter and  since he was going to Chandigarh Got the Passport despatched to my address, which I got just with in a week. I was much amazed and went running to  Panditji and Touched his feet.I told him that  this Science seems to be Euthentic  and there after I startedto take active interest when ever possible from the Tuff Job in the MNC .I also told him Pandiji you are a Magician.

Amazingly I left my Job and Joined this Supplier of Repute who had entered into a Joint venture with Maruti Udyog Ltd. . I went abroad and visited Japan , South Korea and Hongkong for Training in Japan Suzuki Motor Corpn.and , South Korea Daewoo Corpn.and Hongkong for excursion for Shoping .

Amazingly as Predicted by Panditji during my visit in South Korea , The Sales Chap took me and My Managing Director in a Night club, where there were Black Grapes Lying on the Table and 7 Girls offered Bear to us.

On coming Back from the trip I started to visit him frequently as and when I could steel time from the busy schedule of my job , since I was then the General Manager of the New Organisation and had to work round the clock for the New Venture . My Dasha then was Mercury -Sun both Placed in the 11th house of the Gemini Lagna chart in the 12th house from the 12th house in the Nakshatra of Venus the 12th and the 5th Lord Placed in the Lagna .

I started taking Strong Interest in Astrology then and used to visit Panditji normally on a Sunday Morning for few hours.

I started to Predict in the year 2002  as a hobby and amazingly my Predictions turned 100% True. I remember I used shakun Astrology then and My Predictions for a Female neighbor turned 100%, for whom I had predicted that she would get Married to a Fair Handsome Sikh from the North and Chandigarh . All happened as Predicted by me , there were so many Predictions i made and each one turned Correct . In Dec. 2006 I decided to join BVB New Delhi and Joined the Jyotish Course for 2 years .

On the 14th Jan 2007 I joined BVB New Delhi Institute for Astrology and met My Guru Again a most Spirtual Astrologer. Amazingly in all the 3 cases of Meeting a Spirtual Astrologer  My Saturn was aspecting the 8th house of my Natal chart which is owned by Saturn  itself .

Jupiter was in Scorpio when I met the First Spirtual Astrologer as mentioned above in Aug.1983, Again Jupiter is in Scorpio at the time of My joining the Institute.Saturn aspecting the 8th house , Mars aspect on Saturn and Jupiter aspect on Saturn , which is considered to be good rather than Saturn aspect on Jupiter . I Tripited the 2 year course  which is of 2 years , since there were lot of queries in my mind and I lost my Intution ability after Joining the Course  and I decided to Continue till I finally recovered by Intution ability . The Meeting with  3 Spirtual Astrologers Brought about a Massive change in me and I started to study Astrology by my Heart and Soul. I also did my Research in Astrology and Submitted in the Institute for which I was also Given an Award  in the year 2012.



On 3rd May 2016 when I was to come to Singapore , One of my Friend in Singapore told me about the Spirtual Astrologer who  was coming to Singapore on the same day I was to land in Singapore . My friend fixed an appointment for me and I visited him on the scheduled time on the 3rd May 2016 around 10.45 hrs

Amazingly Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio and have exchange of Degrees as were at the time of meeting Narayan Panditji on the 1st March 1986

This  Astrologer is amazing and keeps visiting  Singapore  who Predicts with out any Charts and  Tells  you the Probable disease in your Body  which could sprout in the time to come.

See the Chart at the time I met him


Any House which is Jointly aspected and Influenced by Saturn and Jupiter gets activated , more so since the Lord of the Sign Leo is also Exhalted and aspected by Jupiter , Jupiter is connected to all the Planets in the chart and also Connected to Saturn  who is with Mars and both influencing the 5th house by Retrograde aspect and also connected to the 8th house of Hidden Sciences

Let me write all the Parameters in the 4 Events regarding Astrology  Taking Gemini Lagna My Natal chart


Date          Sun            Moon          Mars          Mercury          Jupiter           Venus           Saturn


10-8-83   Leo            Scorpio    Cancer        Leo                 Scorpio          Leo             Libra

1-3-86   Aquarius  Scorpio   Scorpio      Aquarius   Aquarius      Aquarius   Scorpio       

14-01-07 Sagitariu  Scorpio   Sagitarius  Capricorn   Scorpio         Capricorn   Cancer

3-5-16    Aries            Leo          Scorpio        Aries         Leo                 Aries           Scorpio     

Remarks 8th house of the natural Zodiac is Scorpio and signifies Hidden sciences and Role os Mars also comes in operation

Karka for Astrology are Mercury and Jupiter and connection of the 5th and the 8th house shows ones apptitude for Astrology and Hidden Sciences

From the above it is clear that the signs Important for meeting Spirtual Persons Sun has to be in Trine from your Natal Sun. My Sun is Exhalted .

Moon to aspect the Natal Moon or in the 10th house from Natal Moon , since I have Moon in Aquarius

Saturn is in Most of the time in Scorpio at the time of Meeting the Spirtual Astrology otr over the natal Satyrn in the sign of Cancer

Mars and Realtion with Saturn in most of the cases

Jupiter has been in the sign of Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius aspecting or influencing the natal Moon   Also My Jupiter is in Sagitarius and Retrograde and as Per Nadi charts it is in Scorpio, Hence  Influencing the natal Jupiter

Mercury in the 8th house of Capricorn or Over the Natal Moon or Influencing the Natal Moon

From the above it is clear that The Role of Sun, Moon, Saturn , Mars and Jupiter and Mercury is Phenomenal in meeting a spirtual Person and Must influence the Natal Moon or 10th from Moon and Sun in the trinal house from the Natal Moon, Jupiter influencing the Nartal Jupiter or the Progressed Jupiter by Nadi charts and Mercury in the 8th house or influencing the natal Mercury or the Natal Moon

Surprisingly at the time of Meeting the Spirtual Astrologers My Saturn has been on the Natal Saturn in the 2nd House in Cancer  or Exhalted in one case or in Scorpio with Mars or Influencing mars by Return aspect . The Primary house of Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac has Played a Vital role in my case more so since my Natal Jupiter also aspects the Scorpio sign by Retrograde aspect

I am deeply impressed by all the above spirtual Astrologers of Repute and Stand up to give them Ovations . Astrology is most wonderful and a most Amazing Science.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 11May 2016 07-30 PM Singapore  


Video on Planetary cycle on

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

In Singapore from 22nd April to 18th May 2016 

Disclaimer:Clause applicable asper the Webpage 



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