Amazing Career Predictions By Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

I have the Permission of the  my client in Australia to share this Episode on my Website.  The  Query was raised  for job 11th April 2015 19-02 hrs Facing South East Arudha Lagna for a New  Project .


Panchang of the Day

Day is Saturday Lord is Saturn , Tithi KP-7,Bhadra Tithi Lord is Sun and Friendly, Nakshatra Moola . Number is 19 and Sulochana nakshatra  Not condusive to give good Results immedaitely, Yoga is Parigha Lord is Saturn , Karna is Bava lord is Sun    Sun and Mercury acquire a special dimension since both about to change signs and go in the 7th house of New Project.(There could be 2 new projects , one by Mercury and anothjer by Exhalted Sun, but first from Mercury since it enetered the 7th house first)

Hora Mercury good for New Projects and Ventures Hora planet and Sun  Getting Exhalted in the 7th house shows that Ist offer will be weaker then 2nd offer, since Mercury is entering first and Sun later , Query is also at the time of Din Ratri Sandhi hence the 1st one may not mature properly and may be for short duration , since Sun is stronger than Mercury and also not comfortable with Sun , Hence the  Project  offered by Exhalted Sun will be a strong one since Sun is also the 11th lord and ingressing in the 7th house

Saturn is placed in the in the 5th Yama of Mars Scorpio in the yama chart an inimical sign but , this sign and Day lord Saturn is aspected by the 8th Lord Venus who is also the Lagna Lord Venus is indicating fructifications and first not as per choice. The 8th Lord and Lagna lord is Venus and placed in own house is not bad but shows rise after some Pain  in work. . The dispositor of the Day lord Saturn is Mars and Placed in the 7th house of Foreign settlement and in own Mool Trikona sign and also the house of next projects the 7th house, indicates Karya Siddhi . Saturn is Retrograde and showing the native is going to Foreign country for the 3rd Time , He has already completed 2 projects one in France and 2nd one in Australia the 3rd one is in hand.

Connection of Day Lord and the Lagna Lord in the query chart is Good , more so since Saturn is a yogkaraka for this Lagna Libra , Exhalted Planet in the 7th house from Uday Lagna is Extremely good to give strong benefic Results Moon placed in the 7th house from Arudha lagna is also very good since native was facing South East at the time of Query and South East is Gemini in Yama chart , Chaitra Rashi is Capricorn and aspected by Yogkarka Saturn and is Retrograde hence some repeated efforts may be required or the 3rd offer may work out  better than the 2nd Project which may be for short while .I had mentioned above  that  Mercury and Sun acquire a special dimension and both ingressing in the 7th house one by one , showing 2 projects coming in hand first pertaining to Mercury and the 2nd one pertaining to Exhalted Sun, It is obvious that the Project offered when Sun enters would definitely be a strong one.   and Jupiter is extremely good and native will get relocated in a Good country since 6th Lord is aspecting the 6th house where Ketu is placed.

As Per Karna Lord is not connected to 10th Lord but connected to 10th house by 6th Lord Jupiter , hence there will be a Job of Foreign Placement

This is also indicative that the first Project offered By Mercury  may not bring very good results.

Mercury is the planet about to change sign and has inimical ithasla with Moon and difference is 28.48-19.45= 9.00 Hence after  9 days  he will get a news which is not very encouraging   . Now Moon also has inimical ithasla with Sun, hence when Moon goes in the 9th house and aspects the 3rd house Moon fructification of the results will take place specially when Mercury and Moon will be at the same degrees, since Moon has ithasla a Benefic one to give the results. Now as per the above ithasla the Date 20th April 2015 become very important for the querist to receive a message for the New Project. Amazingly the Querist got a message on the 20th April 2015 that there is a project but not as per his Requirement , see the Sun in Dinratri sandhi and Moon and Mercury inimical ithasla.

Since the  Query was put at the time of Din Ratri Sandhi and should not be taken as per Prashna Marg, I took the lead from the Time of the call  the Querist made to me on the 20th April 2015 at 12.53 hrs expressing difficulties in getting the Project I prepared a New chart of this time, But One thing was clear since Mercury Joined the 7th house first he has to take a Project not very Attractive for some time  also Mercury went in Retrogression on the 19th April 2015 the Project may be for a short duration only and till Mercury and Sun both in Virgo sign till on the 18th Sept. 2015 or they join Lagna on the 18th Oct 2015.

Now Let us see the Lead what the Planetary positions give from the time the Querist made me a Call on 20th April 2015 12-53 hrs New Delhi

NM 2

Normally for a Query one Prashna is the result giving, but since the query is pertaining to the same and a Lead from the Query this may be noted and analysed as well.

Day is Monday and is placed in the 3rd yama of Leo which is the 2nd house of the query chart and its Lord Sun is Exhalted and placed in the 10th house with 10th Lord Mars and both are digbali . Lagnesh Karyesh and the Yama lord of Moon are placed in the 10th house showing the fructification of the results with Force. Moon is also ucha abhilashi and in the nakshatra of Venus who is placed in own sign in the 11th house .Mercury and Mars are very close and Mercury will Reach Mars on then 23rd-24th April , hence some decision on the new project on the 24th April 2015 and a strong one  first pertaining to Mercury and then Sun Exhalted

Since Moon is Placed in the Movable sign and will take days and since it is 26.25 degrees there may be a communication regarding a project with in 3.5 days and hence 24th April there may be a call regarding the same.

The lead Query is definitely positive and promising very good results with in 30 days of the query raised and hence till 20th May 2015 there may be fructification of the results since Nakshatra analysis shows so and May be the Querist gets the Visa for short Project relating to Mercury..

10th house has very strong planets and Digbali Sun and Mars , extremely good, but since Mars is aspecting the Lagna and Jupiter in the Lagna it is not very good, Hence after 3rd May there will be better results pertaining to the New Venture pertaining to Exhalted Sun. There is also Exchange of Mars and Venus hence extremely good since the exchange is between the 10th and the 11th Lord.

Jupiter stay in the Lagna at exact Lagna degrees will be extremely good more so since the navamsha lagna also has Jupiter in the Lagna and its MT sign and the 6th house of the Career and relocation of the Country is very strong, since it is also Lord of the 6th house and relocation in an foreign country since the 12th Lord from the 7th house and is also the 9th lord for long Journeys, it is also aspecting the 7th house and 7th Lord and in the nakshatra of the 3rd and 12th Lord clearly shows placement ABROAD BUT AFTER 31st July 2015 for the Project by Exhalted Sun when the 7th lord will become direct and Jupiter will come in Leo. Mars will move to 11th house on the 3rd May 2015, then there will be talks for the Emoluments and Salaries. And Finally when Mars goes in the 12th house the results for Foreign placement will be given to you before  15th June 2015


Timing of the Event .

First as per the Previous chart which has more Impact, the Timing of the  Project by Exhalted Sun will be after Mercury and Sun reach the 12th house of the chart of the 11th April 2015 and as mentioned above he will get a Project of his choice after 18th Sept. 2015 and the conformation of the same will be as below.

Lagna Nakshatra and Moon nakshatra lord are friends and when Moon Transits the Lagna on the 26th  May 2015 Evening could get a  Call hence between 24th – 26th April there should be a call regarding a Project  offered by Exhalted Sun on  the 28th  April 2015 since 26th is Saturday .

The planet influencing Lagna is Jupiter and a Exhalted indicates victory at all costs , good representations in the Govt. , Good income, wealth and properties , Benefics are placed in UL, Al and CR is extremely good

Direction is Dispositor of Lagnesh and karyesh and 12th lord is placed in Sagitarius in the Yama chart hence the direction most suited is North West Soudi Arabia, first and then Surprisingly the native got a Very good project Proposal for  US on the 12th May 2015,, when Sun Reaches the exact degees of the Lagna Lord and Moon of the Lead chart of 20th April 2015 , See the degrees of Moon in this chart 26.25 ans Sun degrees on the 12th May 2015 26.25 .

Now Read the mail i got from the client

Dear Anil Sir ,
I am glad to get your precious analysis and very comprehensive and document on hora analysis
As communicated , please find the below events. I would like to communicate cumulative events so that I have waited to get all the events has to happen.
1)USA H1B : Visa communication happened from my company on 12-May-15 , 5 PM , but my company would have received the original results from USA visa processing team before between 15-Apri-15 to 12-May-15 as visa lottery happened on this time frame.
2) For Saudi : Visa stamped on 21-May -15 and I have received communication from my company on 22-May-15 to collect passport.
The Querist went to South Africa on the 22nd May 2015 and has to Go for another Project after completion of the Project around Oct. 2015. All Parameters which have been depicted by the Prashna chartare actually happening 100%

Astrology is most Amazing and Prashna Jyotish By Tamil Principles most Precious . The dates mentioned by my querist match 100 % with all the happenings and 2 Projects as shown by the Query chart .The Birth chart is showing Relocation in a country in JUNE WHERE AS THE NATIVE HAS PROCEEDED TO SOUTH AFRICA ON THE 22ND MAY 2015 .  Birth chart is more dependent on the time of Birth correct or some change  and is purely on the Previous Karmas , where as the Prashna Jyotish is depicting the Present Karmas and their fructifications . God Bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 7th June 2015   12.30 hrs.




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