“Amazing Astro Experiences & Prashna

by astrodocanil

“Amazing Astro Experiences and Prashna “

 This Article was published in the website  http://www.saptarishisastrology.com/astrology_articles.php Volume 9 Article 170. Part of the Events in the Article were Also published in BVB JOURNAL OF ASTROLOGY Jan.-Feb. 2012

Here  I am sharing my experiences related to Astrology. The emphasis is that every human being can become an Astrologer at least a Shakun Astrologer if he understands the shakuns in our daily life. Nature conveys us some thing  or the other and even warns us , but we normally ignore it. if we understand the language of the nature we can certainly improve our life to quite an  extent . Every person can become an astrologer; it is only the instinct which has to be activated, off course all will happen with Promise, Conducive dasha and Favorable Transit. I have here given certain events which happened in my life and I could Predict even when I was not an Astrologer . Some of the events are also when I studied Astrology. Jupiter and Mercury  benefic Placement in the chart is a divine gift for this.

 1.  In Sept .1973 normally then everybody use to sleep in the verandahs in summer. As usual, my dadi was sleeping next to my cot. My father had given an advertisement. for my Marriage fixation then. Just then when I got up I told my grandmother that, today my Marriage will be fixed. She was amazed and asked me how ?  I told her that there was a Car which went in front of the house and I saw a  fair looking Girl sitting at the back. She  then asked me then what happens ? . I told her that they had come to see our house and the locality where we reside, because it is a matter of concern for the Parents .  I also told her that where ever they live in Delhi they would reach home within 35 to 40 minutes and they would make a  call for an appointment..This all is also logic. Surprisingly  a  phone call came just in 35 to 40 minutes and my father fixed an appointment with them for the day. I asked my father to cancel the appointment fixed for the other people who were to come at 11.00 am. To my Surprise, they were the same people and I recognized them by their car.  Latter my marriage was fixed there itself.

2.  My father used to visit an astrologer way back in 1985  Narayan Pundit in Kilokari Maharani Bagh Delhi. One day he took me along, I think the period was June 1986, after looking at my horoscope he said , I will be visiting 5 countries shortly in Dec 1986. I told him astrology is all fake and I don’t believe it , In fact I told him ,I will not get my Passport made, let me see how I go. To my surprise, very shortly .I came across a person in the Police dept. for some personal work, he had helped me, In return I got his son get a good job as a contractor in an industry. He then asked me if  I had a passport? I told him the facts. He said he is the Passport officer in Faridabad Harayana and he could get my Passport made in a couple of days. i was then working for Escorts Ltd Motorcycle Division. Just to oblige me he forced me to get a Passport made and gave it to me in a period of 7 days, although I had no documents to prove that I was a Resident of Faridabad. An affidavit was given by my junior to this effect, that I was his Tenant. I immediately went back to the astrologer and said sorry to him . Next thing what happened was that I changed my job and was employed as Gen. Manager with a Joint Venture of MUL. I was sent to Japan for Training in Suzuki Motor Corpn. I was also to visit  S Korea Deawoo for Toolings and also, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan. I was so influenced by the episode that I joined Astrology course in BVB New Delhi in Jan. 2007and completed the Jyotish Acharaya course .I have now been doing astrology for almost 6 to 7 yrs.As per my experience It is most amazing Science.

My father knew the most famous Astrologer  Pundit Hardev Sharma  of  Solan who used to write the Vish Vijay Panchang, now being written by his Son and Daughter in law . He had predicted that I will do astrology in my late age around 60 years. On  26th July 1983    Pundit Hardev Sharma was in Delhi and my father had gone to meet him. He normally he use to stay at our house. He told my father go home early , since there is a bad news at home  . I had got summons from Bombay court in a Fake criminal case. This was the mischief of our neighbor who was running a guesthouse in our neighborhood   . My father being in Govt.  at a Secretary Level   had got him arrested a few years ago, because of a tiff as the guest house owner had challenged to kill our family. . In order to take revenge, he framed a fake case against me in Bombay where I have never been. I had to be in Bombay on the 22nd Aug 1983. He had chosen a Muhurat for me to reach Bombay by flight probably on the Saturday the 20th Aug 1983. I had taken all documentary evidence in my favor. The case was quashed and I came out  with Success. I give all credit to astrology and Pundit Hardev Sharma .   I was running the Dasha of the Lagna Lord and 4th Lord Mercury  .MER- KET- SAT   D.O.B 4th May 1948 08:23 hrs. New Delhi   Dasha was of Lagna Lord 4th lord and Yogi Graha Group.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3.  In early 2009 I was in  my astrology class in Bhartiya vidhya Bhawan. Two girl students sitting next to me were talking .One of them said my mother in law had cancer, I intervened in between and said I will do some astrological analysis. I asked her if she had afflicted Rahu in the 10 th house . She gave me an answer in positive. The next thing I asked her was the Cancer detected on 6th May 2008. She gave an answer in positive .I further asked her your Dasha running is Rahu she said yes again . I will now explain. 4th house from 7th house is mother of spouse or mother in law. Cancer is a disease not diagnosed  easily Rahu afflicted there. So the moment she said my mother in law had Cancer ,I could make out Rahu afflicted in 10th house. How could I time it was that Rahu had shifted from Aquarius to Capricorn on 6th May 2008.The moment Rahu came on Rahu it lifted the curtain activating natal Rahu and the Disease was diagnosed as Cancer on 6th May 2008. I could also tell her Rising sign in Lagna is Aries which was correct.Here I would add one thing Rahu is Rog Harnam and Ketu is Rog Karnam.In Dasha of Rahu , normally the disease is cured if benefics are aspecting Rahu.

4. I have normally been able to place Jupiter in the chart of the native just by looking at the native . My feeling is since my Jupiter in own sign and aspects Lagna , any native whose Jupiter will be 3/11, 5/9, 4/10 from my Jupiter ,I will be able to place it well, specially whose Jupiter aspects Lagna .Natives having Fixed Lagna and Venus in Kendra normally have very good features. I am able to place their Venus easily. Once Sun placement is done then Venus can be placed easily since Venus will be 2 houses max behind or ahead depending upon the feature of the person. I place Sun by the forehead, normally people with broad forehead have Sun from 2 H to 10 H max. from Lagna or Moon. Normally whose Jupiter is strong meaning in own sign, MT sign or Exalted and specially aspecting the Lagna will have an attraction. I am able to place the Jupiter for such natives very quickly.  I could Predict that Madhuri Dixhit is born in 1967 and has strong jupiter connected to the Lagna. In 1967 Jupiter was Exhalted ,  and Moon will also be placed well in the Lagna or the 7th house.Now looking at the Age of the person by Looks you can find out in which Rashi Jupiter is placed, once you come to know that you can also place Saturn , Rahu- Ketu. Mars aspecting the Lagna or near lagna will influence the complexion of the Native , similarly Saturn. But all this can only be done when you remember the placement of the major planets in transit in the previous years.    If a native is very beautiful then Moon could be in Sukla Paksha and just before the Full Moon, in case of females they are called chaudivi ka chand, the Moon may be in the  13th or14th tithi.Jupiter in Lagna normally makes the body heavy; in 2 H it gives husky voice, or peculiar voice. Hence you can draw a chart of the native in your mind and to some extent you can predict about the native in general. Likewise we can also assess the person according to different signs rising and the planets influencing the Lagna.

5.   In early May 2010 meaning about 2nd May , I could see some evil happening to me in my house on 6th May 2010. I told my wife we will go early morning around 8 am and return back late in the evening. After my morning walk which i start at 5.30 am came back at about 6.45 am, I forgot it was 6th May 2010. I started gardening outside my house for the plants kept on the entrance, suddenly a dog came waving his tail and kept around for some time and then all of a sudden jumped at me, as a precaution, I tried to get away by hitting him with my leg, answer was he bite me on my leg. We had planned to go out for the day and in instead had to go to the doctor and get injections for a month or so. Transit Moon was in the 8th house from my natal moon and 6th lord was also involved .In spite of my knowing in advance ,the day was not good ,I could not do a damn.

I agree to it totally, therefore our faith in astrology goes on increasing gradually by the turn of such events. It is a highly developed science, and the principles to be applied very carefully. People normally treat astrology otherwise because of wrong predictions due to the incompetence of the astrologer.

6. One of my friends in astrology class brought  a horoscope of  a female  relative , born on the 27th Oct 1983 17:56 hrs. Delhi on the 9th March 2011. He wanted to Match the horoscope  with a Boy who had come from America on the 3rd March 2011. He told me that if the horoscope matches , then the Boy in question will come to see the girl on a day chosen as a good  Muhurat .. He also told me that the two families knew each other. After looking at the Boys horoscope , who was a Virgo Lagna  , I told my class mate that the boy had already seen a girl 3 days back on the 6th March 2011 , and the Boy had already decided to Marry that Girl mentally, and hence he will not come to see the Girl in question , in spite of the fact that the two horoscopes are matching.  My classmate was taken aback and did not believe it. After 3 days my classmate called me and told me that the Boy had fixed the Marriage with the girl whom he had seen on the 6th March 2011  , hence he did not come to see the girl in Question. I has applied the Timing Parameters and specially the Parameter Piya Milan , in both the horoscopes. In case of the Boy The Double Transit of Saturn and Jupiter activated the 7th house  . The Lagna Lord Mercury and Jupiter were there in the 7th house in Pieces along with Moon. Mercury had entered in Pieces on the 6th March  2011 only. In the case of the Girl The Double Transit was not activated ,Although  Saturn had activated the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord and  Mars the Lagna Lord  in Transit was also aspecting both the Natal Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord in the 5th house from the Aquarius sign.

7. Another first and foremost thing which a good astrologer does. Draws a Prashna chart at the time of query of the client or when the client visits him. This chart is indicative of the query of the client , plus it shows , the fulfillment of the query. Using prashna shastra. In the horoscope we are limited to no. of houses for a particular query or event, but in Prashna chart we have 12 houses for the same query. We can therefore fine tune our predictions on that.My experience on this . In the peak of this summer this year a client came to me for consulting me . The moment he entered my house and the AC stopped functioning. I could clearly predict that the query will not be full filled. The client came for the matching of a horoscope and the Matching was 22 guna matching, still the Bride side did not agree to the match. Face to face query is always better for predictions.

8.In the year in the early 2010, one of my friends in Dubai called me up and asked when he should invest in the share market. I asked him to call his broker and find out and also talk to me then about his activity at that point of time . He called me up again after 2 minutes and he told me that the broker was going down on the escalator. I immediately told him to wait for the investment, since as per shakun astrology the share market would go down steeply, since the escalator was also an steep one. After a few days my friend confirmed the same.


9. In the year  Jan 2011 when the new session of the Jyotish Acharaya  started  in BVB, A good looking girl joined our session and came and sat next to me. Just by Looking at her I could place her Jupiter and was sure that Jupiter is aspecting her Lagna, the other thing I noticed was, she had sharp features. I  could immediately form an opinion that she is a native having fixed Lagna and Venus in mostly in a Kendra, she had broad forehead, hence Sun near Lagna, Now by roughly calculating her age by looks, she seemed to be born in the year 1972, since  strong Jupiter was in own sign in Sagittarius aspecting the Lagna.  My Jupiter is also in own sign  Sagittarius, will immediately recognize those having strong Jupiter. I asked her if she was 1972 born and if her Jupiter was aspecting the Lagna ?  . She replied in affirmative and was amazed. The next thing I asked her if she was Leo Lagna  as per the above conditions mentioned. She replied in positive. Why I could place Leo sign was that , for fixed lagna for Jupiter to be in Sagittarius and aspecting the Lagna  was the only possibility. Next I told her she has to be born around July 1972 for Sun to be near Lagna  and Venus to be in Kendra and in the 10th house ,  I also told her that she is  born in the first half of the day and around 09:00 am. I was also able to place the slow moving planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in her chart.. My predictions were going 100%. She confirmed the above.  Is this not amazing. Learning astrology is different and application is a separate thing and all can apply. It is not at all difficult.

10. On this Sunday the 12th Nov 2011 in My Research class  in BVB at about 1600 hrs. we were having a workshop on the Research on the parameters which lead to Heart problems . The complete Research students of different batches join there . I was talking to a friend about group of astrologers where we all discuss astrology  and was asking him to join the discussions. This is a forum where we all discuss about astrology and different topics Specially Research. The person sitting next to my friend not known to me at all joined the conversation and was delighted and asked if he could join. I noted his face expressions and told him, He has Aquarius Lagna , He was amazed and answered Yes. Moon is mind and Transit Moon was in Gemini at that time ,  it was in his 5th house at time  the house of the thought process, hence Aquarius Lagna.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  Written on 2nd Dec. 2012  Reproduced here 1st April 2015 and on the 31st Dec. 2023 9-00 hrs New Delhi

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi


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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects and the Research proves as discussed.


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