Alok Verma Removed As CBI Chief After Selection Panel Meets : North Node Over Debilitated Mars Plays The Game

by astrodocanil

732 Articles and Predictions written in just 45 months
North Node Rahu Adverse Over Debilitated Mars and Sun and Saturn Conjunction or in 6/8 axis Proves most Venomous as per Research. It Proves for Akhilesh Yadav, Anil Ambwani, Rakesh Roshan and Now Alok Verma . In the case of China and Jammu & Kashmis also proving the same and hence till 5th Feb. 2019 most Venomous
This Article is been written for Astrology Researh and no Personal opinion.North Node is Venomous from the 7th Jan. at a stretch for 17 days exceptionally till 23rd Jan. 2019 and then again from 28th Jan. to 5th Feb. 2019
During this Transit all those who have Debiliated Mars are suffering on one account or the other . Akhilesh Yadav, Now Alok Verma. Another factor i have observed is those who have a Bhandan Yoga Sun and Saturn Conjunction or those who have Sun and Saturn in 6/8 axis are suffering from the 16th Dec. 2018 and seems till 15th Feb. 2019 till when Sun and Saturn will be first Conjunct and then 2/12 axis

Have a look at the chart of Alok Verma Born on the 14th July 1957, now compare with the Transit Planets

The Following Parameter acquire a special dimension
1. Read My other Articles on Rahu North Node Venomous in Transit over the Debilitated Mars Rakesh Roshan Suffers from Throat Cancer , Akhilesh yadav also has this and CBI inquiry against him Alok Verma also has Debilitated Mars
Article on Rakesh Roshan
Article on Anil Ambani he also has Sun and Saturn in 6/8 axis and Mars debilitated Article on him
Supreme Court has asked him to pay the dues of Erricson
Akhilesh Yadav
AkhileshYadav has Sun and Saturn conjunction as per birth details from 1st July 1974. Today when this News comes Transit Sun and Saturn are in the 7th from the natal #SunSaturn conjunction in Gemini at 15 degrees with Mercury all of them at 15 degrees . Transit Sun, Saturn and Mercury from Sagitarius activate the #Bhandan yoga and bring forth this situation. Transit #Rahu the main planet in Adverse motion today is over the natal #Mars in Debilitation and today moon transit is also in the 7th from the natal Mars . The Exact activation of his Sun and Saturn took place on the 2nd Jan. 2019 when Sun and Saturn were 17 degrees and a very close connection , Mercury joined the conjunction in #Transit on the 1st Jan. 2019, hence it seems the issues started after 2nd Jan. 2019 itself. The planetary positions in Transit are not in his favour it seems and may put him in hotwaters

Article on Akhilesh Yadav Media
Ready to face CBI

Alok Verma Has Has Sun and Saturn in 6/8 axis, Akhilesh Yadav Conjunction and Rakesh Roshan Conjunction of Sun and Saturn and Anil Ambwani Mars Debilitated and Sun and Saturn 6/8 axis

Hence My Research Proves on Dot that when Adverse Rahu will transit over the natal Debiliated Mars and Sun and Saturn are conunct or in 6/8 axis then a Crucial period ahead

For China also it seems to be critical since Mars Debilitated in the 7th house . and Transit Rahu over it . The same is also Applicable for Jammu & Kashmir Debilitated Mars with Saturn in the 7th house and State facing all kind of troubles . This also Indicates that in the present Scenario these Parameters will strong till 5th Feb. 2019 it so seems and People may suffer on one or other account

Written on the 10th Jan. 2019 at 21-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Research Astrology Award Winner from Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan an Astrological Institute
Webpage www.
Mobile +918527884764

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