Actress Bidisha Bezbaruah Of Jagga Jasoos Found Dead in Gurgaon: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

“Jagga Jasoos actor Bidisha Bezbaruah found dead in Gurgaon, husband held”  link

Famous Assamese actor and singer Bidisha Bezbaruah, who also featured in a Bihu dance in the movie Jagga Jasoos, was found dead in her flat in Sushant Aparments, Sector 43 in Gurgaon on Monday night. The police arrested her husband, Nisheeth Jha, on Tuesday evening after Bidisha’s father, Dr Aswini Bezbaruah, registered a case under section 306 (abetment of suicide) at the Sushant Lok police station. Bidisha, 26, whose family lives in Guwahati’s Uzan Bazar, had married Jha last year and the couple reportedly did not have a cordial relationship. Jha was in Mumbai at the time of the incident and flew to Gurgaon late Monday night.Sushant Lok Station House Officer Gaurav  told HT that the police control room received a call from a apartment resident about her death at around 8 pm on Monday 17th July 2017. The police found Bidisha hanging from the ceiling fan. The singer’s family was informed and they reached Gurgaon on Monday night. In his complaint Bidisha’s father alleged that Jha had been harassing and threatening her. He claimed that Bidisha was upset with the marriage and it prompted her to take the extreme step, Gurgaon police PRO Ravinder Kumar said. The police questioned Jha on Tuesday and arrested him in the evening. Bidisha’s body was sent for post mortem and handed over to the family on Tuesday evening. Her fans expressed their condolences in several messages posted on social media websites. Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal, in a tweet, said that he has talked to Haryana Chief Minister ML Khattar and ‘requested him to call an investigation into the unfortunate death of a girl from Assam in Gurugram’

Police believe she committed suicide and have arrested her husband, Nisheeth Jha, on charges of abetment after Bidisha’s father accused him of having an extra-marital affair. Earlier the same evening, Bidisha’s father said she had called him to say that she would seek a divorce. Bidisha had moved to Gurgaon recently with Nisheeth and had joined advertising and PR agency Publicis Communications’ Udyog Vihar office just two weeks ago. Bidisha was an accounts executive. Nisheeth, who is originally from Gujarat, works for AFCONS India. They got married on April 28 last year.

Police said Bidisha’s body was discovered around 7.30pm on Monday by a property dealer who broke into her flat (number 91) at Sushant Apartments in Sector 43, along with some neighbours, after Nisheeth got in touch with him when she did not respond to his phone calls.

In his police complaint, Aswini said, <strong>”She was not happy in her marriage and things turned worse in the last few months. It was around 9pm on Monday when I received a call from the police that my daughter was found hanging in her flat.On the same day, she had called me around 5 pm and said she wanted a divorce</strong>. I asked her to be calm, but she refused to listen and disconnected the phone call, saying `let me take my own decision’. I immediately called up her husband in Mumbai, asking him to be with her, but he flatly refused. After a few hours, we got this unfortunate news.” Aswini said Bidisha had also told her mother Ranjita and brother Kaushik as well as some of her friends about Nisheeth’s affair. “We want severe punishment for her husband,” he said.

From the Above the Important Parameters are as Follows

1.Disturbed Marital Relations between Bidisha and her Spouse

2. Marriage Of Bidisha on the 28th April 2016.

3. Phone Call by Bidisha to her Father at 17.00 hrs. 17th July 2017 and informed that she wanted a divorce.

4.Bidisha spouse had an extra marital affair.

5. Body of Bidisha Found hanging between 19.30 hrs. to  20-00 hrs. on 17th July 2017

Let us first have a Look at the chart of the 17th July 2017  17-00 hrs.which was the last time she spoke to her Father  before her Death

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the 6th house having Exchange with Mars Debilitated . Moon is in the Yama of  Virgo the 11th house of the chart where Jupiter is Placed , Lord of the 2nd and the 5th Lord . The Yama Lord Mercury is Placed in the 9th house with Debilitated 6th Lord Mars along with 10th Lord Sun , Mars is also 6th Lord is the Most malefic Parameter connection with the Yama Lord and Sun. Both the Luminares have connection with Debilitated Mars  who is Totally combusted

Tithi KP-Navmi is a Malefic Tithi

Nakshatra  Ashvini  Lord Ketu and In Adverse motion

Yoga Drit Inauspicious

Karna  Taitila and with Debilitated and Combusted Mars  Malefic

Hora Lord Mars  Most Malefic

DBA Planets Ketu-Ketu-Saturn , Most malefic

The Planets acquiring Special dimension at the time of the Call

  1. Rahu and Ketu in Forward Motion , Rahu in Gandantha and aspected by Fallen Saturn from Lagna.
  2. Leo and Scorpio Signs Dagdha and since Rahu and Saturn are placed in Dagdha Rashis they acquire most malefic State , more so Saturn at the Lagna Degrees.
  3. Sun Ingresses in Cancer on the 16th July 2017
  4. Mars Ingresses in Cancer sign on the 11th July 2017
  5. Most important Almost Poorna Ithasala of Venus and Jupiter
  6. Day Lord Moon ill placed from the 7th house and 7th Lord and also from the Karka for Marriage Venus . Most malefic for Marital relations
  7. Day Lord Moon is also ill placed from Karka for Spouse for women Jupiter.
  8. Since Saturn is Retrograde and ceases to be a Char Karka, Rahu is the Dara Karka asper Tamil Texts and Stronger then Venus . When Rahu is Stronger than Venus it spoils the Marriage .
  9. Moon in the 6th house and having Exchange with 6th Lord  who is Combusted and Debilitated
  10. Dasha , Bhukti and Antara of Malefics Ketu-Ketu-Saturn  and these Planets acquiring a special and Malefic dimension as stated above
  11. Gulika in the Sign Libra at 21.40 degrees a and Navamsha of Aries
  12. Gulika Lord Venus aspects the Lagna , Gulika Lord Connected to Fallen Saturn the Karka for Longevity and also Placed in the 7th house from Moon
  13. In Navamsha Navamsha of the Gulika Lord  Mars aspects the Lagna  and Saturn again and Moon with Gulika Lord Venus in Navamsha make a perfect combinations for Death.
  14. As Per Mook Prashna the Stronger of the Lagna Lord Mars and the 11th Lord Mercury  is Mars and counting upto Moon is the 10 house and in the 10th from the Lagna the Dara Karka and Up Karka for Marriage is Placed and aspected by Fallen Saturn. Rahu here is in most malefic and Afflicted condition as mentioned above and clearly shows that the native was suffering due to Acute Disturbed Marital Relations . Placement of Moon in the 6th house and having Exchange with Mars Combusted and Debilitated further indicates it is Basically because of her Spouse .
  15. Moon Has Exchange with Mars afflicted badly and is in the 6th from the Lagna and the 2nd  From the Arudha Lagna Pieces is a Malefic Combination for Good Marital Relatons
  16. Moon Debilitates in the Sign Scorpio and is the Lagna of the Chart hence the Marital Disturbed relation are due to a Female having Extra Marital Relations with her Spouse .
  17. Moon and Venus connected to Malefics Male Losses his first wife  and the same is applicable here .
  18. Venus in the 7th House aspected by Malefic Saturn the Spouse of the Girl is immoral.
  19. Since Saturn is there in the Lagna the Spouse is responsible for Taking away her Belongings and Money , since aspected by Venus
  20. Placemet of Mercury in the 9th house in affliction indicates that the Spouse is irreligious and due to Placement of Rahu in the 10th house hw will become Widow
  21. Since the Lagna and Venus are in Fixed signs the Girl is not impure but due to Placement of Moon in movabale sign and  Connected to Mars and Sun , shows she has intimacy with high personage , Moon and Mars in Movable signs are not good for Marital Queries and also for Girls.
  22. In the Chart at the time of Phone call Jupiter and Venus has Poorna Ithasla

Now Looking at the chart when they were in 1/7 axis and Jupiter Retrogtrade and Venus in the Sign of Jupiter on the 20th May 2017 there were similar Combinations , Jupiter and Venus Degree aspect and Moon and Mars degree Ithasla at 25 degrees  and Moon with Ketu and aspected by Fallen Saturn from the 2nd house and Rahu-Ketu again adverse

Hence it seems that on the 20th May 2017 there were similar Combinations

Who is the Enemy 

The Caste and Occupation of the enemy is seen from the 7th House and hence a Female involvement and a Ksitryia and a Good Looking Female

Age of the Enemy 20-25 years

Direction North  from the Mount of Lord Shiva

Cause of Death 

At the time of Call which the Girl made to he Father , the Lagna was Scorpio and in the last degrees of 28-29 hence the Death may have occurred at the time of the Lagna in Gandantha  and Sagitarius Lagna .

Sun, Mars and Mercury in the 8th house .

Rahu in Gandantha in Leo in the 9th house  and adverse and aspected by Saturn from the 12th house

Navamsha Of Aries

Sun in the 8th house Death due to Burns or Fire . Sun in the 8th house may cause death due to Electric Shock, Suffocation or Suicide , since the Lagna , Rahu and Sun are in Identical degrees in the chart when Lagna is in Gandantha , the Above Possibility seems to be Suicide and Death due to suffocation

Since then the Lagna will be in the Ist Dreshkanne and in the is Navamsha the Death will take place due to Parts of the Body afflcietd between the Head and the Neck It could also be between the 2nd and the 3rd Navamsha in the 1st Dreshkanne hence between 6.40 degrees to 10.00 degrees of the Sagitarius Lagna . Hence Death has taken place between 17.36 hrs and  17.52 hrs. Since the Planets which acquire a special dimension are Mars , Sun and Rahu the Case is of Death By Suffocation and Suicide  and the same is due to a Beautiful girl who has Extra Marital Relation with Spouse

Mercury  Causes Death due to High Fever

Mars  Causes Death due to Weapons

Since the Involvement of Sun is most important and had ingressed on the 16th July 2017 only it seems the Actress died due to Disturbed Marital Relations and Suicide . The Culprit is the Girl as mentioned above who has Extra Marital relation with her Spouse 

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

20th  July 2017  18-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


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