Aarushi Talwar Murder Case: Allahabad High Court Verdict Today By Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

It is Believed that that those people suffer more from the malefic influences  of the Dasha and the Transit , who have weak Horoscopes . The intensity is more marked , if the planet of Protection, faith in religion, mental energy  and spirituality i.e Jupiter the divine blessings of the Almighty is weak . A good Jupiter is a divine blessings and equips the native with extra energies  to protect him against all the odds in life . 

After studying the 3 charts of Arushi, and her Parents , I find that Jupiter is weak in all the charts 

According to our Jyotish Classics when Jupiter is weak then a person is not able to decide what is good or bad . These people lack the feelings of sympathy, mercy and such Jupiter is considered bad for the restoration of the social reputation . 

In this Article I am going to discuss the outcome of the Allahabad Court today the 12th Oct. 2017 . I do not have the time frame when the hearing will take place but using the Prashna Jyotish by Tamil Texts for Mook Prashna , I will try to Predict the situations 

Let me first draw the chart of the Day of Murder the 16th May 2008 00-30 hrs. New Delhi 

I am Not discussing the Chart since is evident and will use this chart for the Predictions for today Court Verdict .

Now as per the media news “Aarushi Talwar murder case: Allahabad high court likely to deliver verdict today” link http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/allahabad-hc-to-deliver-verdict-in-aarushi-talwar-hemraj-case-tomorrow/story-1lLZN36zoedOipAcKx59NI.html the Court Verdict may come today 

Parents Rajesh and Nupur were convicted for the double murder of Aarushi and their house help, Hemraj. The Allahabad high court is likely to pronounce its judgment on Thursday in the murder case of 14-year-old Aarushi Talwar in Noida, four years after her parents were convicted for the sensational killing that shook the country.

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Thursday and the lord is Jupiter , it will be in the yama of Venus , Mercury and Sun the 1st Second or the 3rd Yama of the Day at the time of the Verdict , since the Exact time is not known 

Sun Rise is at 06-03 hrs.

The Lagna Rising at the time of the Court starting the case today will be Sagitarius Lagna from the 10.59 hrs. to 13.04 hrs. , since it is the  12th house of the Lagna at the time of the Murder of  Arushi and Jupiter is Placed in its own sign

The Verdict may come when the Capricorn where Jupiter debilitates  and this Lagna is rising between 13.04 to 14.49 hrs . and the yama of Leo the 8th house of the Chart and the Yama Lord Sun Placed in the 9th house with 9th Lord Mercury totally combusted by 8th Lord Sun and with Debilitated Venus . This Parameter of the Yama and 8th Lord with Debilitated Venus the 5th and the 10th Lord is most malefic  for good results for the Talwar’s

The Period is most inauspicious between 14.30 to 15.16 Dur Muhurat 

Rahu-Kaal  Between the 13.15 to 14.41 hrs. 

Another Most Venomous Parameter is the Rahu in Forward motion and Most Venomous and is Karka for Jail and placed in the 7th house in Transit over the Natal Ketu degree wise 

Let me open the Chart of Capricorn Lagna of 20.18 degrees which shows the Concern for the Jeeva Prashna as per Mook Prashna Even sign rising in 7th Navamsha 

If case the decision comes before the Capricorn Lagna is rising then another hearing may take place, but the Planetary positions are extremely malefic for the Talwar’s to get any relief due to the following reasons .

  1. If Decision comes with Sagitarius Lagna , the Mercury will be in affliction in the 10th house and Jupiter will be in the Yama of Mercury who is with Debilitated Venus and Mercury combusted 
  2. The Period is most inauspicious between 14.30 to 15.16 Dur Muhurat Rahu-Kaal  Between the 13.15 to 14.41 hrs. Another Most Venomous Parameter is the Rahu in Forward motion and Most Venomous 
  3. With Capricorn Lagna compare the 2 Charts at the time of the Murder and the Verdict  you will appreciate the Replication of Astrology Principles 
  4. Rahu -Ketu over Ketu Rahu at exact degrees , Saturn aspecting the Ketu degreewise along with Mars return aspect on Saturn and all the Planets are at 28-29 degrees who are most crucial for the Verdict 
  5. When Capricorn Lagna is rising the Day Lord Jupiter is placed in the yama of  Sun and Sun is with Debilitated Venus , hence most malefic  for the Talwar’s. Even if a next hearing is given there may not be good results for the Talwar’s 
  6. Jupiter in the 10th house gives a Fair Judgement , if Judgement comes Before and with Sagitarius Lagna  then also not good , though there could be Mixed Verdict since Mercury in the 10th house gives Mixed Results 
  7. At the time of the Verdict the Day Lord Jupiter ill placed from the 9th house, 9th Lord and 5th house 5th Lord , hence Poorva Janma Karma dosh will play the Role and give negativity

Adding some News at 14.18 hrs as per News channel the Results will be declared at 14.45 hrs.(Updated at 14.18 hrs.)


Results will be declared at 14.45 hrs. and this News comes at 14.18 hrs time taken by me , Amazingly at 14.45 hrs. Ketu in the Lagna at the Exact MEP ASTROLOGY is most Amazing At 14.49 the Lagna changes to Aquarius at 14.49 hrs the Lagna changes to Aquarius., But Ketu Remains in the MEP is a malefic component for the Good Results to Come DBA of Planets JUP-Sat-Rahu, Jupiter ill placed and weak since dispositor is Debilitated and ill placed from the relative houses , Saturn Fallen and Rahu Adverse , very little possibility of some respite. Navamsha Rising id Virgo and Mercury is afflicted badly

The results are announced at 15.00 hrs and not at 14.18 hrs as taken by me and the Lagna changes to Aquarius and the Prediction change due to change of the Lagna  and since Jupiter the Day Lord aspects the Lagna the Talwars get relief 

Let us have a look at the chart of the 15-00 hrs. when the Verdict was pronounced 

The Lagna has changed to Aquarius and the Day Lord I Placed in the Yama of Leo where the 10th Lord Mars is Placed and aspected by Lagna Lord and Poorna Ithasla confirms that the Native who applied in the High Court for appeal will be successful. Moon and the Lagna are both aspected by Benefic Jupiter who is also the Day Lord and Nakshatra Lord . The Worst Period of Rahu-Kaal is also over at 14.41 hrs. on the basis of which I had Predicted a Failure , now since the Malefic Period is over the Beneficiance goes to the Talwar’s

Tenure of the Jail is seen from the 8th house and the 8th Lord is totally combusted by Sun the Judge , hence the Results in the favour of the Talwar’s . The exact time of the event is most essential as I had mentioned above 

  1. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
    • Written on 11 Oct.  2017  Time 22-10 hrs. New Delhi
    • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
    • Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
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    • Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US
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