A Very Interesting Episode Of Prashna Jyotish Helping In Finding Car Keys Lost

by astrodocanil

758 Articles and Predictions just in 45 months from April 2015
Yesterday the 27th Jan. 2019 I had gone to attend a Seminar on Prashna Jyotish and after Attending the same I had joined the Tea and Snack session , just then I found my Car keys missing. I tried to locate the keys but in vain. I then decided to see the Prashna chart at that moment of 17.55 hrs to see the location of the Keys and got amazing results to locate the same .
The Chart is below

The Following parameters helped me to recover the keys.
1. The Lagna Rising was Movable in second Dreshkanne hence the Keys have fallen some where. Since Lagna is aspected by Jupiter 5th and 9th house very strong the Keys will be traced.
2.Second dreshkanne is rising the place will be almost in the middle part where the Tea and Snacks were served.
3.Lost Articles are seen from the 4th house and since Moon in the 4th house from Uday Lagna the Keys will be traced.
4.7th house from Lagna Mercury and Sun are placed close to the Lagna degrees hence missing article will be traced
5. At the time when I found the Keys missing I was chatting with a Female Student of Astrology and hence the significations of Venus and Jupiter come into play.
6.Since in the Prashna chart both Venus and Jupiter were placed in the sign Scorpio the 5th house the Gain of the 4th house being the 2nd from the 4th house and Keys of Car will be traced
7. Since in a Fixed sign they are at the place of where they are dropped and Significations of Scorpio sign
8. Mars Aspects its 4th house by 8th strong aspect and the Moon in the 4th house the Keys will change hands before they get back to the Querist.
9. Keys are also signified by Venus I could make out they would definitely be in a place not visible to the eye. Scorpio sign is under ground caves etc. Using this parameter I told the organiser that the Keys will be under the table etc and hence I gave him my mobile number and told him to ask his people to search the same.In the mean time I went to the Toilet also a place of Sign Scorpio near water . Amazingly I got a call from the Organiser that the Keys have been found and I could collect them. The Keys were found just under the table and near the dustbin the middle portion of the Place where Tea and Snacks were served
10. The Strongest Parameters in the Chart the Lagna having close aspect of Jupiter , 5th Lord and 9th Lord Exchange and jupiter connected to all Trikonas and also the 11th house and also with 11th Lord Venus in the 5th house. In fact one of the waiters had picked up the keys and had gone some where and when he came back he hander over the Keys to the Organiser who gave them back to me
11.Rahu is in the Lagna the Missing article will be found near a hole or Waste and water since in watery sign.
12. Fixed Lagna in Navamsha hence no loss of wealth.

Written on 28th Jan. 2019 10-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
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