A Research on Panchang,Planetary Positions,Akshar For Signs to Foretell for The Chief Minister of UP

by astrodocanil

In this Article I will be using the Panchang , Planetary positions and Akshar governed by the signs  for analyzing the Candidate for UP chief Minister  as per  the Decision by the BJP Govt. The Horoscopes of the Political Figures are seldom Euthentic, hence I am using the above Parameters and Research for Predicting the Candidate for the UP Chief Minister  on the 18th March 2017.. I am not discussing the Possibility of Rajnath singh , since it goes with out saying he is the First Candidate , but in the event he is not announced as the CM of UP then other possibilities as Below

Planetary Positions

It seems that some Astrologer has guided Narinder Modi since Saturn will change Navamsha from 17th March from Aries to Taurus and Since Saturn is the Planet of Masses, Democracy and Destruction is very important for the Oath Taking and the Over all Protection, Also the Influence of Saturn on Sun will also not there . Jupiter earlier till 15th March was in Mrityu bhag . On the 16th-18th March the Planetary positions improve. It seems that the decision by the BJP Govt. for the Announcement of the CM of UP will be declared exactly as per good Planetary positions discussed in this Article.. The Gemini Lagna or the Virgo Lagna will be excellent for the Announcement of the same and more so the Virgo Lagna and after 18.00 hrs on the 18th March 2017 , since there will be Rajyogas of the 9th and the 10th Lord in the 7th house and Lagna and 10th Lord in Amrit Ghati  

This is a Research Article in the absence of the Authentic Horoscopes of the Political Figures. Let us see if my Analysis works

In this article I have used only  3 Political figures  1. Manoj Sinha 2. Keshav Prashad Maurya. 3. Dinesh Sharma . Any other Political figure if Considered and having better strength can also become the CM of UP.

Adding the name Swathantra Dev Singh at 13.00 hrs on the 17th March 2017 as the 4th Candidate http://postcard.news/mans-name-probably-never-heard-likely-chief-minister-uttar-pradesh/

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn Placed in the Fiery sign Sagitarius and in Taurus Navamsha .

Tithi  KP-6  Lord is Karteka and is Fame giving

Nakshatra  Anuradha  Mridhu and a Gentle Nakshatra

Yoga  Vajr

Karna Gar till 16.38 hrs and is Jupiter , if connected to the 10th house will give auspicious results ,After that Venus is also excellent

Siddhi Yoga

Mercury through Debilitated in Amrit Ghati, Hence Gemini Lagna, Virgo Lagna will be excellent at the time of Announcement

Rahu Kalam     09-30 to 10.59 hrs

Abhijeet Muhurat 12-05to 12.53 hrs

Panchank Rahita Muhurat

Good Muhurat from 11.16 to 13.30 hrs

and 15.51 to 18.08 hrs and then

20-24 to 22.44 hrs.

The Planetary positions with respect to Narinder Modi Chart are extremely Powerful  due to following Reasons

Transit Moon over natal Moon

Mars Transit in the 6th house in Aries  aspecting the Lagna and the Moon

Mercury and Sun in Transit aspecting Natal Sun and Mercury in Virgo.

Rahu-Ketu in the 4/10 axis

Analysis on the basis of the 10th Lord in Rashi and the Akshar Governed by the same using Gemini, Leo and Virgo Lagna

1st Probable Time of Announcement  12.32 hrs to 13.30 hrs   Gemini Lagna   The Chief Minister is signified by the 10th house  and 10th Lord Jupiter has gone in Virgo and the Akshar are  to ,pa , pe, pu, sa, na, tha,pe, po  Swathantar Dev Singh Falls in this .

2nd Probable Time of Announcement from 13.30 hrs to 15.32 hrs  when the Day Lord is placed in the Yama of Leo  and Leo sign akshar of  ma, me , mu , me, mo, ta, ti tu ,ta  Hence the Possible candidate is  Manoj Sinha is the current Telecom Minister and a member of 16th Lok Sabha ,representing Ghazipur Lok sabha constituency from the BJP

3rdProbable Time of Announcement  15.51 to 18.10 hrs  Leo Lagna till 18.08 hrs and then Virgo Lagna , in both cases the 10th Lord in Pieces  and the Akshar are

di, du, tha , jha , na, de , do, cha, chi  and The Rashi Bala of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus is Extremely powerful  at this time specially at 16-10to 16-20 hrs and the Strength will be as follows  Leo 479, Aquarius 523 Taurus 546, Pieces 381 ,Gemini 302

The chart is Below when the Results for the Chief Minister will be announced


Aquarius the 7th house of Leo  signifies the Akshars  gu, ge , go, sa ,si,  su ,so , se , d, a  Swathantra Dev Singh Falls in this

Virgo Lagna 10th Lord in Pieces and is Governed by  As Per the Lagnas and the 10th Lord , none of the Lords in the signs indicate any thing to do with

Yogi Adityanath

The Akshar Fall good for Dinesh Sharma who is the mayor of Lucknow, the capital of the Indian state of U.P He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Occupation Professor

Swathantra Dev Singh  the Signs governed by his name is Aquarius and as mentioned extremely strong in Bhava Bala

Keshav Prashad Maurya  is Governed By Mithuna Lagna.

Manoj Sinha by Leo Lagna Strongest in Bhav Bala

Yogi  Aditya nath  Ruled out as per this method

On the 18th March the Strongest Lagna between these 4 Lagnas is Aquarius and Leo hence strong Possibility of Swathantra Dev Singh or Manoj Sinha  Becoming the CM of the UP state is the possibility

Moon and Mercury in Amrit Ghati  is extremely good for the Leo, Aquarius Signs  and Hence only out of the 2 natives can be the Hero of the Day  Manoj Sinha or Swathantra Dev Singh as Discussed in this Article

As Per Karapaydhi System of  Vedic Numberology

Manoj Sinha is governed by 53 the first 2 letters  and Governed by Leo and Aquarius

Leo is a Royal sign and having Rahu and Lord is with Benefic

planets , Aquarius aspected by Saturn

Keshav Prashad Maurya  11 and Aquarius Sign  and Saturn aspects the same

Dinesh Sharma is governed by Pieces Sign is definitely good

Yogi Adityanath  15  and is governed by Gemini has a Strength of  352 and is low

Swathantra Dev Singh the Number is 74  since S is 7 and w is 4 and the Rashi comes Taurus and reversing the sign it is Aquarius

Aquarius and Leo are stronger than Pieces Have a Look at this when the Results will be declared Bala of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus is Extremely powerful  at this time specially at 16-10to 16-20 hrs and the Strength will be as follows  Leo 479, Aquarius 523 Taurus 546, Pieces 381 ,Gemini 302

  1. Manoj Sinha Strength  as per Leo 479 and asper Aquarius 523
  2. Dinesh Sharma Strength of Pieces 381
  3. Keshav Prashad Maurya  Aquarius 523Strength
  4. Swathantra Dev Singh Taurus is 546 strength and Aquarius 523 

Hence out of the above 4 Candidates Swathantra Dev Singh and Manoj Sinha  scores the maximum and either of the 2 will come out with Flying colors , but since the Lagna at the time of the Announcement is Leo and the 7th house Aquarius Manoj Sinha  or Swathantra Dev Singh could steel the Show and the  hero of the Day. The Results are Expected at 16-20 hrs as per my Predictions

Failure of My Predictions as per above may not taken as Failure of Astrology , since in the absence of the Accurate Birth charts , the only possibility left with me was the above and a Research. Astrology cannot fail , all depends upon the Data at the time of Predictions . I have tried my level best to give the Predictions . God Bless.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

17th March 2017  11-45 hrs. New Delhi  

Modified at 13-00 hrs on the 17th March 2017

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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