A Query Of Career By Prashna Jyotish Shastra Using the Tajik Principles

by astrodocanil

In this article I have used the Tajik Principles of Prashna which seems to be giving amazing results  in a Query related to Career 

Today in the Early Moring hours I got a call  from a Querist if his Company Reeling in Financial Crisis  could come out of the same or not ? I immedaitely opened the Prashna chart  with Libra Lagna and Jupiter the Karka for Finance in the 2nd house , Jupiter here is also the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th house and there is ishraaf yoga with Moon placed in the 4th house and the difference is only 2 degrees , hence I told him that Finance would have been arranged  and the talkes have been concluded 2 days before and the Opponent the 7th Lord is Stronger than the Lagna Lord  and there is also an Ishraaf Yoga between the Venus and Mars  and difference of 5 degrees hence the Talks  which started in a negative mode concluded 2 days back with a positive note and the Investors are ready to invest in the compant in Partnership since Mars is the 7th Lord and with Moon and a contract since Moon, Ketu and Mars are together may be till 25th March 201 till the nodes are placed in the 4/10 axis 

The Chart is below

I also told him that there was no need to worry for his losing the job since the Day Lord Mercury is well placed from the  Lagna and Lagna Lord Venus, 10th house and the 10th Lord Moon  and also from the 8th Lord he is well placed . Sun the 11th Lord is about to Join the Lagna  is another Benefic Parameter , although in Debilitation but Neecha Bhang  would take place since the Debilitation Lord will be placed there . Venus will also move in Positive mode after 2nd Nov.  and after Mars moves to the sign Aquarius  will give some results since Mars will be the first Planet to come out of the Shadow of the Nodes  after 6th Nov. 2018. Subsequently when Sun crosses capricorn there will be positive and benefic influence  for his career  specially after  Mercury, Sun and Jupiter will be over his natal Moon in Scorpio and then Sun crosses the sign Capricorn  and out of the clutches of the nodes 

  Just then when I was on a call from him he got a message from the Director of the Comapny that some people are willing to take up the Company with Partnership and invest in the same and the talks had started only 5 days back which were not good initially but concluded 2 days back  with a positive note . The Director also informed the Querist that the investors are coming on the 28th Oct. 2018 to finally decide and give their confirmation . I immediately opened the chart of the 28th Oct. 2018  with the present time of the Query . This is my research which gives good results 

Have a Look at the chart Below


The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the Lagna as the 11th Lord  and the day lord mis placed in the yama of Taurus sign where Exhalted Planet is placed and aspected by Jupiter and Mercury from the Lagna . This sounds that the Foriegn Investor represented by 7th Lord  who is placed in the 12th house and very strong  and with 10th Lord Sun since combusted will take up the Venture. This also shows since both Sun and Venus are separating   The Person coming for help was once associated with the Owner of the Company 

Now Look at the Poorna Ithasla of the Planets  which give concreate results  Saturn and Sun Poorna ithasla at 10 degrees  and a benefic ithasla  since in 3/11 axis . This gives an indication that an associate  of the owner of the Company who did not have good relations with the Owner will come to his rescue, since the 3rd Lord is placed in the 2nd house

There is also a Poorna Ithasla of the Moon and the Mars  both at 24 degrees and a benefic one  . The Lagna is Vargottam . Hence the Company will survive and come on right path again . Jupiter and Mercury in the Lagna is a strong benefic combination for the Company reviving

The 3rd almost Poorna ithasla is of Jupiter and Mercury  . Hence the Company will survive and the native need not worry for losing his job in the company . Coincidencely The Native’s Moon is in Scorpio and in the Prashna chart raised by my Research Technique has Benefic placement of Jupiter Mercury and Moon . When Sun Transits over the Natal Moon of the WQuerist he may be given a new assignment with some major benefits it so seems .

Astrology is most amazing and when the Astrologer is Predicting or he is consulted that period acquires a special dimansion and any information , Shakun and Omens are most relevent at that time and should be analysed accordingly . I used the Date 28th Oct. 2018 with present time of query  when the Foreign Investors information came to my Querist on mail when he was talking to me  who are welknown to the Owner of the Company. The Sun and Saturn Poorna Ithasla shows that the Foreign Investor had terms with the Owner of the company earlier also and their relations were strained after Saturn went in the sign Scorpio in 2014 to 2015  and since now in hot waters taking  help from his old Friend.

I will update the happenings as per the time frames mentioned above for the results of the Query 


Written on 17th Oct. 2018 11.15 Hrs. New Delhi 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 44 link on my webpage https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/08/natal-chart-reflects-past-karmasdeeds-of-the-present-life-can-be-effectively-depictedonly-through-prashna/
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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