“A Glimpse On Progression Charts By Parashar And Manu Smriti Of Volodymyr Zelenksy”

by astrodocanil

“A Glimpse On Progression Charts By Parashar And Manu Smriti Of Volodymyr Zelenksy”

President Volodymyr Zelensky In Deep Trouble as per the Birth Detials available on the net 25th Jan 1978 14-00 hrs Ukraine Krinwoi Rog. Following parameters acquire important dimension
1. The Natal Chart is of Taurus Lagna .and Dasha iof Moon-Jupiter and Moon-Saturn from the 3-10-2022. As per the Annual Chart Muntha in the 6th house and the Lord is Saturn placed there with the Lagna Lord Sun in 6th house . Saturn influences both the Sun and the Moon. The Lagna is Leo.
2. As per the Manu Smriti the Progression chart is of Cancer Lagna and Moon the Lagna Lord tottaly eclipsed with Ketu and both in the star of Saturn in the sign Pisces and Saturn in the sign Leo and in Ketu star .. Saturn in the 2nd house and aspects the Sun in the 8th house The Lagna is in Paap Kartari yoga. Rahu in third house having aspect of Mars from the 12th house .
3. Saturn hold the key role as per the 2 Progression charts and when Falls back in the sign Capricorn in the house of Muntha in Transit from the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022 will be taxing for him.
4. His Aggressive stance may not help him on the wrong advise of the US and Other Nations. He is in Deep Trouble as can be seen from the Planetary Positions


My Disclaimer Clause is applicable . This is just an Astrological Analysis as per My Research Techniques . My Predictions may also May go wrong since exact data taken may be wrong  This is  a Research Article  The Above Predictions have been made on the bases of the information available on the Internet and Planetary positions some what parallel to earlier Stock Market Crash.

Who is the best astrologer in India in 2021?

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, lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Answered 16m ago
My Opinion is, Mr. Anil Aggarwala from Delhi is a Best Astrologer in India 2020–2021. He wrote more than 2500 articles in the 2–3 years. He is the only astrologer in the world who predicted about Covid 19. Everything is happening As per his predictions. His Predictions about the share market and virus spreading are 94-98% accurate. You can check Predictions on his website and YouTube Channel. You can learn many prediction techniques from his Articles.


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 5thMarch Feb  2022 22.30 hrs 
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First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates .

More than 1715 Predictions have been made and all spot on  with 96% True Results 375 YouTube Videos

Anil Aggarwala” 

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