A Glimpse of 2020 By Varahamihira Bhriat Simhita: Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction Classical Yoga For Wars Eclipses Add Fuel To Fire Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1120 Articles and Prediction in just 56 months from April 2016

The Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter is a classical yoga for combats and warfare as per Bhriat simhita of Varahimihra and their conjunction is most important in the mundane astrology specially when they are in the same nakshatra. This takes place every 20 years from a Conjuction and they are in opposition every 10 years from the conjunction
As per Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology by Vani Publications

Results of the Conjunction are as follows
It has been observed that in USA President Elected or about the time of this combination dies in office. immediate future Scenario here
Presidential Elections in the US would take place on the 3rd Nov. 2020 as per the link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election
and at that point of Time Jupiter would be in a Fallen State in Sagitarius and would join back Capricorn and Saturn on the 20th Nov. 2020. Hence this parameter would be most Venomous for the President Elected.
The Cases cited earlier are of President William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln and A Garfield. Other Presidents who died in office wereWilliam McKinley, Warren J Harding, Franklin J Roosevelt and John F Kennedy
With Leo Ascendant of US Saturn is the 6th and the 7th Lord and with jupiter the 5th and the 8th Lord becomes strong Marak

Sept 1803 The English Army led by General Lake defeated Maratha forcesat Aligarh and again on the 11th Sept. at the battle of Delhi establishing the supremacy of England in northern India when Saturn Jupiter and Mars conjunction in Virgo. A similar conjunction on the 30th March 2020 of the 3 planets in the sign Capricorn
WORLD WAR II Took place on the 1st Sept. 1939 when Saturn was in the fiery sign Aries and Jupiter about to join it
22nd June 1941 Hitler lauched a massive attack on Russia on the above date. Hundreds of miles of Russian territory was captured After 8th August 1940 Saturn and Jupiter were in Aries
Japan attack on Pearl Harbor on 7th Dec 1941 Saturn and Jupiter both retrograde in Taurus

5th Feb 1962 there was an eclipse and both Saturn and Jupiter were in capricorn with 6 more planets . It was a rare Eclipse in which all the planets were in Rahu-Ketu axis
In the Present Scenario on the 26th Dec. 2019 there were 6 planets in the sign Safgitarius when the Eclipse took place
Process of decolonization was started . British and French imperialism suffered defeat
China nibbles at Indian Territory and attacks India in 1962. India suffered a crushing defeat.During the Cuba missile crisis in 1962 Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct in 1962
Capricorn is the rulling sign of India as per Varahamihira.
In the immediate Future on the 30th March 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct and both Saturn and Jupiter will become retrograde on the 12th and 15th May 2020 respectively

In the year 1980 war broke out between Iran and Iraq
In the year 1981 President Zia-Ur-Rahman was shot dead
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt was assassinated
Mass Suicide of 470 dooms day Cult movement in Uganda
Nawaz Sharif in Pakistan convicted and sentenced to 25 years jail
Bloody Fighting between Ethiopia and Eriwee
Havoc in Bihar

US waged a war against Afganistan after the World Trade Center Attack on the 11th Sept. 2001
In the Present scenario we have identical planetary positions on the 21st Feb 2020 when Mars will also activate the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 at 09-58 degrees

Chart of Terrorist Attack on the 11th Sept. 2001 at 08-46 hrs Manhattan NY

Now Have a look at the Chart of the 22nd Feb 2020 below the Planetary positions coinciding with 9-11-2001

Identical planetary positions and Mars at the Eclipse point of 9.56 degrees
Rahu and Ketu in own nakshatra parallel to 9/11 episode most enigmatic Parameter for the significations of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu Ardra Nakshatra Lord of Storms and Ketu Moola Nakshatra Lord of Destruction by way of Violence, Natural Calamities, Virulant Virus Spread NOTE THIS PARAMETER IN 2020 TILL THEY ARE IN THE GEMINI-SAGITARIUS AXIS
Jupiter in Rahu-Ketu axis and Saturn just left Jupiter in both cases and with Moon
Indian Parliment was also attacked by Pakistani Terrorists in 2001

All the above episodes indicate that the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter Twice first in the sign Sagitarius and then in the sign Capricorn will prove to be most Venomous for big combats and Warfare . Unfortunately the Transit of the Nodes in the own Nakshatra and the Eclipses will add fuel to the fire it so seems and may result in an ugly shape in the year 2020 specially
Saturn Ketu Conjunction is also Religious Fundamentalism which may also take ugly shape till 24th Jan 2020.Specially in India when the Dasha of Moon-Saturn is also in operation till July 2021. The Conjunction of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter in Capricorn on the 30th March 2020 may prove to be most Venomous for India as well since the Sign alloted to India by Varahimihra is Capricorn and any affliction may bring a Revolution in the Country may be it is religiuous Fundamentalism or Combats and Wars

After Having discussed the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter together with the Nodes in own nakshatra from 12th Feb to 22nd April 2020 I will now discuss the Eclipses which may add fuel to the fire in the Present immediate Scenario

Solar Eclipse took place onm the 26th Dec. 2019 and the same has already been discussed in my Article “Solar Eclipse of 26th Dec. 2019 What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/08/solar-eclipse-of…r-anil-aggarwala/ dated 26th August 2019
Let me reproduce the Text here for ready reference
6 Planets in the sign Sagitarius and the Solar Eclipse falling in this sign is indicative of Anguish and Pain for those Countries where the Eclipse is falling in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun or Moon and specially Dasha or Anter Dasha of Rahu or a Planet which has the Capacity to bring Down fall for the Native or the Country

It is the Last Eclipse of the year 2019. The central path of the 2019 annular eclipse passes through Saudi Arabian Peninsula, southern India, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines and Guam. A partial eclipse is visible thousands of kilometers wide from the central path. It will cover East in Europe, Much of Asia, North/West Australia, East in Africa, Pacific and Indian Ocean. The eclipse begins with an antumbra having a magnitude of .96 and will stretch 164 kilometers wide, and travel towards the east at an average rate of 1.1 kilometer per second. The longest duration of annularity is 3 minutes and 40 seconds, at 5.30 UT1 occurring in South China Sea (0°45’54.0″N 105°29’06.0″E)

It is a Amavasya Day and will witness a Solar Eclipse which will be visible in East Europe,Major Portion of Asia, North/West Australia, East Africa, Pacific , Indian Ocean

Let us have a Look at the chart of the 26th Dec. 2019 10-43 hrs at the time of the New Moon below

Normally Saturn and Jupiter Meet in the same sign after 60 years and Association of Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu is rare specially when total 6 planets in the sign Sagitarius and Ketu also with the above

As per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao when the Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun or Moon and dasha, anter dasha of a Planet which has the capacity to kill then what happens ? When Mars the Igniting Planet activates the Eclipse point then the Country can have a Fall, this is also applicable to individuals who are kingly and living like kings specially the eclipse in the sign Sagitarius

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and afflicted in the Eclipse Chart with Ketu in close degrees and also in the nakshatra of Ketu. The Day Lord Jupiter is placed in the yama of Gemini the 5th house of the chart where Rahu in adverse motion is placed there having affliction by both Saturn and Mars.This affliction is killing.
The Following parameters are malefic in this Eclipse apart from the above
1. The Nakshatra of Eclipse is Moola of Ketu and adhomukh and downward looking and extremely bad . It is also a Ferocious and a Bitter Nakshatra.It is also called Teekshna-Daruna. Prone for Virus Spread
2. Karna Lord is Kimstughna which is a malefic Karna indicates malefic happenings and uncompleted tasks and influencing the 10th house and the Sun adversely
3.There are 6 Planets in the sign Sagitarius and Eclipses in the sign Sagitarius brings down fall for the Kings and the Dealers of Cars and Automobile.
4. Eclipses in the fiery sign bring a down fall in the Industry and also a Fall in the Stock and the Financial Markets
5. On the 26th Dec. 2019 The Lagna Nakshatra is of Satabisha and of Rahu, 4 Planets Mercury, Sun, Moon and Jupiter in the Nakshatra of Ketu and Saturn and Ketu in the nakshatra of Venus.This may Bring Air Crashes
6.The Navamsha is also of the Sign Sagitarius and Jupiter in Navamsha is placed in the sign Cancer with Debilitated Mars . This Mars alkso aspects Rahu in the navamsha by 8th strong aspect and Ketu aspected by Saturn , hence both in the Rashi and Navamsha the Nodes are afflicted
7. Mars activating the Eclipse point at 9.59 degrees on the 22nd Feb. 2020 may prove to be most venomous in this respect
All this indicates great calamities taking place . Mars is placed in the sign Scorpio and aspects Rahu in the sign Gemini by 8th strong aspect. Those Countries signified by Sagitarius will be influenced most in this respect.
8.Moon and Mercury in the same sign and eclipsed indicate a break in the Stock and the Financial Markets in a big way . Rahu is also adverse and has the capacity to turn the tables of the Surging market and may turn the tables upside down. Jupiter and Saturn in the fiery sign with 4 more planets is a strong combination for the Global Economy to take a big hit as already predicted by me in my articles on my webpage.
9. The Moola Nakshatra as per Koorma chakra signifies the North direction and asper the Yama Chart the cluster of the 6 Planets in the sign Sagiatrius is the North -West Direction. Since the Lagna of Japan is also Sagitarius Japan may be influenced adversely

Earthquakes of High intensity, and Mars placed in the 12th from the Eclipse sign in Scorpio can sprout destruction with magnitude specially when Mars activates the Eclipse point of 9.59 degrees in Sagitarius on the 22nd Feb. 2020. In fact the effects will be seen after Mars crosses the 6.40 degrees in Sagitarius after the 17th Feb. 2020. Fire and Cyclones cannot be ruled out. All happenings can take place just before or after the Eclipse and the intensity will be high when Mars activates the Eclipse point.
Possibility of Significations of Mercury may suffer, like the Weather, Communication. Stock and the Financial Markets
Scams will be unearthed regarding the Stock and the Financial Markets

The Solar Eclipse will take place in the 6th from natal Moon and the 8th from the Ascendant and Dasha of Moon-Saturn will be in operation just then . This Dasha does not indicate good results for even India . Tug of War In the Politics cannot be ruled out and an ugly one.
As per the Koorma Chart the Nakshatra of Moola signifies the West Direction . This indicates a tough time for the Country for the coming 3-4 months

The Other Countries which will be influenced most will be

Since the Eclipses taking Place in the 1/7 axis of Sun and 3 more planets in the sign Gemini and Dasha of Rahu-Rahu which is placed in the 12th house and the dispositor in the 7th house of wars and International Relations . Trade War may escalate beyond control with China and other Countries . US-Iran relations may take a toss


A concern for Economy of the Country and a Virus spread as already predicted

Sagitarius Lagna and the Eclipse It is Taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart is not good

Other Countries which will be influenced most will be England,Poland, Germany,Palestine,Syria, Israel, Belbuim,Romania,Madagascar,Australia, Hungary,Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Indonesia, Phillipines, Spain , Hongkong can witness natural disaster, Unrest in the country, Financial Crisis, Political revolution where millions of people will be effected


Gold May Surge beyond Expectations as Predicted and may cross all boundries specially after the 16th Dec. 2019 when Sun ingresses in the sign Sagitarius

The effects of the Solar Eclipse may not be a good one in totality and hence the Global Economy may suffer to quite an extent since Saturn would have completed the 90 year Cycle from the Oct 1929 Great Recession.
India may have Violence across the Country since the Rudramsha chart does not show conducive results in the Dasha of Moon-Saturn from the 10th Dec. 2019and specially after the Solar Eclipse discussed above. Narendra Modi will face challenges and difficult time frame for him as well
WRITTEN ON Date 26th August 2019 12.20 hrs


Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will occurs on 10-11 January 2020 with Moon transiting in Punarvasu constellation of Mithuna Rasi (Gemini) according to Vedic Astrology. This lunar eclipse will be visible throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Australian continents.This Eclipse is taking Place just after the crucial Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019

Total duration of this total lunar eclipse is 4 hours, 4 minutes and 35 seconds, hence the effect can be seen for about 4 months or so
Eclipses have great importance in the Mundane Astrology as they represent peaks of energy discharged. In the case of Lunar Eclipse the effects are immediately felt.. According to Varahamihira when the life give Luminaries are eclipses there would be danger to autumnal crops as well as to the Kings. On the other hand if the Eclipses are influenced by malefics as in the present case there would be famine and pestilence on those Countries where they are visible. Since 2 solar and Lunar Eclipses are taking place in the common signs Sagiatrius in the Months of Dec. 2019 and Gemini in the month of Jan 2020 there effect will be with interruptions
Varahimihra has described that if 2 Eclipses take Place one Solar and Lunar in same month then the Kings would be destroyed as a result of the revolt of their army and there would be bloody battles. He has described that if the Eclipse Takes place in a Human sign then lives are lost
See the chart of the Lunar Eclipse Below of the 11th Jan 2020

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in the yama of Sagitarius where the Eclipse is taking place in the 1/7 axis and the Yama Lord and the Lagna Lord are placed and totally Combusted , these parameters are most malefic for untoward happening and the peace of the country since it is the 4th house of the happiness of the Country .
The Karna Lord is Moon and With Rahu in adverse motion
The tithis is KP-1 not good for wealth related activities
The Yoga is Vaidrithi and considered to be most malefic one
Hence the Good Conditions may not prevail due to this Lunar Eclipse and the effects may be seen for 4 months . The Critical date is 2nd Feb 2020 when Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the 25.52 degrees may prove ammunition dump for Politics, Untoward happening in the Country


The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus totally combusted with Sun and placed in the yama of Sagitarius the 12th house of the chart and the Yama Lord is Retrograde and Debilitated and placed in the Lagna which is Prishtodayo and with Saturn in the same nakshatra Uttra Shadha. This conjunction shows danger of combats and fearful wars on the cards between the countries in the globe.There is poorna ithsala between Sun and Mars at 21 degrees and an inimical one more so Mars aspects Sun the 8th Lord also and Day Lord Venus is placed with it is a fearful combination for India getting involved with its neighbors Pakistan and China. Since the Eclipse is falling in Rohini nakshatra it is more dangerous for India , since it falls in the Lagna where Rahu is Placed . The Unfortunate another parameter is the Saturn and Jupiter in the 9th house from Lagna and the 7th house from Moon natal is another parameter which cannot be ignored
This Combination is taking place in the 7th house of the Foundation chart of Iran , this only indicates that the Gulf War may escalate and the Brawl between US and Iran may turn ugly to the highest dimension.This eclipse may not be a good one even for India. Chart of Iran below


The Eclipse is falling in the sign Gemini which is alloted to US By Varahamihra and hence this may prove to be most venomous for US and may be involved in big wars around the 3 Eclipses starting from the 11th Jan. 2020, since the 11th Jan 2020 Eclipse is also falling in the sign Gemini. More so as per Bhriat Samhita when Mars aspects the Sun and Moon at the time of Eclipse in close degrees then big battles are on the cards . This war may escalate into a Gulf War and Other Countries may also jump in specially Israel. Saturn has already Activated the Fallen Saturn at 26 degrees of the August 1990 and exactly when the US pounced on Iran with Air Strikes, all this was predicted well in advance on my webpage
The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun placed in the 10th house and eclipsed by Rahu totally , the Day Lord is placed in own yama of Leo the 12th house and influenced closely by 8th Lord Mars is again the most malefic combination since there is future inimical ithasal of Mars and Sun and Mars will activate the Eclipse point on the 27th-28th June 2020 when Jupiter will be degree conjunct with Saturn at 6. 00 degrees and about to fall back in Sagitarius on the 30th June 2020 This Time frame of the above 2 Eclipses where Sun has aspect of Mars is catastrophic and big wars can be on the cards
The Karna is Kimstughna and Lord is Sun most malefic. This Parameter will add fuel to the fire.for the Head of the Countries

Please read my previous article “Gold Surges Dow Logs Worst As US Air Strikes Iran All Predictions On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/01/gold-surges-dow-…r-anil-aggarwala/
Let me reproduce the text here for Ready reference connected to US
Read My Article “”Thickening Cloud Of Crisis Loom Over Trump What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves In 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/08/thickening-cloud…r-anil-aggarwala/ dated 25th August 2019″
The Above Text is also from this Article

Now Also reproducing the More Text and Analysis as per the Foundation chart of the US which is below and mentioned in the above Article


4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs of Leo Ascendant has been discussed on my webpage and the Dasha of Rahu Rahu who is placed in the 12th house of losses and the Dispositor in the 7th house of Wars and the Eclipses falling in the 1/7 axis of Sun and Jupiter in July 2019 and then the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 may bring a fall in the position of US as per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao as already discussed in detail and when Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse 22nd Feb. 2020 will be time of Disaster for the US. As per the Dasha Lords of Trump He may be involved in warlike situations with China, Iran and the Gulf Countries , since Saturn is also completing its 30 year cycle from 1990 when the Gulf war took place. Trump Aggressive Stance and Transit Mars over the Natal Moon and Ketu and Moon may force a War with above countries
The Eclipses in the Sign Gemini on the 5th and 21st June 2020 may prove most Venomous for US and may enter in big wars with the middle east countries and specially Iran
As Per Principles of K N Rao of Theory of Inevitability when Eclipses take place over the Natal Sun and Dasha and Anter dasha of a Planet like Rahu who has the capacity to bring a downfall for the Country and when Mars activates the Eclipse point is the time of Disaster . The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is taking place in the 5th house from the Lagna and influences the 4 planets in the 11th house. Rahu over the Natal 4 planets and Mars will be the time of Disaster for the Country.

All this is indicative that the Stock and Financial Markets may suffer after the 5th Nov. 2019 and More so after the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 and the Trade war between US and China may take an ugly shape it so seems which is also escalating in the present scenario.
Hence Economic Crisis is evident after Nov.-Dec. 2019 and year 2020 could be worst for the same.

Written on the Date 25th August 2019 14-00-00hrs
Also Read For Donald Trump in the Article “What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves In 2020-2021 For Top Leaders Trump & Modi ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/01/what-stars-have-…r-anil-aggarwala
Text here for Ready Reference below
Read my Article on Trump “Fallen Jupiter In the Natal & Transit Proves Most Enigmatic For Trump Puts Him In Hot Waters As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/12/fallen-jupiter-i…r-anil-aggarwala/
Let me reproduce the text here for Ready Reference

My Predictions for the Trump impeachment prove on dot . Trump has a fallen Jupiter and transit Jupiter activating the natal Jupiter and then when Jupiter is also Fallen in the Sign Sagitarius again may prove to be worst for Trump In May 2020. Trump will be finally in hot waters when transit Jupiter is in 9th navamsha around the 24-25 March 2020 and when the Transit Jupiter will activate the natal Jupiter again when Jupiter falls back in Sagitarius in 1st week of June 2020. [ 858 more words ]

Fallen Jupiter In the Natal & Transit Proves Most Enigmatic For Trump Puts Him In Hot Waters As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Read my Articles on the impeachment of Trump below
1.”Astrology Hits The Nail On Head: Violence In India, Impeachment Of Trump And Doubtful Truce Of US-China Trade War Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/12/astrology-hits-t…r-anil-aggarwala/
2.”Trump’s Presidency On Treacherous New Ground After House Vote On Impeachment Predictions Prove On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/11/trumps-presidenc…r-anil-aggarwala/
3. “Thickening Cloud Of Crisis Loom Over Trump What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves In 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/08/thickening-cloud…r-anil-aggarwala/ dated 25th August 2019

Let us have a Look at the Natal chart of Donald Trump what the Star’s have up their sleeves for his future .
The Chart of the 14th June 1946 10-54 hrs NY Jamacia is Below


Mer-Saturn Mercury is ill placed from 10th house , 10th Lord , but Saturn is well placed from 10th house and 10th Lord

10th house from Lagna has Sun the Lagna Lord who is also the 10th Lord from Moon and is digbali in the 10th house Forming a Rajyoga , aspected by Jupiter , Sun is also a Yogi Planet and hence Rahu and Mercury also become Yogi Planet and Placed in good houses will bestow good and Strong Results .

Sun and Rahu in close Degrees is also a Strong Rajyoga , such a person does not leave any stone unturned for his meeting his goals and is Born for some special mission and he will complete till he is the President of the Country , Although for this he may have to pass though many hurdles , obstructions and his stay may look on the verge of fall ,but he will complete his mission

Moon Debilitated is in Neecha Bhang rajyoga , but will give initial hickups

Another Rajyoga in the chart is the 10th Lord from Lagna is Placed in the 9th from Moon is another Rajyoga

From Moon sign of Scorpio the 9th and the 10th Lord are Moon and Sun and their connection in the 4/10 axis is another yoga and that to at Poornima is excellent yoga involving the 10th house from Lagna .

Trump is Born on a Eclipse day and in close degrees when Sun is very close to Rahu then it is a special Rajyoga and the Person is born to do Thing in Life . In Transit Rahu is Transitting in the 10th house from Moon and the dispositor Sun when aspects the 10th house in Transit will give a Rise to tne Native which would Happen on the 16th Nov. 2016 Hence it seems that Trump will succeed in attaining a special Status Rise

The Dasha Present is Rahu-Mars . Both Raj yoga giving Planets in the Birth chart and Rashi Tula Navamsha , Dashamsha also has the Rajyogas from the Scorpio in the Dashamsha in the 1/7 axis

10th House of the Birth chart has gone in the 8th house of Dashamsha , hence the native will face Financial difficulties regarding the Country

Rahu The dasha Lord is with Debilitated Sun will make Rahu very strong . The Rajyoga Connection of Sun and Moon for Scorpio moon of 9th and 10th Lord connection is very strong . Connection of the 9th and the 10th Lord Mars and Venus is also good.

As Per Rudramsha chart The Dasha Lord Jupiter is very well Placed in the Chart and in the 7th house and Gains from the Public at Large and shows that the Jupiter Dasha will bring Success in the Presidential Elections.

This article was written much before the elections and my Predictions for him were on dot.

The Present Dasha is of Jup-Saturn-Mercury till 7-10-2019 is not a good one since the PD Mercury is the Dasha Lord at Birth and ill Placed from the 10th house/10th Lord Venus and also the Midcusp Lord of the 10th house Moon.

THE 2020 UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD ON THE 3RD NOV. 2020 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election
The Dasha in operation at that time what Donald Trump will be under going will be Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu Although Rahu is making a Rajyoga in his chart the Rahu may not be able to deliver good Results being in the Lagna of the Dashamsha Chart with Debilitated Sun, Also Jupiter-Saturn Dasha is also not Good Since Saturn is the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter . In the Rudramasha Chart it is evident that Saturn in debilitation and ill placed from 10th house and 10th Lord Mars , Hence to Retain the Pedestal for the Presidency the Planetary positions are weak. Note the Positions of Mercury in this Chart , it is ill placed from Sun for a Promotion and to keep the Preidency , Hence Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury till 7th Oct. 2019 are not conducive for him and there are impeachment risk against him

The 3rd house of the Natal chart is rising is indicative of Self efforts, hard work and thinking about contemporaries and secret enemies.

Moon is Placed in the Nakshatra of Ketu and is in Vish Ghati is not good and also placed in the bhadak stan with Bhadak , Moon is ill placed from the Garbshishta Planets , 10th Lord Venus who is in Debilitation and also the 10th Lord from Moon. The Mercury the Garbshishta Planet is in Mrityu Bhag and ill placed from Sun and Moon.
The Lagna Lord Venus is placed in the 12th house with 7th Lord Mars. 7th Lord is stronger than the Lagna Lord hence the Trade war will not bring good results for Trump in any case . Trump may be involved in Fights and war like condition with other Countries since running the Dasha of Saturn the 7th Lord who is Debilitation Lord of Jupiter the Dasha Lord .

See this chart in the above no planets in the kendra anter Dasha Lord Saturn in the 8th house and the Dasha Lord in the 12th house
Hence from the above we can say that the year June 2018 to June 2020 will be full of Obstructions and Trade war will continue and no respite.


The Presedential Elections will take place on the 3rd Nov. 2020 hence this Progression chart acquires an important dimension. See the Chart Below

The Planetary Positions are not conducive for Trump to Retain the Presidency of US it so seems from the above chart

The Midcusp Lord of the 10th house of the Natal chart Moon is ill placed from the Garbshishta Planets,10th Lord Venus of the Natal chart and 10th Lord From Moon in this chart and is in Debilitation and Moon is also in this Nakshatra of Venus this Combination is worst for Trump, Hence Starting from the June 2018 the Planetary positions are not conducive for him to achieve good results and what ever he may achieve may be lost it so seems specially After June 2019 to June 2020 and June 2020 to June 2021 will be worst for him . He is on the losing side of the table.


China has Ascendant of Capricorn and is under the dasha of Mercury from the 24th Sept 2019, till the last 2 years it was under the chidra dasha of Saturn Jupiter and both placed in the trik bhavas and there fore the economy suffered. The Transit of the Mars Saturn and Jupiter in the Lagna over the Natal Moon and in the 7th house from the natal Mars in debilitation may bring China to take aggressive stance with Japan and India . Mercury is placed in the 9th house in Exhaltation with Sun and is also the 6th Lord since it loses the lordship of the 6th house it will enter into argumanrt with other countries and have war like relations Mercury with Ketu . In the Dasha of Mer-Mer-Venus China may take aggressive stance with India as well specially after 30th March and may be when the noodes are also in their Nakshatra between 12th feb to 22nd April . The Eclipses in the June may add fuel to the fire in this respect it so seems .The Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 over the Natal Jupiter fallen in the 12th house and cluster of 6 planets at the time of Solar Eclipse indicates Diseases and Virus Spread and a situation parallel 9 years back since then Rahu and Ketu will be over the Ketu and Rahu respectively or may be about to enter these signs

The Foundationchart of India is below

Please read my Articles below for India
“Indian Economy On Door Of Crisis Vish Yoga Of Moon-Saturn 10th Dec. 2019 Indicate Enigmatic Results As Per Rudramsha Chart Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/11/indian-economy-o…r-anil-aggarwala/
The Dasha in operation is of Moon-Saturn and as mentioned it is forming a vish yoga in the sign Cancer . I have also talked about the Anter dasha Lord Saturn placed in the 8th house of the Rudramasha chart and we have seen the bloodshed at the time of partition when the dasha of Sat-Sat-Ketu was in operation . Saturn and Sun are also forming a bhandak yoga in the chart of India , hence as I had predicted this dasha will be enigmatic from the 10th dec. 2019it has proved and we have seen the violence after this date in the Country all around.
. The Eclipses are taking place in the sign Sagitarius and the Gemini which are the 8th and the 2nd house from the Ascendant respectively . The 7th House from both the dasha Lords moon and Saturn get the aspect of Saturn and Mars which is the 9th from the Ascendant and since Saturn and Ketu are conjunct with Jupiter in the 8th house in Transit there is bound to be Religious Fundamentalism in the Country . The Conjunction of the Mars Saturn and Jupiter in the sign Capricorn which is the 2nd weekest sign in the India Foundation chart after Gemini from the 30th March 2020 will prove to be most venomous . Capricorn sign affliction as per Varahamihira is most malefic for India and as can be seen in the past , hence India may be in war like situation with the neighbors Pakistan and China .
The Horoscope of Narendra Modi has also been discussed by me in the Article What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves In 2020-2021 For Top Leaders Trump & Modi ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/01/what-stars-have-…r-anil-aggarwala/
He is under the Dasha of Moon-Venus and Venus is the 7th Lord and indicative of putting him in loggerheads with his neighbore Pakistan and China and the Time frame from the 12th Feb. to 22nd April 2020 is most Prone as already predicted by me using the Rashi Sanghata chakra for dates 30th March, 8th April and 16th April 2020. The Eclipses in the month of June 5th and 21st will only add fuel to the burning fire it so seems
Time frame most Prone to Violence in the country is Feb and specially from the 20th to 26th Feb 2020 at the time of the Mars activating the Eclipse point and Mars and Ketu in degree conjunction in the 8th house of the Foundation chart

Foundation chart of Japan is below

The Horoscope is of Sagitarius Lagna and the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and Moon in Gemini will be a crucial parameter for Japan in 2020 for its economy and the top leaders of the country as per the Inevitability of K N Rao and Mars activation of the Eclipse points in Feb and June may prove to be detremental for Japan and and rest part of the world where the Eclipses are taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon. My Research also indicates that the eclipses in the 2/8 axis are also detremental. Japan is expecting its economy to boost during the summer Olympic Games in July-August 2020, but theor hopes may be dashed to the ground it so seems . The Vimshotarri Dasha of Mercury-Saturn a chidra dasha starting from the April 2020 may prove to be detremental since both the planets are functional malefics . Mercury the 7th and the 10th Lord . The Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the 2nd from Lagna and the 8th =from Moonmay prove to be most malefic for the country in totality . The Country may face unprecedented events and the Summer Olympics may not be as expected by them which may prove detremental. Prone to Earthquakes there may be untoward happenings as well

Please read My Articles on Pakistan below
“What Foundation Charts India Pakistan Narendra Modi & Imran Khan Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/09/what-foundation-…r-anil-aggarwala/
Some Text out of the above Article below
Foundation chart of Pakistan 14th August 1947 00-00-01 Karachi

1. Rahu is Transitting over the Natal Mars in Ardra Nakshatra in the case of India and Pakistan in the sign Gemini and Rahu will ingress over the same Nakshatra of Mars after 27th Sept. 2019. In the case of India Mars is the 12th and the 7th lord hence Espionage from Foreign elements cannot be ruled out.

2. Pakistan Has Aries Lagna and is running the Dasha of Venus-Jupiter both connected to the 7th house of international relations and wars till 25-10-2020

3. Pakistan and India both Have Rahu in Aquarius Navamsha and this axis in Transit will be activated between the 27th Oct.2019 to 20th Feb. 2020 since Rahu will enter this navamsha for almost 4 months and can prove venomous.

4. The Dasha in operation for India is Moon-Jupiter till 10th Dec. 2019 and is has been observed in the past that Jupiter anter dasha is alweays enigmatic and has been discussed in my earlier nArticles with examples.

Horoscope Imran Khan 5th Oct 1952 11.50 hrs Pakistan Lahore

5. In case of Imran Khan The Rahu is in Virgo Navamsha and this Axis will be activated in Transit as per Navamsha from the 27th Sept. to 27th Oct. 2019, most malefic for Pakistan to have aggressive stance and retaliation against India for Scrapping the Article 370 in Jammu & Kashmir

6. For India, Pakistan and n Modi the Navamsha Axis will be activated after the 27th Oct.019 to 20th Feb 2020. This period may prove to be most enigmatic one it so seems for approx 4 months

7. Till 30th March 2020 there will be influence of the Saturn and Jupiter on the Rahu-Ketu axis in Transit and Rahu will not be influenced by any planet and will become stronger after this Date .
8. Rashi Sanghatta Chakra which is used to see any Veda to Moon, Saturn and Mars by Rahu to predict the warlike conditions. As per this Chakra the Dates 30-31st March, 8th April and 16th April 2020 will be prone to Terrorism of magnitude and will be exactly parallel to the 9/11 episode in US Twin Tower in Manhattan.

India may not take an Aggressive Stance but if Pakistan takes an aggressive stance then India will retaliate with strength

My Video What Star’s Foretell About Indo-Pak Relations Between 27th Sept.2019 and 22nd April 2020
Pakistan Has Moon in the sign Gemini and the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the same may prove detremental for the Country and Imran Khan and may prove most Venomous. The Country may reel in Economy break down and Imran Khan may be the target by the masses of the Country


Written above on date 15th Sept. 2019 7.30.00 hrs

From the above it can be said that Starting from the 26th Dec. 2019 the year 2020 will be Enigmatic One and full of Combats and Wars between the Countries. The Global Economy will go for a big toss. Saturn is on the door of Completion of 90 year cycle from the year 24th Oct 1929 the great depression year , 60 year cycle from the Gulf war in August 1990 and 30 year cycle from 1987-1988 the Financial break year
I had Predicted this long back that starting from Nov.Dec. 2019 the Global Economy will go for a Toss. I can now say firmly that the the time is knocking the doors of Economy break down and 2020 can be seen to give parallel results to 30, 60 and 90 years back when the Economy shattered.Earthquakes, Tsunami’s cannot be ruled out in the Prone Countries . Needless to mention the names . 22nd Feb, 30th March, 8th and 16th April, 15th June, 28th June 2020 are most Pone Time frames for untoeward happenings in the world. A parallel situation like the 9-11 of World Trade Center New York cannot be ruled out around 22nd Feb. 2020. The Virus Spread from China is not ruled out which could be catastrophic after the 20th-25th Feb. 2020. Already predicted by me in my Article dated 17th sept. 2019


7th Jan. 2020 6.30 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

youtube link of the workshop on the 19th May 2019

Astrological Summit on the 27th July 2019
My Presentation on Astrology NEIR’S SUMMIT

My youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C4AIEjsr_d4W2UjB-s1Qw?view_as=subscriber
My Predictions on the Pulwama attack and IAF pouncing on Terror Camps of Jaish Prove on Dot for even the dat and time

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of
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My Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrnXlAbx08k&t=1439s

My Interview by a University of Repute from US https://youtu.be/l6GdrMx4uSo in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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