Some Unbelievable Facts But Truth: Predictions without Birth or Prashna Chart

by astrodocanil

Some Unbelievable Facts but Truth about Astrology Predictions My way.

This article has been Published in the  ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US link

Every Person is born Astrologer, it is only the activation of the Instinct of communicating with Nature, Yes those born with connection of the 5th and the 8th house are inquisitive to know the Future and often go to an Astrologer or Learn Astrological and Occult Sciences , ofcourse the connection of the Karak Mercury and Jupiter have a vital role to play in this. Let me elaborate on the Mercury and Jupiter , which ever house they jointly influence in the Horoscope that house becomes strong. While calculating the Bhav Bala in Jaimini we know we give 60 points to Mercury and Jupiter each . Let me bring some wonderful episodes in my life which are unbelievable but true.

Some of my methods of Prediction with out Computer Software, Birth chart or Prashna Kundali.

As a Good Astrologer , one is expected to know the Planetary positions of the day along with Panchang of the day.  Sun rise and Sun set time is essential to know the Hora and the Yama at the time of the query. The Following  steps should be followed to find the result of the query which I employ in the absence of a Computer Software or any Kundali what so ever.

Find the Hora and the Yama of the query time. This will give you enough iIndications of the Query and its results.

Calculate the Longitude of Sun , which is not difficult, Find out the nakshatras which are inauspicious from Sun called the Ekargala. Sun Longitude can be found out  by just mathematical calculations . Sun travels 30 degrees in 365.24 days , hence Sun travels  360/365.24 =0.98 degrees every day and changes sign every 14-15th Day of the Month till June and 17-18th from July onwards.

Fast Prashna method , by Sun rise time and Query time. Supposing you are traveling and during discussions with people sitting next to you puts a query . Find  the difference between the Sun rise and the Query time, and convert it in Ghati and Pala. Round off the answer to the next digit , then add 3 and divide by 7 and note the remainder, Depending on even or odd will be the results .

Use Panchak Rahita Viddhi  to find the Query is at good Muhurat or bad Muhurat.

Using the First letter word uttered by the Querist and giving the results of the same as per the 5 elements Air, Fire, Earth,Water and Either.

Using Shakuns and Omens.

My Research using the Prashna Triangle to find the Planet influencing the Query, and the results are just in 2 minutes according to the Planet influencing the Query and the Significations of the Planet.

By Direction method Naisargik and Tatlika Chakra, one can give the Predictions as well.

By Andha, Mandha, Madhya, Sucholona Nakshatra .

Panch Pakshi method. In this you have to know the Birth nakshatra of the Day and the Querist.

Apart from the above Intution, Communication with Nature and Anga Lakshan are the Techniques to give Acurate Predictions .

Easy Way to Remember the Calculation of the Hora of the Day

  1. Prepare a South Indian Chart as below.
  2. Place the Malefics Sun, Saturn and Mars in the Exhaltation sign viz Aries, Libra and Capricorn respectively.
Sun Venus Mercury
Jupiter Saturn
  1. Place the Benefics in benefic signs starting from Taurus.Hence Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini , Moon in Cancer and Jupiter in Sagitarius as below.
  2. Now find the Dinman the duration between the Sun rise and Sun Set and divide in 12 equal parts , This will be one Hora say X , now from the time of the event see the difference of time from the Sunrise and divide by X this will give you the Hora from 1st to 12th hora, Start from the Day Lord in clock wise direction to find the hora of the day.
  1. Malefic Horas are generally bad , Mars Hora is good for fight . Normally Benefic Horas are good . Venus for marriage, disputes getting solved , Mercury for New Project , Jupiter for Expansion, Prosperity.Moon gain of wealth, Sun good for significations of Sun only, Mars illness, Disputes,Accidents.

Some of my Predictions using some techniques mentioned of Intution and Nature Communication till 2011 and after that other Methods as well.

  1. In the year April 1964, I was a bright student but was lacking in History . One fine day close to my Exams on Friday I told my mother that I am blank on History and on Monday is my exams .It was night time and my mother told me to sleep now and we will see what best we can do about it tomorrow morning . I dreamt and say the Question Paper of History . In the Morning I narrated the story to my Mother , who in turn told me to prepare the 3 questions properly to get through the Examinations, My mother was so confident about it , as if she knew this was to happen . I prepared 3 to 4 questions and got through with good marks in the paper. Amazingly the Same question Paper appeared in the exams. Astrologically I was running the Dasha of Sat-Sat-Jupiter . Both Saturn and Jupiter are involved in Rajyogas in my chart with Gemini Lagna and Saturn and Moon have exchange of the 2nd and the 9th house . Jupiter is also into Exchange with Ketu in Nakshatra Exchange and Jupiter is forming a Hamsa Yoga in the 7th house . Ketu is Placed in the 5th house , whose dispositor is Venus and is connected to Jupiter in 1/7 axis. Dasha connected to 5th house and 8th house . My Mercury Lagna Lord is Placed in the 11th house with Sun and Rahu and both Saturn and Jupiter aspect the Conjuction, making the 11th house extremely strong and the Karka for Astrology.
  2. In Sept .1973 normally then everybody use to sleep in the verandahs in summer. As usual, my dadi was sleeping next to my cot. My father had given an advertisement. for my Marriage fixation then. Just then when I got up I told my grandmother that, today my Marriage will be fixed. She was amazed and asked me how ?  I told her that there was a Car which went in front of the house and I saw a  fair looking Girl sitting at the back. She  then asked me then what happens ? . I told her that they had come to see our house and the locality where we reside, because it is a matter of concern for the Parents .  I also told her that where ever they live in Delhi they would reach home within 35 to 40 minutes and they would make a  call for an appointment..This all is also logic. Surprisingly  a  phone call came just in 35 to 40 minutes and my father fixed an appointment with them for the day. I asked my father to cancel the appointment fixed for the other people who were to come at 11.00 am. To my Surprise, they were the same people and I recognized them by their car.  Latter my marriage was fixed there itself.
  3. Since Childhood, what ever Dreams I saw became true . In the Year August 2000 my Father Expired and I remember in Feb 2001 I did some Puja in the Room where he took his last Breath. There after he started to come in my dreams and used to Guide me for most of the things , but the first time he came in my dream he took me along with my wife to a Place where I saw a Dead Body rapped in white sheet in the house of my wife cousin Brother , I did not see the Cousin Brother obviously it was him only rapped in white sheet , next morning at exact time we got the News of the same and amazingly I saw same what I had seen in my dream. I was Running the Dasha of Ketu-Rahu-Venus, Ketu and Venus I have explained and Rahu again with Mercury and Sun aspected By both Saturn and Jupiter .
  4. In the Year 2002 after looking at the chart of a neighbor girl, this when I did not know astrology , but knew the basic significations some what of the planets I told her she would get married to a very fair looking Surd from Chandigarh and her Marriage will be fixed before 31st July 2002, , this was because she had Jupiter in her Lagna and the Sub-Sub dasha of Jupiter till 31st July 2002, Her father gave an advertisement in the Newspaper and surprisingly she got the Biodata of a Fair loking Surd from Chandigarh, this was in Feb. 2002 and then the Boy came to see the girl in March 2002, and there after the communication stalled between them. One fine day, I was to drive out my Car with my family out of my Drive way, just then I saw a smart looking Surd standing out side my house , I told my family that this Surd has come from Chandigarh and has come for checking the references of the Neighbor Girl for Marriage, hence with out talking to him we decided to postpone the trip. Amazingly what I thought was 100% correct and the native was an Army officer and a Friend of the Boys Father from Chandigarh. I treated the Guest very well and at the outset I gave some Predictions before he could tell me any thing . I told him if he had come to check the references of the neighbor girl and if I was the father of the boy I would not even waste a second for the decision to accept the Girl. And I authentically told him that the Marriage between the Boy and Girl would take place in the End Nov. 2002. The Army officer thought I was talking out of my head and just smiled and was in a hurry to take a train from Nizammudin Railway station just 1 km from my house . Latter amazingly the Marriage took place between them and on the 30th 2002 .. How I could give 100 % prediction was purely on the Natural Communication, if we had left one minute earlier The Army officer would have not been able to meet us and hence , he would have gone back with out proper checking the references , on this basis I gave the girl authentic prediction that since the references were checked , the Girl will get married here and in the end Nov. 2002 .
  5. 5. In early 2009 I was in  my astrology classin Bhartiya vidhya Bhawan. Two girl students sitting next to me were talking .One of them said my mother in law had Cancer, I intervened in between and said I will do some astrological analysis. I asked her if she had afflicted Rahu in the 10 th house . She gave me an answer in positive. The next thing I asked her was the Cancer detected on 6th May 2008. She gave an answer in positive .I further asked her your Dasha running is Rahu she said yes again . I will now explain. 4th house from 7th house is mother of spouse or mother in law. Cancer is a disease not diagnosed  easily Rahu afflicted there. So the moment she said my mother in law had Cancer ,I could make out Rahu afflicted in 10th house. How could I time it was that Rahu had shifted from Aquarius to Capricorn on 6th May 2008.The moment Rahu came on Rahu it lifted the curtain activating natal Rahu and the Disease was diagnosed as Cancer on 6th May 2008. I could also tell her Rising sign in Lagna is Aries which was correct.Here I would add one thing Rahu is Rog Harnam and Ketu is Rog Karnam.In Dasha of Rahu , normally the disease is cured if benefics are aspecting Rahu.
  6. In the year 2011 one couple had to come to me for Consultations for their Sons Marriage and as per the time stipulated they they came to my house at 7.00 PM and called me that they were on the gate of my house, on reaching the gate I did not find them and then found the Mother of the Boy on the North gate of my house. I called them up to come from the East gate . The Couple parked their Car and came to me on the East gate. Before I took them inside my house for Consultation I told them that I will like to make some Predictions just now without any Charts or Kundalis , they were much surprised and amazed . I then took them to my consultation room and and asked them the Following questions.

Is there a Proposal for your Son in regard to marriage from North side about 6 month back which has been posing a Problem for you ? They answered in affirmative.

I then told them that the marriage of their Son is on the Cards but not immediately and the girl in question resembles the Mother, to this again they replied in affirmative.

I Further asked them is there any identity problem with the Girl in question and is she a half muslim , they again replied in affirmative and were much amazed as to how I could reach 100% results without any chart.

They then Told me that their Son is in love with this Girl since the last 6 months and all the Astrologers have advised not to marry this Girl since it will end up in a Divorce, since there is absolutely no matching . They were also not satisfied with the Identity as her name appeared to be Muslim and claimed to be an Indian

During this time I did not use any computer or software . Just then I got a mail from my Associate regarding some Research on Marriage Parameters for matching By Shri K.N Rao . I told them that this mail is a Divine blessing for you since the issue is for matching and , since this mail has come when you have come for matching, I will only use this parameter and see the results , Amazinglythe Parameter of DaraKarka in the Boys and Girls Kundali was same and Jupiter and they were also not ill placed in the birth chart and the navamsha . Shri K . N Rao had specifically said that marriage in such cases will be good irrespective of the guna matching . I told them not to get into panic and marry their Son with this girl which would take Place in a Year or so.

How I was able to give the 100% predictions were North gate is normally used by my Paying guest and for the Last 6 months there was no tenant and there was one who came about 6 months back and had identity Problem and was a Female from Dubai.Latter the Boy got married exactly after an year with the same girl.

7.In the year  Jan 2011 when the new session of the Jyotish Acharaya  started  in BVB, A good looking girl joined our session and came and sat next to me. Just by Looking at her I could place her Jupiter and was sure that Jupiter is aspecting her Lagna, the other thing I noticed was, she had sharp features. I  could immediately form an opinion that she is a native having fixed Lagna and Venus in mostly in a Kendra, she had broad forehead, hence Sun near Lagna, Now by roughly calculating her age by looks, she seemed to be born in the year 1972, since  strong Jupiter was in own sign in Sagittarius aspecting the Lagna.  My Jupiter is also in own sign  Sagittarius, will immediately recognize those having strong Jupiter. I asked her if she was 1972 born and if her Jupiter was aspecting the Lagna ?  . She replied in affirmative and was amazed. The next thing I asked her if she was Leo Lagna  as per the above conditions mentioned. She replied in positive. Why I could place Leo sign was that , for fixed Lagna for Jupiter to be in Sagittarius and aspecting the Lagna  was the only possibility. Next I told her she has to be born around July 1972 for Sun to be near Lagna  and Venus to be in Kendra and in the 10th house ,  I also told her that she is  born in the first half of the day and around 09:00 am. I was also able to place the slow moving planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in her chart.. My predictions were going 100%. She told me that she was born on the 14th Jul 1972  08:30 am Delhi.  She confirmed the above   Is this not amazing. Learning astrology is different and application is a separate thing and all can apply. It is not at all difficult.

Read my another 4 Articles Below

Article 1.

Predictions Through Intution,Shakun and Logic

Article 2 Amazing Predictions by Shakun and Prashna Jyotish

Read my amazing Predictions  in the Article 2 when i was in the car and had nothing with me and I gave the client the Predictions even the Navamsha Calculations and the Planet influencing the query. , which I confirmed after Reaching home and opening the Prashna Chart 

Article 3  “Amazing Astro Experiences and Prashna “

Article 4  Amazing Shakun Astrology

I stand up to Give ovations to my Guru Shri S Ganesh

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 12th June 2015 16.15 hrs . Singapore

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