A Twin Analysis On Mega Oath Ceremony Of 3 CM’s By Oath Chart’s & Key Planet Saturn

by astrodocanil

“Saturn the Planet for Masses, Democracy , Destruction and a Strict Disciplinarian” based on the Oath charts and the Planet Saturn  I have analysed the situations for the Future of the General Elections of 2019

As per media reports  Mega oath ceremony turns 2019 war cry? link https://www.indiatoday.in/programme/the-burning-question/video/mega-oath-ceremony-turns-2019-war-cry-rajasthan-chhattisgarh-madhya-pradesh-congress-cm-1410985-2018-12-17

Kamal Nath, Ashok Gelot and Bupesh Bagel on Monday the 17th Dec. 2018 took Oath as the Chief Minister of the Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chattisgarh

respectively. The BJP dominated states have been taken over by the Congress specially the Madhya Pradesh where Kamal nath took over the 15 years dominance  of BJP in the State

Now the Questions which haunts the mind of the Nation are

Are Assembly Poll Results a wake-up call for the BJP ?

Will opposition derail  Modi’s second term in 2019 ?  

To answer the above questions I have used  Saturn the Disciplinariancycle of 30 years and the 3rd aspect of Saturn which is very strong and live the 3rd eye of Lord Shiva, hence when Saturn was in the sign Libra at the time of the Indra Gandhi Assassination and Sikh-Roits of 84′ 30 years cycle from it and hence the year 2014 when BJP came in Power and the 3rd Aspect of Saturn from Libra in the sign Sagitarius where Saturn is presently placed at the time of the Congress getting a Hat-Trick. The Birth charts of the Politicians are seldom correct  and hence it will not be wise to analyse the Predictions for the 2019 general elections on the basis of the Natal charts of the Politicians. I will therefore Use the Oath Charts of the Politicians of Congress and the Planet Saturn as explained above . Asper my observation the Saturn 24 degree mark hold the key  for the Future of the Politics for the general Elections of India 2019.

Unfortunately as per the Lunation chart of the 7th Dec. 2018 12.50 hrs the junction of the 2 Malefic Fixed Karnas Naga and Kimstughana related to the 10th house of the Party in Position have blown off the power of BJP in the 3 states.  They also donot indicate a good win for the opposition party, since the Karya siddhi will not take place properly and the win will be like a Tailor Stitches a shirt of 36 size for a person of size 38-40. As per Jyotish classics the junction of 2 maleficfixed Karnas is extremely bad for the fortnight . The other parameter which is also most venomous is the 2 Karna Lords Sun and Saturn are getting conjunction on the 16th Dec. 2019 in the 11th house of the Lunation chart and surprisingly these Lords were also conjunct at the time of the Indra Gandhi assassination, at the time of Rahul Gandhi taking Oath as the President of the Congress on the 16th Dec. 2017 at 11.07 hrs and Now when the 3 CM’s of Congress take Oath.

Following Parameters acquire a special dimension

1.At the time of Indra Gandhi Assasination on the 31st Oct. 1984 and sikh-Roits  when Saturn was 24 degrees in Libra with Sun at15 degrees 

2. At the time of Rahul gandhi Taking Oath  on the 16th Dec. 2017 Saturn and Sun were in the sign Sagitarius  when Sun was 00.20 and Saturn 5.25 degrees 

3. BJP came in power after completion of the 30 year cycle of Saturn from Sikh-Roits in 84′ when Saturn was 24 degrees  and in 2014 when Saturn awas again in Libra at 24 degrees in Retrogression. We all know what Saturn does when Retrograde and reviews the situations and punishes the culprit and hence threw off the Congress and BJP came in power with a thumping Majority. We Know the significations of Saturn and need not be explained here . Narendra Modi Took Oath on the 26th May 2014 18-11 hrs when Saturn was again 24 degrees and in Retrogression.

4. Now again when Congres Party has got success in the 3 states  Saturn and Sun are in the sign Sagitarius and being aspected by Saturn at the time of Sikh-Roits and at the time of BJP coming in Power in 2014.  The Situation now is absolutely parallel to the one when Rahu Gandhi Took oath on the 16th Dec. 2017 exactly one year back and the Sun again at the same degrees in Sagitarius. The Main question is now what happens when Saturn will reach the 24 degree mark in normal motion and then 24 degrees in Retrograde motion in Sagitarius on 14th  March 2019 and 30th April 2019 at 26 degrees Stationary and then on the 19th June 2019 at 24 degrees Retrogression 

5. The answer seems simple that BJP will get the upper hand when Saturn will reach the 24 degree mark in Retrogression, but mind you this time Saturn is with Ketu and when BJP came in Power it was Saturn and Rahu in Libra . On the 14th March 2019 Saturn will toucch the 24 degree mark and aspect Sun who will change sign to Pieces the next day and seems this may be little good for Congress.

6.Amazingly on the 30th April 2019 Saturn will be going in Retrogression at 26.23 degrees very close to the 24 degree mark and the same navamsha  and will be conjunct with Ketu degree-wise and will be having 8th aspect of Mars  from Taurua at 25.25 degrees a degree aspect , Soon Saturn will reach the 24 degree mark on the 19th June 2019 amd may give some relief , but as is evident the success may ba a hard nut to crack even for the BJP. The above time frame mark a very important for the General elections of 2019 for India. At this point Saturn dispositor will be placed in the 12th from it and in Fallen State in Scorpio

Have a look at the charts below of the Saturn turning Retrograde on the 30th April 2019 06-13hrs

Chart 1


This will put the Situations again on review by Saturn the disciplinarian

See the chart of the 19th June 2019  when Saturn reaches the 24 degree mark in retrogression also below 

Chart 2

Read my Article “Saturn The Disciplinarian Gifts The Key Person Sajjan Kumar With Life Term In ’84 Riots” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/12/saturn-the-disci…term-in-84-riots/

Hence from the above we can clearly say the planetary positions may not be so simple to give Congress a lead in the 2019 general elections . The  Sun at 15 degrees in Aries activates the Sun in Libra at exact degrees at the time of the Sikh-Roits and Saturn Stationary afflicted badly is activated By Saturn in Libra at 24 degrees at the time of the Sikh-Roits and at the time of Thimping Success of BJP. . Hence the above 2 Dates can be explosive for the Political scenario of the Country  and BJP may score better then the Opposition Congress . This is my inner in-depth Research analysis . I have seen in so many cases specially Saturn plays a vital role . Giving you my personal experience  . I left my Parents house when Saturn was in Pushya Nakshatra  and Moon Balance Dasha of Saturn 15 years 4 months and 21 days and I returned back to my Parents house exactly after this time and when Saturn activated the Saturn at the time of Leaving the Parents house . Saturn in 1983 was 7.00 degress in Libra and when I return back home after the above stated period Saturn was in Aries aspecting the Saturn in Libra at the time of leaving at 3.37 degrees , In Fact I shifted totally when Saturn was 4.5 degrees and also aspected the Sun in Transit  and ther Call came to me when Saturn aspected the Transit Sun degree-wise . Lets hope my above analysis on Saturn proves 

Surprisingly the fortnight of 23rd Dec. 2018 is not good as explained above till 23rd Dec. 2018 and we have seen Congress also in Lurch since other opposition parties have refused to accept Rahul Gandhi as the Future Prime Minister of the Country and there were absentees in the Oath Taking Ceremony of the 3CM’s

Stalin endorses Rahul for PM , TMC Raises Red Flag https://www.indiatoday.in/programme/first-up/video/stalin-endorses-rahul-for-pm-tmc-raises-red-flag-1410951-2018-12-17?ref=taboola Read what Astrology Predicted “Sun-Saturn Conjunction Plays Havoc For Congress As Predicted” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/12/sun-saturn-conju…ess-as-predicted/ 

Opposition Disagrees With MK Stalin Backing Rahul Gandhi For PM: Sources https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/opposition-disagrees-with-mk-stalin-backing-rahul-gandhi-for-pm-sources-1963476   Sources said Samajwadi Party, Chandrababu Naidu’s Telugu Desam Party, Trinamool Congress, Farooq Abdullah’s National Conference, Lalu Yadav’s Rashtriya Janata Dal and the CPM have objected to the suggestion

Also read my Article for the Oath charts of Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi “Oath Charts Of Narinder Modi & Rahul Gandhi: What They Foretell ?” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/12/oath-charts-of-n…at-they-foretell/

Nutshell for the above Oath charts 

The Lunation chart of the 7th Dec. 2018 although not in favour of the Party in position  but also not very good for the Opposition Party and Congress due to the fact of the Junction of the Malefic LKarne Lords on the 7rth Dec. 2018 in the Lunation chart and Karya siddi suffers like  a Tailor stitches a shirt of 36 size for a person of size 38 or 40. The Sun -Saturn Conjunction from the 16th dec. 2018 will not be a healthy one for Rahul gandhi and will face all odds  since this conjunction is also there in the 11th house of the Oath taking chart and the Lagna Lord will be combusted as Sun goes closer to Saturn and finally totally combusted  on the 1st Jan. 2019 till 14th Jan. 2019 the Conjunction of Sun and Saturn will be ther . This also shows a Tug of War with the Ruling Party in position, but mind you the Sun and Saturn conjunction in Libra was also there at the time of the 31st Oct. 1984 34 years back and Saturn after completing the 30 year cyclwe when Congress lost the elections Saturn at the time of BJP success aspects the Transit Saturn by 3rd eye  and the 3rd aspect most malefic one . The Congeress may suffer on account of the Sikh Roits of the 84. Hence What seems from the above The Oath chart of Rahul Gandhi is weaker than Narinder Modi though till 23rd Dec. 2018 a Tough Period for the Party in Power as well as the Oppositions  . Saturn was with Rahu at the time of the BJP coming in Power now Saturn will be with Ketu in Sagitarius and aspected by Saturn from Libra indicates though the chances of Narendra Modi for success are better than Congress , it will be a Hard nut to Crack for BJP also 

Let us now have a look at the Oath taking charts of the 3 CM’s of the Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chattisgarh

Swearing-In LIVE: Kamal Nath Takes Oath as Madhya Pradesh CM, BJP Sharpens Attack Over 1984 Riots https://www.news18.com/news/politics/swearing-in-live-kamal-nath-takes-oath-as-madhya-pradesh-cm-amid-bjp-attacks-over-1984-riots-1975647.html

Have a Look at the chart of the 17th Dec. 2018 at 14.33 hrs. Bhopal

Chart 3

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon placed in the 12th house of the chart and in the yama of Leo and the Yama Lord Sun is with Saturn the Bhadak for Aries Lagna in the 9th house of the chart , and the dispositor is placed in the 8th house . Moon Dispositor is also in the 8th house . Moon and Moon Lord should have no connection with the 8th house , here the Moon and Sun Dispositor both are placed in the 8th house . Moon is also ill placed from the Lagna and Lagna Lord Mars and 7th house and 7th Lord Venus . The Lagna is Prishtodayo not good but urdha mukh. It has aspect of Venus a Benefic. The Karna Lord Mercury is also placed in the 8th house  and has no connection with 10th house for good fructifications .  Hence mixed  but not good in totality .

10th Lord from Lagna is Saturn and 10th Lord from Moon is Jupiter , now see the placement from the Ascendant , Saturn is about to be combusted and Jupiter is placed in the 8th house  also Saturn Dispositor is in the 8th house hence suffering 

The Positives in the chart

1. Lagna is Urdha mukha and aspected by Venus

2. The Time 14.33 on 17th Dec. 2018 is with in Vijaya Muhurta

3. Navamsha Lagna Lord Sun is Exhalted 

4. Jupiter in AasanNadi in the Simhasan or Panch Nadi Chakra

The Negatives in the chart

1.Dispositor of Sun and Moon in 8th house

2. Karna Lord Mercury in the 8th house

3. Moon ill placed from the Lagna and the Lagna Lord , 7th house and the 7th Lord Venus

4. Yama Lord Sun with Saturn the Bhadak for the Aries Lagna

5. Lagna Prishtodayo

6. The Lagna Lord Mars is placed in the yama of Sagitarius and the Yama Lord is placed in the 8th house

7.The Muhurat Moon is placed in the 12th house in Pieces and in the Yama Chart Moon is placed in the sign Leo , hence they are in 6/8 axis is a strong negative in the chart for the Moon Placement

8.11th Lord Saturn placed in the Yama of Gemini and the Lord is placed in the 8th house

9. Uday Lagna is Prishtodayo,Arudha Lagna is Sagitarius and the Chaitra Rashi is Libra having Venus is Good . But the Arudha Lagna is having malefics  is not good and a Prishtodayo sign

10. Uday Lagna strength is 402, Arudha Lagna Sagitarius 332 and Chiatra rashi 438. The weakness of Arudha Lagna is not good  and future affliction to this rashi after 25th March 2019 may not prove good for the Native

11. Dispositors of the LagnaLord , Arudha Lagna Lord  , Sun and Moon should be strong in Navamsha . Here the dispositor of Sun and Moon is Jupiter and placed in the Scorpio Navamsha and as per Rashi Tula Navamsha again in the 8th house of Rashi Chart , The Lord is also of the Arudha Lagna  . Moon Navamsha Lord is Taurus and None of then is in own house or in Exhaltation. Moon is afflicted in Navamsha since in Rahu-Ketu axis The Bhadak Saturn is placed in the Navamsha Lagna , But the Lord of Navamsha is Sun and Exhalted 

12. In the Simhasan or Panch Nadi Chakra, Moon should be placed in the highest nadi where as it ia placed in the lowest Nadi and hence not good for the Power of the King and hence limited power 

13. Saturn the Planet of Masses , Death and destruction is combusted with Sun placed in the 9th house and dispositor in the 8th house . Saturn is placed in the nadi of Aasan and conjunct with Sun is a dreaded combination and may destroy the king when Saturn goes in Retrogression on the 30th April 2019 at 06-13 hrs as per the chart 1 when Saturn is stationary and afflicted badly above  at that time Jupiter will also not be in Aasan Nadi and will be in Aadhar Nadi . Also see the chart 2  Saturn reaching the 24 degree mark and in Retrogression aspects the Saturn at the time of the Sikh-Roits and also at the time of BJP success . This 24 degree Saturn in Retrogression will be very important . Direct Saturn in Sagitarius will be on the 14th March 2019 when Saturn at these degrees will also Sun in Aquarius and there will be poorna ithasla of Saturn and Mars at 24 degrees . The above dates can prove most Venomous for the Political system  and a Tug of War between the Political Parties and suffering By Congress it so seems

14. 10th house is in Paap Kartari yoga and has Ketu

15. Exchange of Moon and Mercury in their Debilitation signs  and connection with 8th house 

16. Navamsha of Sun and Sun in first Navamsha hence after 6 Months there could be troubles from Planet Saturn  since placed in the navamsha Lagna in inimical sign

Rajasthan: Ashok Gehlot, CM and Sachin Pilot take oath as Deputy CM https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=hi&u=https://www.newsstate.com/rajasthan/rajasthan-swearing-ceremony-live-updates-congress-new-cm-ashok-gehlot-article-69912.html&prev=search

  The Oath Ceremony took Place at 11.00 am   The chart is below 17th Dec. 2018

Chart 4

Moon the day Lord is placed in the yama of Gemini and the Lord is placed in the 10th house is good with Jupiter the 2nd and the 11th Lord . The Day Lord is aspected by the 2nd and the 11th Lord is Good . The Lagna Lord is placed in the 11th house with Sun and in the yama chart Saturn is placed in the Yama of Taurus the 4th house of the chart called the Throne and the yama Lord is placed in the 9th house strongly . The Yama Moon and the Muhurat Moon are in 4/10 axis is another parameter which is strong. 10th Lord from the Lagna is Mars and 10th Lord from Moon is Jupiter and both are well placed in the Kendra  is good  

The Day Lord is not ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord hence the Longevity and Tenure does not suffer . The Day Lord is also well placed from the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord 

Uday Lagna  strength 332 Arudha Lagna and Chaitra Rashi is Libra strength is 391 and the 9th house of the chart and has Venus in its MT sign is very good 

Jupiter is in Aasan Nadi gives Protection against evil

There is Poorna ithasla of the Lagna Lord andthe yoga Karka Venus 

Lagna is also Urdha Mukh. Hence in totality the Oath Taking chart is not bad specially the Venus placed in the Arudha Lagna and the Chaitra rashi


Mars is not placed well in the Lagna as Prishtodayo Planet 

Moon is afflicted in the navamsha and Movable Lagna in Navamsha 

Navamsha of Lagna Lord in inimical sign

Dispositors of Sun and Moon is Jupiter and Vargottam , but not in own sign or Exhaltation

Arudha Lagna Lord is in the navamsha of Saturn

In the Simhasan or Panch Nadi Chakra, Moon should be placed in the highest nadi where as it ia placed in the lowest Nadi and hence not good for the Power of the King and hence limited power 

Saturn the Planet of Masses , Death and destruction is combusted with Sun placed in the 11th house and dispositor in the 10th house is good  . Saturn is placed in the nadi of Aasan and conjunct with Sun is a dreaded combination and may destroy the king when Saturn goes in Retrogression on the 30th April 2019 at 06-13 hrs as per the chart 1 when Saturn is stationary and afflicted badly above at that time Jupiter will also not be in Aasan Nadi and will be in Aadhar Nadi . Also see the chart 2  Saturn reaching the 24 degree mark and in Retrogression aspects the Saturn at the time of the Sikh-Roits and also at the time of BJP success . This 24 degree Saturn in Retrogression will be very important . Direct Saturn in Sagitarius will be on the 14th March 2019 when Saturn at these degrees will also Sun in Aquarius and there will be poorna ithasla of Saturn and Mars at 24 degrees . The above dates can prove most Venomous for the Political system  and a Tug odf War between the Political Parties and suffering By Congress it so seems.

This Oath taking Chart is better than the Oath taking Chart of Kamal Nath

Bhupesh Bagel Sworn In as Chief  Minister of Chattisgarh https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/bhupesh-baghel-sworn-in-as-chief-minister-of-chhattisgarh

Oath Taking Chart of the 17th Dec. 2018 18-24  hrs Raipur

The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Virgo and the Yama Lord is placed in the 6th house who is also the Lagna Lord with 7th and the 10th Lord Jupiter shows difficulty . There are no benefics in the Kendra and the Lagna is Adhomukh though a Shirshodayo sign  but aspected by Malefic . The Yama Moon and the Muhurat Moon are in 1/7 axis is Ok. *th house should be vacant here Ketu Placement is not good . The Oath taking has taken place after Sun-Set is not good and inSayahna sandhya which is also not bad . 10th Lord  from Lagna and 10th Lord from Moon is Jupiter placed in the 6th house  with Lagna Lord  The Placement is not good specially when the Jupiter is fallen in transit from the 10th April to 5th Nov. 2019 when Jupiter is in Fallen State 

Uday Lagna is Gemini having strength of 434, Arudha Lagna Aries Prishtodayo and having strength of 410 and Chaitra Rashi Leo having a strength of 510 and is aspected by a Malefic is not good for the Future and the Hidden things 

In the Simhasan or Panch Nadi Chakra, Moon should be placed in the highest nadi where as it is placed in the lowest Nadi and hence not good for the Power of the King and hence limited power 

Saturn the Planet of Masses , Death and destruction is combusted with Sun placed in the 11th house and dispositor in the 10th house is good  . Saturn is placed in the nadi of Aasan and conjunct with Sun is a dreaded combination and may destroy the king when Saturn goes in Retrogression on the 30th April 2019 at 06-13 hrs as per the chart 1 when Saturn is stationary and afflicted badly above at that time Jupiter will also not be in Aasan Nadi and will be in Aadhar Nadi . Also see the chart 2  Saturn reaching the 24 degree mark and in Retrogression aspects the Saturn at the time of the Sikh-Roits and also at the time of BJP success . This 24 degree Saturn in Retrogression will be very important . Direct Saturn in Sagitarius will be on the 14th March 2019 when Saturn at these degrees will also Sun in Aquarius and there will be poorna ithasla of Saturn and Mars at 24 degrees . The above dates can prove most Venomous for the Political system  and a Tug odf War between the Political Parties and suffering By Congress it so seems.

The Common Negative in the 3 Oath Taking Charts is the Placement of Saturn and Moon in the Lowest Nadi and Rahu is also Placed in the Patta Nadi with Mars . The Saving is the Placement of Jupiter in Aasan Nadi against Evil. But when Saturn goes in Retrogression and Jupiter leaves the Aasan Nadi there could be troubles to the 3CM’s it so seems as per the Time frame mentioned above 

The Chart of Ashok Gehlot seems to be the best out of the 3 Oath taking 

Nut Shell

The Saturn 24 degree mark Saturn shows difficult win for Congress but at the same time difficult for BJP as well, but may gain by some allaince it so seems. Congress in any case cannot win since it will have to bear the burnt of the Sikh-Roits 84′ as per the Disciplinarian  Satrun 24 Degrees  

Written on 19th Dec. 2018  21-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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