Congress Party And Assembly State Elections : What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

Rahu Adverse in Foundation and Progression chart strong Negative  for Congress, though they gain some positions with struggle and also pose competitive strength in the present scenario and gain in 2 states definitely in a nut shell as per the earlier Predictions  and the article mentioned under reference below.The Predictions are on the basis of the Time provided by media and in case the time is incorrect the Analysis may be wrong , in such case please excuse me for that . I am adding this  here . In the Article mentioned below I have only analysed the Results for the 3 States, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan  and My Predictions would be 2/3 for Congress 

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Assembly Elections 2018 Results: What Stars Foretell” link…t-stars-foretell/. I have already given my predictions in the above Article . Let me also see the Foundation chart of Congress to see if they will score well in the Assembly Elections in the 5 States  for which the Results will be declared today after 8.00 am the 11th Dec. 2018

The Foundation chart of Congress of 2nd Jan 1978 12-00 noon New Delhi is below 

The Dasha in operation is of Jup-Venus  till Sept. 2019

The dasha Lords are not very strong  to give good victory in the Assembly elections the reasons are below 

Jupiter Navamsha Lord is Mars and Mars is R and Debilitated in the Rashi chart

Vneus Navamsha Lord is moon and Moon is afflicted badly in the Rashi chart , but both Jupiter and Venus are related to the 10th house from Lagna and 10th house from Moon , hence these planets although weak may give some results pertaining to the significations of the 10th house of the chart .

In Transit  Jupiter with Sun and Mercury forming Rajyogas in the 9th house of the Natal chart  but Transit Venus in the 8th house  and in Navamsha in the 3rd house and aspects the Natal Navamahs Venus , it is ill placed from 10th house and the 10th Lord of the Navamsha in Transit 

Let us also see the Dashamsha Chart to give the results


 See the Chart below 

The Dashamsha Lord of Jupiter is Sun and in the Rashi chart it is placed well in the 10th house and is Digbali will impart good Results 

The Dashamsha Lord of Venus is Mars and Mars is again Retrograde and Debilitated , makes the Anter dasha Lord weak 

Jupiter owns good houses in the Rashi, Navamsha and also Dashamsha , but Venus does not own good houses in the Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha, and is afflicted as Below 


2. Combusted Planet in Navamsha in the 9th house 

3. Combusted planet in the Lagna of the Dashamsha Chart reduces the power of the planet considerably , more so it is in Rahu-Ketu axis also , but connected to the 9th and the 10th Lord of the Dashamsha chart  give some relief 

In Transit Jupiter is Placed well in Dashamsha but in Transit as per the Dashamsha chart in the 8th house . Venus  as explained above is not well placed though has aspects of the 9th and the 10th Lord , asper Transit Dashamasha it is placed in the 10th house and aspected by 10th Lord Saturn who is Debilitated in the Transit Dashamsha , but since the connection is also there in the Foundation chart it may give some good results pertaining to the 5 States , but the Resuls may not be of high nature 

Let us see the Vedic Progression Chart of the Congress  for the year 2018 Jan to 2019 Jan.

As per this progression chart the dasha lords Venus and Jupiter are placed well in the Rashi chart and connected to 10th house, but navamsha Lord of Jupiter is Venus who is [placed in the 10th house, navamsha Lord of Venus is Mars and Retrograde and debilitated hence Venus is weak 

As per dashamsha the dashamsha lord of Jupiter is Mercury forming a Rajyoga in the 9th house, hence Jupiter is string in all the charts. Dashamsha lord of Venus is Jupiter and strong, hence CONGRESS may gain over all. The negatives in the chart are Moon under affliction in the foundation chart and also in the progression chart. North node is adverse in both charts. Moon ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord Saturn , hence nothing will come easily and struggles and strifes inspite of some betterment definitely, efforts going in vain and the current year may not give expected Results

Nut Shell

Congress may gain some what  in 2 states definitely in the present scenario but not a clear victory. The same is depicted  by the State election RESULTS as mentioned in the Article under reference. GAIN definitely but in totality the rulling party will be in a better position it so seems.  My predictions are only for 3 states as mentioned above .  for Chattis garh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan .For the Elections for 2019 Iwill write another Article


Written on 11th Dec. 2018  08-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

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