Mars-Ketu Long Stay In Capricorn After 205 Years & Total Lunar Eclipse In Capricorn on the 28th July 2018 Most Enigmatic

by astrodocanil

This is with reference  to my article “Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/ dated 23rd Jan 2018.

Eclipses  are caused by the Nodes Rahu and Ketu when they overshadow the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon. There are 2 types of Eclipses Solar and Lunar. In Case of Solar Eclipse Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth and as such hides the disc of Sun. In the Case of Lunar Eclipse the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and hence the shadow of Earth falls on Moon. Eclipses have great importance in the Mundane Astrology  as they represent the peak of the energy discharged and their periods of influence over considerable time. In the Case of Lunar Eclipse the effects are immediately visible but in the case of Solar Eclipse some months elapse before the effects with magnitude are visible. The Effects spread over a long period of time in proportion of the duration of the Eclipses. Solar Eclipse effects last for years  as the Eclipse period is in hours in duration , whereas in the Lunar Eclipse the effects will last for months as the Eclipse duration is in hours.

According to Varahamihira when the Eclipses take place and the luminaries are set or Eclipsed there will be danger to autumnal crops and Danger to the Kings. On the other hand if the Eclipses are Total and the Eclipse orbit has aspect of  Malefic there would be famine and pestilence all over the Country  and those Countries are influenced most where it is visible . The effects in the fixed sign are felt for a long time where as in the movable and the cardinal signs for a short period. In the Common signs the effects are felt with interruptions.In the Present Scenario the Total Lunar Eclispe in a Movable sign for  3 hrs and 54 minutes , hence the effect may be felt immediately for 4 months 

Varahamihira has described at length the results of the Eclipses. As per him two eclipses in a month , one Solar and one Lunar, Kings will be destroyed as revolt of their army, and there would be bloody battles

In the year 2018 5 Eclipses will take place  and the sign Capricorn a Toatl Eclipse visible in India

The Effects in the sign Capricorn will be more Venomous then the effects in the Sign Cancer.  In the month of July 2018 there are 2 eclipses one Solar and another one Lunar  and the Lunar Eclipse falling on the 28th July 2018 is a complete Lunar Eclipse .

The detail of the Lunar Eclipse is as under

Total Lunar Eclipse in Delhi
Lunar Eclipse Starts – 23:54:26 on 27th, July
Lunar Eclipse Ends – 03:48:59
Local Eclipse Duration – 03 Hours 54 Mins 33 Secs
First Contact with the Penumbra – 22:44:48 on 27th, July
First Contact with the Umbra – 23:54:26 on 27th, July
Total Phase Begins – 01:00:14
Maximum of Lunar Eclipse – 01:51:43
Total Phase Ends – 02:43:11
Last Contact with the Umbra – 03:48:59
Last Contact with the Penumbra – 04:58:37
Duration of Total Phase – 01 Hour 42 Mins 56 Secs
Duration of Partial Phase – 03 Hours 54 Mins 32 Secs
Duration of Penumbral Phase – 06 Hours 13 Mins 48 SecsMagnitude of Lunar Eclipse – 1.61
Magnitude of Penumbral Lunar Eclipse – 2.68
Sutak Begins – 12:27:26 on 27th, July
Sutak Ends – 03:48:59

27-28th July 2018       Total Lunar Eclipse       10.38 degree Sravana          Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa,  North /South America

Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica, North West Part of India as per Koorma Chakra

Now Have a look at the Present Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018  at 01-51 hrs IST  

I need not explain the chart since it is self explanting, For India since the sign rising at the time of the Eclipse is Taurus and the same as the Lagna of the Foundation chart may spell evil  more so  since Retrograde Mars and Ketu almost degree conjunct and Mars also activating the Eclipse point at this time. The Placement of the dispositor of Mars, Moon and Ketu in the 8th house is another parameter which cannot be ignored . The Mercury getting Retrograde on the 26th July 2018 and with Rahu till 2nd Sept. 2018 is another Parameter which is getting afflicted at the time of the Eclipse and will therefore influence the weather, stock markets and also give birth to Earthquakes of intensity 

Mars and Ketu Conjunction for a long stay for 187 was 205 years back in the sign Capricorn and  Solar Eclipse took place on the 27th July 1813 at 19.57 hrs IST and the Month of August 1813 was Month of Wars as per   The Degrees of the Luminaries were 12.49 and Mars and Ketu were 17 and 19 respectively.

Now Note the following Events happened then
July – War of 1812 – The second siege of Fort Meigs by British allied forces fails.
July 5 – War of 1812: Three weeks of British raids on Fort Schlosser, Black Rock and Plattsburgh, New York begin.
July 13
The Carabinieri, the national military police of Italy, are founded by Victor Emmanuel I as the police force of the Kingdom of Sardinia.
Missionaries Adoniram Judson and his wife, Ann Hasseltine Judson, arrive in Burma.
July 23 – Sir Thomas Maitland is appointed as the first Governor of Malta, transforming the island from a British protectorate to a de facto colony.
August 12 – Napoleonic Wars: Austria declares war on France.
August 19 – Gervasio Antonio de Posadas joins Argentina’s second triumvirate.
August 23 – Napoleonic Wars – Battle of Großbeeren: Napoleon is defeated by Prussia and Sweden.
August 26 – Napoleonic Wars – Battle of Katzbach: Napoleon’s troops are defeated by Prussia and Russia.
August 26–27 – Napoleonic Wars – Battle of Dresden: Napoleon’s troops are victorious.
August 29–30 – Napoleonic Wars – First Battle of Kulm: French Marshal Vandamme is defeated and captured, by allied Coalition forces from Russia, Prussia and Austria.
August 30 – Creek War – Fort Mims massacre: A force of Creeks, belonging to the Red Sticks faction, kills hundreds of settlers in Fort Mims, Alabama.
August 31 – Peninsular War:
Battle of San Marcial: The Spanish Army of Galicia under Manuel Freire de Andrade turns back Marshal Soult’s last major offensive against Wellington’s allied army.
After besieging San Sebastián, allied troops in Spain rampage, ransack and burn down the town almost entirely.
September – Robert Southey becomes Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom.
September 6 – Napoleonic Wars – Battle of Dennewitz: The armies of Napoleon are again defeated by Prussia and Russia.
September 10 – War of 1812 – Battle of Lake Erie: An American squadron under Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry defeats a British squadron, capturing 6 ships.
September 17 – Napoleonic Wars – Second Battle of Kulm: The Allied Coalition is victorious; Napoleon is forced to halt his advance on Teplitz, and withdraw to Leipzig

Let us also have a Look at what happened when Mars and Rahu were conjunct in Capricorn in 1971

Mars was retrograde with Rahu in Capricorn from the 10th July 1971 to 10th Sept. 1971 and was in the sign Capricorn from 23rd April 1971 to 25th Oct. 1971 . The Following happenings took place  when Mars was retrograde with Rahu

1. Jul 10 Failed assassination attempt on King Hassan II of Morocco, 101 killed

2. Jul 11 The Irish Republican Army set off a number of bombs in the centre of Belfast injuring a number of people

3. Jul 19 Sudan military coup under maj Hashem al-Atta, Numeiry flees

4. Jul 21 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

5. Jul 30 Japanese Boeing 727 collides with an F-86 fighter killing 162

6. Aug 8 France performs nuclear test at Mururoa atoll

7. Aug 9 Operation Demetrius (or Internment) is introduced in Northern Ireland allowing suspected terrorists to be indefinitely detained without trial; the security forces arrested 342 people suspected of supporting paramilitaries

8. Aug 16 Over 8,000 workers go on strike in Derry, Northern Ireland, in protest at the introduction of Internment (allowing suspected terrorists to be indefinitely detained without trial)

9. Sep 9 1,000 convicts riot & seize Attica, NY prison

Now Read My Articles All is Proving on dot after 27th June 2018 irrespective it is the Trump and Kim summit, Trade Wars, Brawl in the Politics, weather, Earthquakes  and Torture to women
1.”Trump And Kim ‘Expected Summit’: What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ?” link…up-their-sleeves/
2.”‘Red Planet Mars On the Wheel’ Twists and Turns In Political, Financial Markets, Weather and Relation Between Nations” link…-between-nations/
3.”Donald Trump Threatens US will DECIMATE North Korea if Kim ‘doesn’t make a deal’ What Stars Foretell ?” link…t-stars-foretell/
4.”Retrograde Mars Conjunct South Node Ketu Most Venomous From 27th June-27th August 2018″ link…/retrograde-mars-conjunct-so…/
5.”Mars Planet Of Violence, Destruction, And God Of War In Capricorn With Ketu for 187 Days: Most Venomous” link…ys-most-venomous/
6.”Could Syrian War Escalate The Brawl Between US-Russia ?” link…etween-us-russia/ ‎
7.”WW3 Fears With Russia And US, As Trump On Door Step To Strike Syria” link…-to-strike-syria/ ‎
8. “Vedic Progression Chart Foretell’s IRAN on brink of WAR and‘Ayatollah’s Fate in Question’” link…fate-in-question/ ‎
9.”Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/ ‎
10. “Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars, South Node Ketu In 2018-2019: What They Have Up Their Sleeves ?” link…up-their-sleeves/
11.”Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 30 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929, 1959, 1990″ link…r-1929-1959-1990/ ‎
12. “Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War, What It has Up his Sleeves In 2017-2019 ?”…ves-in-2017-2019/ ‎ Dated 5th April 2017

From the Above research it seems that a Parallel planetary positions as far as the Mars-Ketu and the Eclipse on the 27th July 1813 and even the Eclipse point almost the same degrees  on the 28th July 2018, the only difference is in the year 1813 it was a Solar Eclipse and Now Lunar Eclipse  and the effects of the Lunar Eclipse are immediate in the Present scenario.

The Most Sensitive Time Frames 

27th June when Mars will be stationary and Saturn closest to earth, 27th July 2018 Lunar Eclipse, the 3 dates when Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse are on the 8th June , 27-28th July , 26th Sept. 2018 and most Sensitive period is  from 27th June to 27th August 2018 when Mars is in Retrogression. The Stationary dates 24th June to 2nd July 2018 and then 23rd August to 31st Aug. 2018 of Mars will be most sensitive and Venomous. The day when Mars is closest to earth and 180 degrees from Sun on the 27th July 2018 and we all know what Mars is cabale of when nearest to Earth . Till  6th nov. 2018 most crucial for Political Tug of war, Brawl between the nations, weather changes, Earthquakes, Storms, Fire and Bloodshed not ruled out and violence of every kind. It seems that the Trade war between the Countries may also escalate and the Financial and the Stock Markets may also be influenced adversely  when Rahu is in adverse motion as below 

Rahu Adverse motion 

30th June to 8th July 2018

4th July to 20th July 2018

14th July to 23rd July 2018

28th July to 1st August 2018

6th August to 13th August 2018

17th August to 26th August 2018

3rd Sept to 8th Sept. 2018

17th Sept to 22nd Sept 2018

Till sept. 2018 only I have given the Dates

Total Lunar Eclipse on the 27th-28th July 2018 and the Eclipse point of 10.38 degrees will be activated on the 25th July 2018 just days before the Eclipse and on the 28th July Mars will be at 9.49 degrees very close to the Eclipse point which will be activated again on the 26th-27th Sept. 2018

In the Present Scenario the Mars and Ketu Conjunction is worst then Mars and Rahu Conjunction, what may surface after mars turns retrograde will be spectular and unbelieveable , since what people may think it may be the opposite  and may secrets may be revealed in the Political Scenarion and the relation between the countries . Mars to and fro movement will be most malefic specially when it is in Retrogression till 27th August 2018

The 27-28th July 2018 are important in the year 2018. The Lunar Eclipse in the sign Capricorn and with Malefic Mars influence on the Eclipse is a dreaded one in the Earthy sign. The Influence will be on the fishes, Ministers and their Families, Men of Low class, those who are old, those who live by weapons. In a nut shell there will be drought , famines, Earthquakes, Political Tug of War, Mining disasters. Natural and Unnatural calamities including man-made disasters

Let us also have a look as per the Book of “The Nehru Dynasty “by K N Rao Astrological Inevitability

The Theory

Eclipses falling on the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon close to their Degrees may prove fatal if the following Parameters are fulfilled 

Dasha of a Major Planet and Sub dasha of a Planet who is malefic and has the potentiality to kill, what can happen is—-

The Native may fall from power

If this Point is the 10th house , the native may fall and if the life span  has come to its terminal point , die

If the Major or Sub Period happens to be that of Rahu-Ketu, then such a Fall is inevitable .

The Eclipse Nakshatra Falling in the 3rd, 5th, 7th  from the natal Moon nakshatra could be most venomous provided they are also activating the other parameters as mentioned above , for others the effect may not be phenomenal. Those Countries and Natives who have a Rajyoga in the Chart formed by the Eclipses may not be bad for them provided the Eclipses are taking place in good houses .

For India the Nakshatra is Shravana for Capricorn Lagna and as per the Foundation chart it is Pushya

Dr. Raman has explained in an easier way in the Book “Man and Mission”

Every Country has been allotted a Sign in the Natural Zodiac .

India it is Capricorn, Hence the Eclipses falling in the Sign Capricorn and Cancer can be detrimental for India specially the 31st Jan. 2018 and the 27-28th July 2018, specially when mars activates the Eclipse Point in the Transit .Hence Most malefic Lunar Eclipse for India and specially the Northern Part of India  may be influenced the most as per the Time frames mentioned above for the Global events and the events in India 

USA the sign Gemini and Mars and Saturn Ingress in the 7th house from Gemini after 7th March can Prove detrimental for the Country  and then the Eclipses in the sign Capricorn the 8th house could prove to be most venomous  as per the Lunar Eclipses on the 31st Jan. and the 27-28th July 2018and when mars activates the Eclipse point .

Noting the Vimshottari dasha as mentioned above

Finally Mars the Ammunition dump reaches the Eclipse point will trigger the event with dimension

These are the basic Parameters for Predicting the Natural, Unnatural and Man-Made Disasters 

USSR Aquarius, Aries For England, Cancer or Libra for China

Recollecting historically in the year 1962 5th Feb. 5.40 hrs , have a look at the chart below 

Mars and Saturn Degree conjunct and influencing the Solar Eclipse  and Mars with Ketu in the sign Capricorn. 8 Planets were in the Sign Capricorn the darkest sign of the Zodiac. Capricorn is also the West Asia allotted Region since the days of Varahamihira

For Present Scenario of the Eclipses

For USA it is the 8th house  mass death, disease, feverish preparation for a possible war with China, North Korea and hence agony

Capricorn is the 12th house of USSR.

Such Planetary combinations were occurring on the 20th Oct. 1962 when we had the Indo-China War . The Point here to be noted is that Total Lunar Eclipse is occurring over the natal Sun and Moon in the 1/7 axis of the Luminaries and the 3 more planets and close to Mercury the 2nd and the 5th Lord placed in the sign Cancer  and 1/7 axis from the Capricorn sign and in the 3rd house of Boarder of the Foundation chart of the Country and both are most sensitive houses . Train accidents could take place and tension at the Boarder and foreign relation may be strained and war like situations can sprout specially when Mars ignites the eclipse point could prove an ammunition dump

Let me also include the celestial drama of the Planets after 27th June 2018 has already been discussed above 

Mars the Red Planet has been instrumental in Triggering the War since connected to Ketu in all the cases discussed in this article may it was WW1, WW2, Korean War, Indo-China War or the Gulf War . Even at the time of the great Depression on the 24th Oct. 1929 Mars was Conjunct Ketu Degree-wise at 19 degrees in the Sign Libra . In the Present Context Mars will be Degree conjunct with Ketu  at 11.5 degrees in the sign Capricorn on the 20th July 2018.This Conjunction will take place in the 3rd House of the North Korea Foundation chart and Squaring the Natal Mars and Ketu Degree Conjunct in the sign Libra at 10.5 degrees is the most Venomous Transit for a War like situation, Coup and Down Fall of the North Korean Regime 

Mars will go in retrogression on the 27th June 2018 in the sign Capricorn at 15 degrees  till 27th August 2018 at 4.30 degrees  this Transit will be most Crucial , since the Eclipse point of the 27-28th July 2018 will be activated again and again 

Month of June Saturn and Sun opposition, Crime associated with Women will be on the Cards and could be the most Trouble some Period of the year in the Politics.

July 2018  will be worst o induce Political Tug of Wars , Provocations  and most Venomous and Chaotic conditions 

The Solar Eclipse of the 11th August 2018 will have noteable effects on India , since The Eclipse will be in the 7th house from the Sign Capricorn and the 3rd House of the Foundation chart and over the 5 Planets in the sign Cancer , The Natal Sun is Very close to the Eclipse Point and has aspects of Retrograde Mars , may ignite and prove ammunition dump by Mars  and indicates Explosions, Bombing, Violence, Train Accidents, Terrorism, and Earthquake with Magnitude 

Jupiter and Venus Conjunction in the Sign Libra after 1st Sept. 2018 till 11th Oct 2018 also indicates Bloodshed as mentioned By the Great Astrologer Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi in the Classic Vypar Ratna and the Prices of Gold may also surge 


Last not the least but the most important Parameter the Eclipse Points Activation  specially of the 2 Lunar Eclipses and the Solar Eclipse of the 11th August are Crucial points and will be activated on the following Dates which could Prove most Venomous for the Globe and the Financial Markets

Hence the dates mentioned above are ammunition dump and can prove most Venomous specially where the Eclipses are visible , the other countries will also be influenced but at a lesser level. The Dates are also sensitive for the Stock Markets specially those one when the North node is also in Venomous condition and has the Capacity to turn the Tables upside down.

Similair combinations were occurring on the 20th Oct. 1962 when we had the Indo -China War . The Point here to be noted is on the 28th July 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse is occurring over the natal Sun and Moon in the 7th house from the Capricorn sign and in the 3rd house of Boarder of the Foundation chart of the Country and both are most sensitive houses . Train accidents could take place and tension at the Boarder and foreign relation may be strained and war like situations can sprout specially when Mars ignites the eclipse point could prove an ammunition dump. Boarder issues and Blood shed in J& Kashmir may take an ugly shape, along with Ram mandir issues.Strong Earthquakes are also on the Cards  asper the Koorma chakra  in the Northern Are of India .


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 30th June  2018  10.00 hrs 
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