How To Enter In A ‘Horoscope As Per Tamil Classics’ In A Nut Shell

by astrodocanil

Please refer to my Earlier ArticleGarbshishta Planets Play Prominent Roles In Life”…inent-roles-life/ to connect with this Article  to understand it well along with another Article “How To Analyse A Query Through Prashna Jyotish, Natal Chart Through Uniques Methods Of Tamil Shastra” link…of-tamil-shastra/

I am adding here some text below for the Garbshishta Planets Article

This Article was published in leading Astrology magazine THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER March Edition 2018 on the page 32 

Astrology is a scientific study and application of the language of heavenly bodies .These heavenly bodies determined on the basis of astronomy and mathematics, are mapped in the form of a sky map called the Horoscope. At the time of birth of a native the planetary configurations in the transit are freezed, and the soul enters from the 5th house carrying a bag having  different compartments with sanchit karmas in the form of Dashas. The different Dasha which are dependent upon our previous karmas generate the heat to stimulate the different planets to give the results. The Transit planets add heat to the planets to be activated and stimulated. The study of the 5th house/lord therefore acquires a special dimension along with Garbshishta ( Planets Maha Dasha and Anter Dasha Lords ) They are the seeds of our life and every promise has to be seen from them only

When the Women Conceives the Atma Enters the Horoscope from the 5th house and Takes Birth after 9 Months and some days when the Atma reaches the Lagna . The Following is the way the Atma moves in the Horoscope

After 5th house it moves in the 4th house where the development of the Body of the Child takes Place and Birth Takes Place when it reaches the Lagna .

The Atma  after completing its cycle in the human body  exits the body from the 9th house, hence life is like a Pendulam  of Watch which vibrates between the 5,7 and the 9th house , its fulcrum being the Lagna and when the Atma exits the body from the 9th house the Watch comes to a standstill and connects the Lagna and the 7th house ( Marka House). Our Maharishis have therefore given importance to the Houses Lagna, 5th, 7th and the 9th house  as follows. Continue reading the text in the article mentioned above

In this Article I am going to discuss the Procedure to analyse any Horoscope of an individual through Tamil Shastra and unlike the Parashar Method . Let us take the example of a Person Born on the  17th April 1956 04-10 hrs  below

1.We Start with the Panchang of the day

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon  placed in the 4th house  in the Sukla Paksha of Saptami. . Hence Moon is benefic , placed in the 4th house in the nakshatra of Jupiter the Lagna Lord, 10th Lord  and Jupiter placed in the 5th house aspects the Lagna and the 9th house is most favourable combination, more so the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord placed in the house of Pad chutti  and in Exaltation. This is applicable to Both the Tamil Shastra and the Parashar way of analysing the Horoscope . The Dasha at Birth is also of Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter-Sun for 15 years 11 months and 20 days.

As per the Tamil Classics unlike Parashar Jupiter in this Chart is the most venomous since  Fallen which 99% astrologers will miss since this parameter is not mentioned malefic as per Parashar and even taken as the Atma Karka since of the highest degrees.

Here are the Qualities of Moon Day Lord . It is Placed in the 8th Yama of Jupiter who is a Fallen Planet and Most Venomous   

1. Moon is in nakshatra gandantha

Result   No confidence in life, depressed, inferiority complex, no courage to do things. Such people need strict discipline in life.

2.Moon is also in in the 4th house Rajyoga since lord of the 5th house.

3.For Mother bad since it will be Karko Bhav Nasaay.

4. Moon is also Benefic and forming a shatak Yoga which is extremely bad for wealth.

5. Moon in the nakshatra of Punarvasu and the Lord is Jupiter who is Fallen Planet

6. Jupiter Fallen in the 5th house from the 6th house of the sign Leo is the Most malefic component in the chart since Jupiter is the Lagna Lord , 10th Lord and Placed in the 5th house of Pad Prapti. . Jupiter is also placed in a Dagda Rashi in the 5th house , hence Jupiter in the chart is afflicted badly and placed in the 5th house is further Karkobhav nashaya  for children The Native first child died early This also indicates Poorva Punya Dosh

Karna Lord is also Jupiter having the mutual aspect of Mars  further Escalate the troubles from the 9th house of Legal affairs .The Native Court case is running since a long time for some Monetary issues relating to his job.

Garbshishta Planets   Jup-Jup-Jup All the Dasha Lords are Fallen and all the Promises are the strength of these planets  and since weak they will give most venomous results for the Profession, wealth , Children . The Native Lost his first child, Court case regarding some Monetary issue in the Job and is on bail. Had breaks in his Career and Education. As per Jaimini Sutra Jupiter cannot become the Atma Karak since Fallen  and Saturn is also Retrograde so Rahu becomes the DaraKarka  and Jupiter Putra Karka hence Problems for Progney. Moon is Atma Karka . Saturn is Retrograde and losses to be a Char Karka , Amatya Karka is Venus . BK is Mars, Sun MK, Jupiter PK, Mercury GK and Rahu DK  The Native has Poorva Punya Dosh due to Following Parameters 

  1. Dagdha Rashi in the 5th house.
  2. Fallen Planet in the 5th house
  3. 23 Bindoos in the 5th house as against minimum 28

The Indu Lagna is Sagitarius and Jupiter Placed in the 6/8 axis and extremely weak, but in Kendra from Moon, From Lagna and Moon ok , Indu Lagna Lord weak , hence loss of wealth , more so Jupiter in 6/8 axis with Indu Lagna

The Yogi Point is  Virgo  is not in Kendra from Jupiter  not good for wealth

Yogi Graha is Mars very good in the 11th house , but gets the aspect of Jupiter Fallen and Avyogi is Ketu

Shree Lagna is  Pieces , Indu Lagna Lord is Jupiter and Shree Lagna Lord is again Jupiter and a Fallen Planet . The Native is suffering from significations of Jupiter . 3rd house from the Shree Lagna Krur Grahas he got Honour also  All the 3 Special Lagnas in Kendra good

Sensitive Area

Sarp Dreshkanne Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu in Sarp Dreshkanne . Jupiter is also Placed in the 22DK and 64 N  the sign Cancer  most malefic , specially the Lagna Lord placed in these Sensitive points . Transit Rahu Transitting over Jupiter Loss of wealth on the 20th August 2017 he got a Charge-sheet for some monetary issues and struggling hard for the case although he got a bail. Lagna Lord in the Sarp Dreshkanne emotional hurdles in life and loss of Forward thinking

The The naisargik and Tatlika chakra of the Planets and their Compound Friendship in the chart

Navamsha  Bhadak house rising in the Lagna and Mercury the bhadak in the 12th house and As per navamsha  Jupiter the Bhadak in the Navamsha with Mars in the 7th house troubles to Spouse.

Rajyogas to be seen 2nd and 11th House strong , Although Jupiter fallen and in the 5th house , the Mercury signification is  for Education is placed well and for Education the relative house mid-cusp Lord is Exalted Sun with Mercury and forming Budhaditya yoga very good education but break in the education as well

D3 Dreshkanne chart Lagna has Pieces sign with Jupiter fallen and Rahu and 7th house has Ketu and Debilitated Venus , Poorva Punya Dosh and weakness of Jupiter indicated

D12 Dwadamsha chart Jupiter in the Lagna again and trouble from Parents and both Sun and Moon afflicted , hence no blessing from Parents

For wealth  Venkataswara Hora Chart and placement of Jupiter , Indu Lagna and Moon. D4 Chart Chaturthamsha to see the Placement of Jupiter  for Happiness , Mars for Property, Venus for Vehicles though for Vehicles D16 can also be seen

In D10 The Dashamasha Chart the sign Sagitarius has gone in the 12th house with Jupiter  displacement in the Job and not good the 10th house and its lord should not be in the trik bhavas of the Dashamasha Chart indicates losses and displacement in Career

D6 of D10 will further open the issue regarding Profession

D6 Chart  the 6th Lord and the Mars in 6/8 axis most malefic for Ememies troubling the native

D8 Sun in the 8th house with 8th Lord  Early death of Father

D60  to see the strength of the Planets in malefic or Benefic varga

Dasha Sequence  Jupiter for almost 16 years Troublesome in every respect  The Relative Dasha Varga Chart below

No Planet in own house except Jupiter Exhalted but Fallen in the 4th house  Rahu-Ketu in Lagna   not very good Chart for 16 years approx. from Birth. Similarly we can draw the Dasha charts for Saturn, Mercury,Ketu and Venus

Ketu Dasha chart below


Venus Dasha chart the Present one

The Chart is shows the Placement of Venus in the 10th house of the Rashi chart (D1) in the 12th house of Venus Dasha Chart , issues relating to Career ,specially Fallen Jupiter in the 10th house with Rahu and Ketu  Legal Issues  and Monetary dealings Case

The Dasha can also be analysed by Bodhkan, Vedhkan, Pashkan and Karkan Planets to see the effects of the Dasha

Last not the least the Vedic Progression chart of the Present year April 2018 to April 2019

  Lagna Lord  and Lagna in Vish Ghati, Moon in the 6th house of Disputes and the Lord in Vish Ghati . 12th Lord Mars afflicted in the D8 Ashtamsha Chart bail, may have to be obtained after April 2018. The Planetary Positions show the Native under influence of a Court case  but can get a relief since Mars and Venus together in the Related Chart  of the Vedic Progression .  I have tried to give a nut shell how to enter a Horoscope by Tamil Shastra .

As per Parashar Jupiter is the most Benefic Planet in the Chart but Parashar little knows about a Fallen Planet who is most venomous and almost all the Astrologers following the Traditional Parashar method Predicted very good Life with good education and children, none Predicted the Court case,early death of the Progney and breaks in education. Totally reverse A Fallen Planet like Saturn was fallen from the 21st June 2017 to 26th Oct. 2017 in Scorpio is supposed to be most Venomous in the natal chart. Here Jupiter went in Leo and came back in Retrogression in Cancer and become Direct is supposed to be giving worst results and cannot be the Atma Karka

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  • Written on 26th May 2018 20.00 hrs  
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