Why Astrology is a Super Science ?

by astrodocanil

Very interesting  conversations  on the facebook group regarding a Girl lost on the 9th May 2015 from a School group in Shimla Ridge . Let me reproduce the same here .

The Link is https://www.facebook.com/barthwalpammi/posts/1113173432042846?comment_id=1113190668707789&notif_t=feed_comment_reply.

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Pammi Barthwal shared Inder Preet Singh’s photo.
51 mins ·
Inder Preet Singh’s photo.
Inder Preet Singh

Please Circulate till we find her

My friends’ daughter went missing at shimla ridge during her school visit Please pass on the info to your friends and groups

Any info please inform at :9569601532
Missing date : 9th May 2015
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Anil Aggarwala Pl give me rough time I will use prashna jyotish to give u a clue
Like · Reply · 48 mins
Anil Aggarwala Last seen time by friends etc
Like · Reply · 45 mins
Pammi Barthwal I don’t hv any extra details. Kindly call at given contact number n get all the details sir.
Like · Reply · 44 mins
Bhawna Singh The child has been found!
Like · Reply · 7 mins
Anil Aggarwala Amazingly I Started to see the Panchang on the 9th May 2015 and the nakshatra and found to be U Shadha and is nakshatra number 21 and Is Mandhya Nakshatra and in Prashna Jyotish the result are fastest . i started just 3 minutes back to see what are the possibilities and got the results just in 3 minutes as far as i am concerned i also sent a message to Inder Preet singh but no response any way . Astrology is amazing .Astrology has the Answer to all the queries  blind or known.

Let us work back words using Mook Prashna to arrive at the Time of Disappearance of the child.

Now on the 14th May 2015 at 19.21 hrs. got a message that the girl has been traced , Now Let us see the chart of the same below.

Girl Traced

The Parameter Moon is important since we used Moon for Predictions by Nakshatra. Moon is Placed in the sign of Pieces and aspected by Jupiter and at the time of the girl missing there was exchange of Moon and Jupiter.

Normally when a missing person arrives. The combinations are as per Prashna are as follows with Respect to the chart of Prashna or the chart at the time of missing  .

1. Moon is in the 4th house of the chart .

2.7th lord has become retrograde or if in Retrogression it becomes direct.

3. As per Timing of the Prashna when Moon is in the 7th house  or the Lagna of the event chart and influences  Lagna at Lagna degrees or the nakshatra degrees,The Person concerned can return.

For the above Possibilities  the Moon nakshatra Lord and Lagna nakshatra Lord should be friends ,On the 9th May 2015 the day when the Girl went missing Moon was in U Shadha Nakshatra , Hence Nakshatra of the Lagna has to be friendly with Moon  Now this is only Possible with Virgo Lagna when the girl went missing and Lagna Nakshatra to be that of Moon and Haste and for Jeeva query since Virgo Lagna it has to be in 4th navamsha at 10.00 degrees plus.The above chart has been constructed on the basis of the Same  to know the placement of the planets and the time of missing of the girl is 15-44 hrs Shimla. See the chart below

Lost child.

In the case of Missing persons the Lagna represents the missing Person and 4th house well being  of the missing Person. 7th house the path , and 10th house Parvas  From this Chart the strongest between the Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord is to be taken for Mook Prashna and counting to be done till Moon to find the query pertaining to what house . In the Chart Moon is Stronger than Lagna Lord , hence counting from  Moon  to Moon is one house and about Lagna and the Missing Girl . Now Moon is about to go in the 5th house from the 4th house acquires a special dimension , hence the Query is pertaining to the well being of the misssing Girl and a Child. In this chart the Lagna Lord and the Karka for child  Jupiter has a Benefic Ithasla yoga in the future . Mercury is 15.14 degrees and Jupiter is 19.56 and the difference is 5 degrees  and as per Timing of the planets , it could be  5 days , hence the child could be traced in5 days from 9th May and hence 14th May 2015.

Navamsha   Moon is Vargottam along with Lagna Lord , Karka for children Jupiter Exhalted and placed in 11th house and Moon in navamsha of benefic and with benefics ,  hence strong possibility of the child being recovered . The Only problem was is Ketu in 7th house will give obstructions in travel and since Moon does not meet any malefic from the 4th house to 7th house till it aspects the lagna at Lagna degrees there is no obstruction, Hence The chart shows the Child will return as soon as Moon Transits the 7th house at 10 Degrees Plus.

Now As per the Chart of  14th May 2015 at 19.21 hrs Moon is at 11.07 degrees Satisfying our Parameters for the return of the missing child. Astrology is amazing and we could even find out from the time of Message the time when the child went missing .

Replicability in Astrology  In the 3rd week of April 2015  I was with my Morning walker friends on a routine morning walk and told them and also wrote on the facebook that the International Prices of Crude oil will go up high 2 times once before the  3rd May 2015 and then again on the 15th May 2015. My Friends asked me the reasons and I explained them that Since Saturn the significator of Crude oil and Mars a significator of Bhoomi Tatwa and in Earthy sign will be opposing each other on the 3rd May 2015 and will be in exact opposition on the  15th May 2015, the prices of Crude oil will be hiked .Another Parameter Saturn will be closest to Earth since will be opposing Sun also on the 15th May 2015. The Prices of Fuel were hiked twice in May 2015, once on the 1st May 2015 and then on the 15th May 2015.

Like Science Astrology also has the Cause  Effect and Replicability, , Rather Astrology is one step ahead of Science . Doctors and different medical Tests  can only Tell you when you get a disease, where as Astrology can tell you when the disease will come , Still people say this is not a Science.It is high time the Science is Given a Acceptance and is used for the benefit of man kind for Earthquakes, Medical Astrology and Untoward happenings, to at least take care of the freewill content in our Prarabdh if not more.There are n number of  examples which can be quoted to Prove  Astrology is a Super Science .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 16th May 2015   Rewritten on 17th May 2015  10..00 PM

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