Stars Foretell Trouble For ‘Salman Khan: The Bollywood’s ‘Macho-Man’

by astrodocanil

 Please refer to the “Blackbuck poaching case live: Salman Khan convicted, gets five-year jail term”


My Predictions made on the 5th April 2018 before the verdict at 11.50 hrs. Proves on dot .Read My Article…/blackbuck-poaching-verdict-…/ posted at 11.50 hrs today the 5th April 2018 and circulated to the subscribers. 

This Proves that Prashna Jyotish by Tamil Texts is the Back bone of ASTROLOGY. I did not use his Birth chart at all. I was in a hurry to write at Article at 11.00 hrs when I started to write and at 11.50 hrs there was no power  so I posted the Article . Now I see the figure 5 years also appearing as the Rays of Sun the Yama Lord at the time of the Verdict . I wanted to add that he would get 5 yrs imprisonment since Sun was there in the 10th house and Sun is Judge and Rays of Sun are 5 as per Tamil Astrology .ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING

A Jodhpur court on Thursday convicted Bollywood actor Salman Khan in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, but acquitted co-accused Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Neelam and Sonali Bendre, a prosecution lawyer said.

Salman Khan has been held guilty of killing two blackbucks in Kankani village near Jodhpur in October 1998 during the shooting of the film “Hum Saath Saath Hain”.

A fifth person, Dushyant Singh, a local from the area, has also been acquitted, said Mahipal Bishnoi, the prosecution counsel.

Here are the live updates: 

3.25pm: Hearing in the bail application of Salman Khan to take place tomorrow in Jodhpur sessions court.

3.20pm: I feel bad. He should be given relief. He has done a lot of humanitarian work: Jaya Bachchan, Rajya Sabha MP on Salman Khan verdict.

3.15pm: Rajasthan: Members of Bishnoi community celebrate outside Jodhpur Court after the Court pronounced 5-year-imprisonment to Salman Khan in #BlackBuckPoachingCase

2.10pm: Salman Khan handed a five-year jail term and Rs 10,000 fine by Jodhpur court. He will be taken straight to Jodhpur Central jail.

1pm: Actors Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Neelam Kothari and Sonali Bendre leave court, head back to their hotel.

12.10pm: Salman Khan’s 20-year Bollywood career has been marked by court cases. Read the details of all the court cases in which the actor has been named.

11.50am: Argument on quantum of punishment is on. Salman Khan’s counsels are pleading for probation: NS Solanki, lawyer of Dushyant Singh who was co-accused in blackbuck poaching case.

11.40am: If Salman Khan’s sentence is less than 3 years, he will get bail from Jodhpur court itself. If the quantum is over 3 years, Salman will go to jail and have to seek bail from the sessions court.

11.30am: Jodhpur court has convicted Salman Khan in the blackbuck poaching case. Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam Kothari have been acquitted.

11.02 am: Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam Kothari have arrived at the Jodhpur court.

As Per the chart of the 11.30 Hrs of the 5th April 2018 Below  I had Predicted  the Verdict of the Court 

Let me reproduce my analysis here again I had considered a period of 11.02 am to 12.42 hrs  for Gemini Lagna and then upto 15.01 hrs for Cancer Lagna  and Both were adverse for Salman Khan

11.02 am: Salman Khan has reached the Jodhpur court.

 The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and Retrograde  and Placed in the yama of Gemini the Lagna at the time of  Salman reaching the Court . The Yama Lord is Debilitated and Retrograde and Placed in the 10th house and also in the 6/8 axis with the Day Lord Jupiter. The Day Lord is also ill placed from the 4th house and the 4th Lord Mercury who is in Malefic state . The Yama Lord Mercury is also the Karna Lord and has Poorna Ithasala with the 9th and the 8th Lord Saturn and also with Mars the 6th Lord  and they are placed in the angular houses pose obstacles for the Actor  till the Yama of Mercury prevails till 12.25 and the Lagna of Gemini till 12.42 Hrs . Hence a Period till 12.42 Hrs will be a malefic one . 

Mars and Saturn aspect Lagna the Querist is at fault and intentions are bad

Lagna Lord and the Moon there is an ishraaf yoga, no early settlement of the dispute 

The Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are both Retrograde and are in 6/8 axis

Dispute can Prolong since the Lagna Lord and Moon are not related 

The Actor will lose if the Lagna Lord is Debilitated or Retrograde hence Verdict for the Actor will be adverse it so seems .if the Decision come by 12.42 . hrs 

Will the Actor get Bail 

Lagnesh and Moon are not in movable signs , Lagnesh and Moon are not in the Kendra, Lagnesh is placed in the 0th house asected by the 6th Lord Mars in close degrees . DBA Planets Mer-Mer-Moon do not indicate 6th,10 or the 11th house  Hence the Verdict till 12.42. hrs will be adverse 

After 12.45 hrs the Lagna will change to Cancer with Rahu in the Lagna and the Ketu in the 7th house  and the Lagna Lord is debilitated in this case also the Native is liable to loose , Here Saturn is stronger than the Moon. Hence the Querist Looses also the Yama Lord of the Day Lord is Sun and again laced in the 6/8 axis with the Day Lord and Sun is with a Debilitated Planet  and aspected By Mars 

One Positive parameter here is the Lagna Lord and Moon although Debilitated is in almost  Poorna ithasla with Sun gains strength , hence may get some relief due to this Parameter. Another parameter is positive is Mercury with  2nd Lord could give some relief 

I have my doubts to this  hence he may get Severe Punishment it so seems it the Case is decided before 12.45 hrs. or till 15.01 hrs. on the 5th April 2018 

 Now the Bail application will be heard tomorrow the 6th April 2018 after  10.30 hrs in the session court

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus and at the time of the Court case till 12.24. hrs The Day Lord will be in the yama of Gemini and the Yama Lord is Debilitated and Retrograde and also the Lagna Lord from 10.24 to 12.38 hrs. is a malefic Parameter  

The Tithi is SP-6 and the Nakshatra is Jyestha till 11.43 hrs. and Moon will be Debilitated and in Gandantha  is another Malefic Parameter 

After that the DBA will Be Ket-Ket-Ket,  which are also weak for Bail 

Malefics Mars and Saturn in the 7th house and influencing the Lagna and the Lagnesh in close degrees .

Will Salman Khan Get Bail ?

  1. Lagnesh and Moon are not in movable signs , hence negative for getting bail
  2. Lagnesh and Moon will be in Kendra after 11.43 hrs . This will be positive for Salman for Bail
  3. Malefics are in Kendra and Lagnesh and 4th Lord is in affliction and Sun in the 10th house , not good for Bail
  4. DBA Planets are Mer-Sat-Rahu and do not signify the  houses for Bail
  5. Hence from the above weak chances for getting the Bail specially if the Judgement comes till 11.43 hrs.  After this time Moon and Lagnesh  will be in the Kendra may give Divine Blessings  for which the chances are low but cannot be ruled out and I do not want to elaborate it further for the reasons best known. Salman is a Celebrity may get some blessings.

Success in Appeal

Salman Khan May also approach the higher Courts hence let us see if he succeeds in the same , For this we need the Navamsha Lagna  and asper the Time 11.10 to 11.24 there may be success in appeal 


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 5th April  2018 17.50 hrs.
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