Celestial Drama of Mars in Taurus and Gemini From 3rd May 2015 to 30th July 2015

by astrodocanil

Mars ingresed in Taurus on the 3rd May 2015 in the nakshatra of Krittika .

Let us see the Planetary combination of the planets after 3rd May 2015 to 30th July 2015 which can give untoward happenings.

1.  Mars ingresses in Lagna of India Foundation chart over Natal Rahu and the Navamsha sign of the 8th Lord  Jupiter  has been creating havoc and since in Earthy sign and Karka for Bhoomi afflicted give Earthquakes  and natural calamities  of all kind .

2. In the Paksha Kundali of the 4th May 2015 09-12 hrs Mars Joins Mercury  in Taurus and opposed by Retrograde Saturn and we have all seen the consequences of Earth Quakes Repeating .

3.Mars will  ingress in Rohini nakshatra the Pawan nadi in the Sapt-Nadi Chakra on the 17th May 2015 to 6th June 2015 is considered to be malefic to give Earthquakes, Strong winds , Cyclones. Accidents, Fire, Terrorism,War, Famine in the world. Boarder and Religon issues of the past. etc.

4.Mars will ingress in Mrigshira on the 6th June  2015 in the Dahan nadi  till 15th June 2015 and there will be Rise in Temp. creating Havoc.Hence Mars will be most malefic till 6th June 2015 and more so from 17th May to 24th May 2015, unfortunately Rahu will be adverse motion from 25th to 29th May 2015. In this Period there could be fire related accidents as well.

5. Mars Karka for Bhoomi Tatwa will be afflicted  along with the sign Taurus from 3rd May to 15th June 2015 , hence the Period which will witness maximum earth quakes will be this Period and specially when it enrers Rohini on the 17th May to 6th June 2015 will be the most sensative period for Earthquakes .

6.The Paksha kundali of the 2nd June 2015 is even eye catching since Jupiter and Venus will conjuct in  Cancer Sign on the 30th May 2015 and as per Myur chitram it is a combination of Bloodshed on Earth.The Paksha Kundali of 2nd June 2015 of Sagitarius Lagna if Frightening  for India of  Sagitarius Lagna and Lagna Lord Jupiter and  Venus in the 8th house of permanent losses and humiliation for the ruling Govt. It is even worse for Nepal since  the Paksha Kundali is of Capricorn Lagna and Venus and Jupiter aspecting the Lagna and Nepal having this Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter in Lagna and also running the Dasha of Venu-Jupiter -Mars Nepal as well. This period of 2nd June to 6th June for India and Nepal will also not be good and will leave a mark in the history for its ill effects

7. Mars will ingress in Gemini on the 15th June 2015 the 2nd house of the India Foundation chart and over Natal Mars aspecting the 8th house at this point Mars will be in the 8th house from Saturn will be worse even for  Terrorismand there could be Strong Hot Winds  ,Cyclones and Tornados

8. Rahu is Adverse from 12th May to 13th May 2015 and then 26st to 28th May 2015  Rahu will be adverse hence these dates will be important and shall give the fine analysis at that point of time . For 12th and 13th may 2015 we have  already experienced the reocurance of Eathquakes in Nepal of 7.4 and 6.7 strength and an earthquake in Japan of 6.8 scale. 

 9. 7th July to 10th July Rahu will be adverse

10.. Saturn will be opposed By Mars  from the 7th house of Taurus from 3rd May 2015 to 15th June 2015 and Mars will be in the 8th from Saturn from 15th June to 30th July when it will be Deblitated. Mars will be combusted also  for some time when Sun joins Taurus on the 15th May 2015, when Saturn will be closest to Earth and exact opposition of Mars and Saturn will also take place.

11. Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the Eclipses of April 2015 of 15.53 degrees on the 1st July 2015 , Mars will aspect Rahu in the nakshatra of Haste , Haste degrees starts from 10-00 degrees hence the Moment mars crosses 3rd navamsha and becomes Exhalted in navamsha  it will activate the Eclipse point and will  give rise to untoward happenings of all kind, Terrorism, Earthquakes if other parameters are satisfying, as mentioned by me in my articles on this website, at this point of time it will be in Rahu Nakshatra and cross the Eclipse point on the 10th July 2015, Hence in Gemini it will create havoc from 1st July to 10th July 2015. ISIS will be on Activation and there will be havoc in the countries related with ISIS in the Past and will be the headlines. I shall write a separate articles detailing the above .This is the period when ISIS will be active again and US and Russia also may jump in , more so  US since  will also be running adverse dasha connecting the 7th house  of wars .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  13th May 2015 11-00am. Rewritten on the 15th May 2015 10.00PM

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