Will The Red Planet Mars Bring Respite To Growing Hysteria Of War In The Korean Peninsula ?

by astrodocanil

North and South Korea will meet on Tuesday the Jan. 2018 for high-level talks, the first between the countries in two years. as per North and South Korea to begin high-level talks link www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-42600550

The meeting is set to take place at 10:00 local time (01:00 GMT) at the Peace House in the truce village of Panmunjom. Panmunjom, located in Gyeonggi Province, is an abandoned village on the de facto border between North and South Korea, where the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement that paused the Korean War was signed. Latitude: 37° 57′ 21.60″ N Longitude: 126° 40′ 37.20″ E

The talks will focus on North Korea’s possible participation in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games, taking place in South Korea in February.

South Korea also said it would raise ways to improve inter-Korean relations.

Relations between the Koreas deteriorated after Seoul suspended a joint economic project at the Kaesong Industrial complex in North Korea following a rocket launch and nuclear test by the North.

The incident led to North Korea breaking off communications with Seoul, including cutting off telephone contact. The last high-level talks between the two countries were in December 2015.

Tensions have risen in the years since as the North continues to rapidly advance its banned weapons programme.

We all know that the Red Planet Mars is ammunition dump and controls wars. Let us have a look at the chart of the meeting to know what could be the outcome of the Meeting scheduled for today in the Morning hours.

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars , placed in the 9th house as the 3rd and the 10th Lord forming a Rajyoga with Jupiter the 2nd and the 11th Lord  and the Karka for Finance and Wealth and Jupiter losing in Planetary war crystal clear shows the impact of Sanctions on the North Korea and the Tubby Tyrant Kim. Mars the Day Lord is Placed in the Yama of Venus the sign Taurus the Mount of Lord Shiva and the Yama Lord is totally combusted , in paap kartari yoga placed in the 11th house and has exchange with  Jupiter showing the concern for the Sanctions on the North Korea regime , Unfortunately the Yama Lord Venus is also with Mercury the 5th and the 8th Lord , Mercury is also the 8th Lord from the 10th house .  The above Parameters alone show failure of the meet since the North Korea would not agree to abandon his advances for the Nuclear weapons in a broader spectrum of time  and may agree for the time being .

The Placement of the Following Parameters further show aggravation and a prick in the old  wound   of war

Day Lord is Mars

Karna Lord is Mars 

Moon Nakshatra Lord is Mars and Moon Placed in the 8th house as the 6th Lord failure of the meeting 

Lagna Nakshatra Lord is Mars

Yama Lord is Venus who has exchange with Jupiter who losses in Planetary war with Mars 

Trishamsha Lord of the 6th Lord Moon is Mars 

Trishamsha Lord of the 8th Lord Mercury is again Mars 

Dispositor of Rahu in the 8th house  and Rahu Placed in the 6th house in Most Venomous condition due to its state of Motion. Rahu Nakshatra Lord is Mercury the 8th Lord . This is indicative that no permanent solution may be achieved till Rahu is in the Sign of Cancer till 25th March 2019 specifically and can even linger longer. All the Planets are in the shadow of the Nodes and they are adverse .

As Per the Yama chart Rahu comes in the Lagna  most Venomous and Lagna Lord Saturn in the sign of Scorpio the 10th house of the chart and Mercury will give the results of the 8th house since goes in the Sign Leo the 7th house of the Chart and Venus in the 8th house 

Mars aspects Ketu in the 12th house and the 3rd House of Boarders, Mars will rule the day 

Navamsha Lord is also Mars and aspects the sign and  is stronger than Venus the 7th Lord 

In the case of this Brawl between the Kim and Trump, Kim has taken an aggressive stance and is represented by the Planets from the 9th to the 2nd house and the Defender represented by the houses from the 3rd to 8th house and hence the Person taking aggressive stance is stronger in the meeting more so the strength of Saturn is stronger than Sun . 10th Lord from the Lagna is stronger than the 10th Lord from the 7th house 

The Question is will there be a compromise 

The Only good part is the Lagna Lord is in Subh Kartari yoga between Venus and Mercury . Till Mars is there in the 9th house Kim may take a low stand it seems but the moment it goes in the 10th house will again blow hot after 17th Jan. 2018.

Another Good Part is the Connection of the Lagnesh and the Moon , dispute may ease for some time , but will continue since Lagna is Fixed, Arudha Lagna is Movable and the Chaitra Rashi is also Movable but having  Planetary war between Jupiter and Mars 

Kim can Place his demands and is strong in the chart , since Lagnesh is stronger then the 7th Lord , 9th house has a Benefic and aspects the Lagna  along with Lagna Lord . Mars, Saturn are Strong in the chart 

Lagnesh and the 6th Lord are in angular Position the dispute may not end and Strife and Brawl in the Korean Peninsula may persist for a long time more so since the Moon is Placed in the 8th house and Rahu in most Venomous condition in the 6th house 

Look at the Degrees of the Planets specially Moon is ahead at  25.51 and Sun 24.35, Venus 24.32, Mars 25.04, Jupiter 24.07 . If Moon was also at the degrees of 24 it would have been good for a good compromise but Moon is ill placed in Kendra from Sun and Venus and a Ishraaf yoga , which may lead the Meeting to no Success. 

The Parameters are most Venomous  and as I have already mentioned on the Facebook there does not seems to be any long term Solution to the Brawl in the Korean Peninsula 

Timing of the Events 

Mars Taking the lead in the Chart at the time of the Meeting Scheduled , some aggressive action by Kim with in 8 days  and Brawl continues till Mars reaches the Lagna Aquarius on the 6th Nov. 2018 and even further .

When Sun Reaches the Lagna on the 15th Feb. 2018 the dispute may escalate further between 15th to 20th Feb. 2018

The Planetary Positions as per  New Moon Chart of the 17th Jan. 2018  when Mars Ingresses in the 10th house may be Venomous and the Brawl may further escalate 

The above dates also indicate that there could also be some dialogue between the North and the South on the above dates , which may also fail.


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 2nd Jan. 2018 16.00 hrs. Singapore .
  • Added the Parameters for Economic Recession on the 26th Dec. 2017 19.40 hrs. Singapore
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