Career and Astrology A Comprehensive Approach By Tamil Shastra

by astrodocanil

In continuation to my Articles on the Teaching Astrology I am hereby writing on the Career the  important parameters, I have already discussed an Article on Career by Prashna Jyotish, now I am taking up the same through a Birth chart 

I have already Written Articles on how to Enter a Horoscope on my webpage and the Important 6 Parameters for the same . In this Article Let me put down the Parameters which should be analysed to give good Predictions for the Career. I am  Putting the Sources and Parameters  below.



  1. 1oth House, 10th Lord from Lagna, Moon and Saturn. From Lagna it would mean the Physical Condition, From Moon the mental condition and from Saturn the Longevity
  2. Karka Graha Saturn
  3. Up Karka Graha Sun
  4. Bhavat Bhavam- 7th house
  5. Vyavasaya  Arudha 10 P Dashmaarudha
  6.  Vyavasaya Balam
  7.  Varga Charts  D1, D9,D10, Moon Chart and Rudramsha Chart D11
  8. D6 of D10 Calculated on the basis of Mathematics
  9. Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th House , its Relation with the 10th Lord  and its Nakshatra Lord
  10. 6th House 6th Lord
  11. 11th house and 11th Lord
  12. Sun Position in the D1,D9 and the D12
  13. Saturn Position in the D1,D9 and D3
  14. Garbshishta Planets with respect to 10th Lord 
  15. MCL Connection with 10th Lord / Connection with Nakshatra Lord of the 10th House


1.Vimshotari Dasha and Anter dasha

2.Indu Lagna, Indu Lagna of the 2nd and the 11th house 

3, Vyavasaya Saham

4. Transit of  Saturn and Jupiter influence on the 10th house/Lord , Influence on Sun and Jupiter Natal

5. Dasha of Planets connected to 2,6,10,11 houses

Let us take a case of a Native Born on the 10th April 1966 14-03 hrs Noida  Ghaziabad 

The chart is below 

I have already discussed how to enter a horoscope and hence the Panchang Parameters and Garbshishta parameters acquire a special dimension before getting on to the Career Predictions 

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun the 2nd Lord and since born during the day the benefics acquire a special dimension along with Sun. Unfortunately the benefics are weak and Sun is an Avyogi Planet placed in the 9th house  and also connected to the Garbshishta planets which are weak, but the Connection of the Jupiter and Mercury with Garbshishta along with Sun indicates that the native is born to very rich parents . This also indicates that the Father of the Native acquired a big property just before the birth of the native at a very prominent place in the capital of the Country , Mars and Jupiter connected to the 4th house of the Chart , Jupiter is 9th Lord , house of Father where Sun is placed . Moon Debilitated and in Gandantha most precarious and Dasha of Mercury at Birth another Venomous parameter but since connected to Jupiter by Exchange is Born to Rich Parents , since combination for the Father is Good.

Sun and Ketu are in Sarpa Dreshkanne are extremely venomous parameters , Such native suffer due to emotional hurdles in life and specially after the death of the Father , typical case of Arvind Kejriwal the CM of New Delhi. Ketu in Sarp Dreshkanne is bad for Health diseases , since Ketu is Disease giver 

Unfortunately the 8th house of the natal chart is rising and the native will suffer due to his unconventional methods and a fall after skating over ice till the dasha of Mars when he has a nasty fall

As per Garbshishta Planets the 10th house and the 10th Lord Mars is ill placed  hence the Native may suffer Career Break down in the Dasha of Mars . Why  Let me explain

  1. 10th house and 10th Lord Mars is ill placed from Garbshishta Planets .
  2. For Career Setbacks the dasha of 5th and the 8th House are detrimental . Reasons 5th house is 8th from the 10th house and is the house from where the Atma enters the horoscope and if afflicted then the Dasha of the 5th house may bring setbacks , here in the chart the 5th house is having Debilitated Lagna Lord Moon and Ketu and the Lord Mars is ill placed from Garbshishta and is afflicted badly. It is combusted, in paap kartariyoga and almost in gandantha , If the Dasha of 5th house is in operation and the 5th house and the Lord are placed well then bring change and Prosperity in the life of the Native . In this case the Native suffered a huge setback in career and total Buisness came to a halt when the Dasha of Mars started , in fact the Dasha of Moon-Sun the chidra dasha was also not good and the native suffered huge losses in lakhs and almost a Crore. I had predicted for him that the dasha of Mars for 7 years will be most Venomous and at the start of the Dasha there will also be Govt. Raid, which was on dot .

Let us now analyse the Career Prospects of the Native as per the Parameters mentioned above 

  1. 10th House from the Lagna is Physical condition  and Mars Placed in the own house is strong but losing strength  and will loose it as explained above . The Native had roaring Buisness .
  2. 10th house from Moon the mental condition is 2nd House and the Lord is Sun  and its Dispositor in the 12th house and Sun being a Avyogi Planet gave suffering in the dasha of Moon-Sun. 2nd House is aspected by 4th and the 11th Lord  Venus from the 8th house, the connection of the 8th house is not good , specially the 4th lord in the 8th house does not give permanency in the assets 
  3. 10th House from Saturn is Longevity of Profession and is the sign of  Jupiter Sagitarius and the Lord is aspecting it from the 12th house and the Dispositor Mercury  is Debilitated , in Rashi Gandantha and in Paap Kartariyoga  , also The Dasha Lord Rahu in Current operation is  ill placed from the sign and the Lord hence the Native career has been suffering since the Start of the Mars Dasha 

Karka Graha Saturn

Saturn is ill placed from 10th house and its Lord  Mars in the Rashi and the Dashamsha charts 

Upgraha Sun

Forming a Bhandan yoga with Saturn in the 9th house  and ill placed from the 10th house and the Lord Sun, In dashamsha  Sun in Rahu-Ketu axis and aspected by Mars who is extremely afflicted .Sun is also in Sarp Dreshkanne 

Bhavat Bhavam

The 7th House being the 10th from 10th house  has Mars in the Kendra and afflicted badly hence no permanency in Profession, also the Lord is Saturn and in Bhandan yoga along with Debilitated planet 

Dashmarudh 10P

10P is the same as the 10th house and sufferings as explained above specially in the dasha of Mars and Rahu a total fall  and exactly happening with native as per the above explanation and predicted in advance

Vyavasaya Balam

The sign is Aries  since for this we have to see where the Saturn has gone from its Mool Trikona sign  and hence the sign is Aries and Most malefic and Venomous  

Varga Charts  D1, D9,D10, Moon Chart and Rudramsha Chart D11

In Navamsha the 10th Lord is Mars and afflicted badly specially being combust , In Dashamsha it is the Lagna Lord and in Rudramsha chart it is the 10th Lord and afflicted badly 

D6 of D10 Calculated on the basis of Mathematics No Software does this calculation and this Chart depicts the Hurdles in Profession and has to be made manually and gives amazing Predictions and in this chart also the native suffers on account of Mars and Rahu

MCL Connection with 10th Lord / Connection with Nakshatra Lord of the 10th House

Mid-cusp Lord of the 10th house is Moon and is Debilitated and with Ketu , Hence extremely weak 

Nakshatra Lord of 10th Lord is Ketu  and Both Moon and Ketu ill placed from the 10th House and 10th Lord , hence the native neither has sustainability nor Satisfaction

6th House 6th Lord

Jupiter has no connection with 10th house or its Lord and dispositor is debilitated  , but since aspects its own house gives some relief .

11th house and 11th Lord

11th house is ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord has has Rahu whose dispositor is in the 8th house 

Sun Position in the D1,D9 and the D12

We have already discussed the Placement in the Rashi and in Navamsha it has gone in the 8th house of the Rashi chart as perRashi Tila Navamsha and extremely weak , in Dwadamsha  it is in the sign of Capricorn in the 9th house is also not very strong

Saturn Position in the D1,D9 and D3

The Placement in all these vargas is extremely weak

Garbshishta Planets with respect to 10th Lord

MCL Connection with 10th Lord / Connection with Nakshatra Lord of the 10th House

These parameters have been discussed above are not auspicious to give results in the dasha of Mars  for 7 years  and then Rahu Dasha 


1.Vimshotari Dasha and Anter dasha Mars and Rahu Dasha extremely malefic for Career 

2.Indu Lagna, Indu Lagna of the 2nd and the 11th house  Sign Sagitarius and when the Indu Lagna is in Trik Bhavas then there are ups and down in life and ever since Transit Saturn has come over this sign and the Native in the 2nd Phase of Sadesati is in deep trouble 

3. Ingress of Mars in the sign Libra on the 30th Nov. 2017 has aggravated the situations and Matters connected to Moon-Sun Dasha have erupted suddenly and Govt. issues have further cropped up

Dasha Varga Charts as Per Tamil Astrology calculated using mathematics manually , no Software does the calculation and for Mars for 7 years dasha and for Rahu 18 years dasha Varga Chart has to be drawn, which also depict very poor results for the native , these are the out come of Tamil Astrology and not Parashar  Jyotish


When 8th house is rising in Navamsha the Native should marry a Girl who is very strong to take control of the steering wheel of the life

Mars Propitiaton is must for Lord Kartekaye on a Shasti Tithi after sun rise

Buisness should not be in the name of the native and some other family member who is learned 

Since the native does not have the Blessings of the Father since will leave the world early , he has to have a God Father Learned one who signifies Jupiter .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E C Ch 

Date 16th Dec. 2017 10-00 hrs Singapore 

Ph Singapore till 28th Dec. 2017  +6581304406 What App also

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi 2007 to 2012


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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