Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars,Nodes Venomous: Brawl Between Nations , Crude Oil Prices May Escalate

by astrodocanil

Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars,Nodes: What they have up their Sleeves In Early 2018 ?
Mars and Ketu PAC most Venomous in the Present Like 1990 Gulf War

Saturn the roman God is the significator of Oil  and it has been observed that when Saturn is in the fiery sign the Production of Commodities related to Saturn suffer.  Saturn is also Karka for Industrial Production and I fear the Prices of the Crude oil may escalate beyond Expectations  in the Present Scenario 

Saturn was in Sagitarius in the year 1990 about 1 cycle back and there was gulf war and the prices of Oil escalated . It is expected that Oil in the near future may cross 70 Dollars a Barrel when Sun and Saturn . Please also refer to my article “Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War, What It has Up his Sleeves In 2017-2019 ?” link…ves-in-2017-2019/ dated 5th April 2017.

The Gulf War took Place on the 2nd August 1990 .Link At the time of War Saturn was Fallen in a Fiery sign Sagitarius . Saturn acquired a Status of Fallen Saturn on the 20th June 1990 .

The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war waged by forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq’s invasion and annexation of Kuwait

Chart of the Gulf War on the 2nd August 1990.

The Following Parameters acquired a Special Dimension as Below

  1. Sun and Jupiter in Rahu-Ketu axis
  2. Dispositor of Rahu Fallen Saturn
  3. Sun in Very close degrees with Ketu
  4. Moon Debilitated and aspected by Mars and By Saturn retrograde aspect
  5. The War Took Place very near an Eclipse
  6. Mars aspecting Sun, Ketu and Jupiter.  

Now Have a look at the chart below in the Present Scenario of the 6th Jan 2018

The Parameters acquiring special dimension are as follows comparing the 2nd August 1990 and 6th Jan. 2018

  1. Mars aspects Ketu in Both cases at very close degrees 
  2. Nodes in Forward motion 
  3. Saturn in 6/8 axis with Rahu-Ketu 
  4. Saturn in Fiery sign 
  5. Mars influences Jupiter in both cases 
  6. The sign Scorpio is also the sign of the Natal chart of North Korea and the 11th and the 8th Lord Mercury fallen and in Gandantha in the Lagna is the Most malefic Parameter in this transit 
  7. Saturn influences Venus in both cases
  8. Luminaries afflicted in Both cases 
  9. In the Present Transit Mars is influencing Ketu in the rashi and Navamsha , most malefic .                                                                                                               15th Jan. 2018 Sun will join Ketu in Capricorn will further escalate the issues related to War, Surge in the Crude Prices  , Earthquakes, Political Tug of War , Disturbances in weather and Stock Market Reversals specially when the nodes are in adverse motion, since they have the capacity to turn the Tables up side down , Escalation of Brawl in the Korean Peninsula, Gulf War, ISIS taking an aggressive stance. The Aroha Kaal Sarpa yoga most malefic when Rahu and Ketu are in adverse motion.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala         

13th Dec. 2017 19-00 hrs Singapore

Singapore No. +6581304066 WhatApp also till 28th Dec. 2017


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