NCLT Declares Jaypee Infratech Insolvent : What Stars Foretell for the Fate Of the Home Buyers ?

by astrodocanil

NCLT declares Jaypee Infratech insolvent: Here’s what homebuyers should do link Dated 11th August 2017

Amazingly what ever is happening Now is Close to the Eclipses In August 2017 and When Rahu is in adverse motion and Saturn In Retrogression and in Fallen Condition

Hence the Present Planetary positions and the Degrees of the Planet Become Extremely Important  on the 11th August 2011.

Saturn from Scorpio aspects Capricorn Sign , Taurus and Leo . Saturn at 27.14 degrees

Rahu About to Change from Leo to Cancer

Rahu In Adverse Motion conjunct with Mercury and aspected by Saturn

Jupiter in Virgo at 24.27 degrees Karka for Finance

Mars  on the 11th August 2017 19.45 degrees in Cancer  Karka for Built up Properties totally combusted and Debilitated

Sun at 24.30 in Cancer with Mars

Saturn and Jupiter are Slow Moving Planets  and Saturn, Mars  and Jupiter  Become extremely important at the time of the Project Launched By Jaypee Infrastructure .

From the Planetary positions on the 11th August 2017  it is Obvious that the Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will also be influencing at the time of these Projects Being Launched.  Saturn 10th Aspect is strong , Jupiter 9th Aspect and Mars 8th Aspect apart from other Aspects. Since Saturn is Fallen in the Present Context and Karka for Land the 10th aspect is on Leo, hence in all Probabilities Saturn when was in Leo the Projects must have  been Launched. Jupiter aspects the Signs Pieces and Capricorn, Hence Jupiter has to be in Capricorn or Aquarius at the time of Launching the Projects and Connection of Mars and Saturn could also be there .

Saturn Joined Leo on the After Nov. 2006 and was Fallen in Cancer on the 10th Jan 2007 and reentered Leo on the 16th July 2007 and was in Leo till 9th Sept. 2009

Hence all Projects Launched by Jaypee Infrastructure will have issues which were Launched after Saturn in Leo and when Fallen and when around the 27.14 degree mark in Leo

Since Saturn is Fallen In Scorpio in the Present context and 27.14 Degrees we will have to see the ephemeris of  when Saturn was 27.14 degrees in Leo  and as seen in the ephemeris it is on the 11th August 2009

Unfortunately Jupiter the Karka for wealth was in Capricorn Debilitated from 9th Dec. 2008 to 1st March 2009 when it Entered Aquarius and also aspected by its Debilitation Lord Saturn from Leo. Jupiter was Fallen in Capricorn on the 30th July 2009 at 19.49 hrs 

Jupiter entered Aquarius again on the 20th Dec 2009 and then Joined Pieces on the 2nd May 2010

Hence the Projects Launched Between the 9th Dec. 2008 to 2nd May 2010 as far as the Jupiter the Karka for wealth is concerned is the Most important time frame .

Saturn Stay in Leo is also Important from the Nov. 2006 to 9th Sept. 2009 and even after that but we will focus on the time Period When Jupiter was in Capricorn at 24.27 degrees or close Degrees , Since the Current Jupiter at 24.27 in Virgo and will aspect the Jupiter in Capricorn with 9th Strong Aspect 

Jupiter was 24.27 degrees in Capricorn on the 28th March 2009 Hence the Projects Launched after this Date will have issues

Also the Period of Saturn Fallen in Cancer from the 10th Jan 2007 to 16th July 2007 critical for the Project for those invested in this time frame 

Hence a Time frame of Jupiter Ingress in Capricorn on the 9th Dec. 2008 to 15th Sept. 2009 most malefic and then upto 2nd May 2010  when Saturn was also in Leo in this Time frame is most Critical between the Period Saturn was Fallen  from 1oth Jan 2007 to 16th July 2007 as well and then when Saturn reached the 27.14 degress  on the 11th August 2009 for the Home Buyers who invested in this Time Frame have got trapped in a net of This Project.

Broadly speaking from the Jan 2007 to Sept. 15th 2009 was the worst Period for the Investers to invest in the Jaypee Infrastructure 

Now as far the Jaypee Projects are concerned they were Launched almost at this time frame .

Jaypee Greens Kensingston Boulevard – more happiness per acre Jaypee Greens Kensington Boulevard , Sector 131, Noida (Uttar Pradesh) Launching in 2009-2010 Re : Jaypee Wishtown KP Plots in Sector 131 & 133, Noida  In 2009 Launching

Let us have a Look at this chart when Jupiter was Fallen  Retrograde and Debilitated the Karka for wealth  on the 30th July 2009 19-49 hrs

Jupiter the Karka for Wealth is afflicted in this ingress as per the Following ways 

  1. Fallen
  2. Retrograde 
  3. With Rahu in Forward Motion 
  4. Jupiter in Guru Chandal Yoga 
  5. Dispositor of Jupiter Saturn in the 8th house from Jupiter 
  6. Lagna Degrees are that of Saturn hence when Saturn reaches the Sign Capricorn 25 degrees then People may get some Relief  and complete Delivery or Complete case will be sorted out around the 5th Oct. 2020

Unfortunately the Moon is also Debilitated on this Day 

Mars aspects Saturn and Saturn Mars 

The Projects Launched By the Group clearly shows that the buyers will get Trapped in the net of this Project , Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8th house of Secrets and Plan to Earn Money by Hook or Krook . It gives an Indication that all is a drama of Making the Investors suffer

Now see the Chart of the 9th August 2017 as per the above Lagna 

The Following Parameters are Parallel 

  1. Rahu in Adverse Motion and about to join the Same axis as in 2009 on the 9th Sept. 2017, thereby aggravating the situations for the Home Buyers who invested .
  2. Transit Jupiter aspecting Jupiter at the time of 2008-2009  There will be degree asper on Jupiter on the 9th Sept. 2017, hence some Decision after this Date
  3. Transit Fallen Saturn  at 27 degrees aspecting Saturn in Leo at very close degrees 25 and Saturn will be stationary between the 20th to 30th August 2017 will be most crucial for the Project 
  4. Mars Joining Leo in Transit over the Saturn at the time of 2008-2009  and then Mars will aspect Saturn and Saturn Mars on the 26th August 2017 . The Last date for applications is also 24th August 2017 for filing your claim . Mars will be over the Mercury Degree wise on the 27th August 2017 . Mercury is the 6th and the 9th Lord , Mars will reach the Degrees of Saturn on the 6th Oct. 2017 
  5. Sun over the Sun 
  6. Moon in Aquarius  and may be the Decision may be when Moon was Debilitated on the 2nd -3rd August 2017
  7. Mercury over Mercury 
  8. The Most Important Parameter Saturn fallen, Dispositor the Mars the Karka for Builtup Properties in Debilitation and Combustion and about to meet Rahu on the 27th August 2017. Most malefic Parameter 

Those Who have the same Yogas of Guru Chandal, Jupiter affliction at the time of Investing may Loose and those who have Sanrakshan Yoga  and Gajkesri yoga and Strong sha Periods may be saved

It seems from the Above Parameters that the Decision on the above Project will be as under

Some Decision between the the 9th Sept. 2017 to 26th Oct. 2017 and fine tuning on the 6th Oct. 2017 and The Home Buyers will only get their Possession after 30th March 2020 when Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the Sign Capricorn 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn will be Conjunct in Capricorn

Hence the Project Stalls for minimum 2-3 yrs  and till Saturn it reaches Aquarius . Unfortunately Saturn will be fallen in Capricorn also

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn may bring some answer to this Project it so seems after   2020  only

Lucky one may get after Saturn In Sagitarius but very Low Chances and Low Population of Such People  getting some respite after 26th Oct. 2017 since some Properties may be ready  in End 2018 when Jupiter Joins the Sign Scorpio

Jupiter Karka for wealth is deeply under affliction at the time of the Projects Launched By Jaypee Infrastructure and shows the FATE OF THE INVESTORS  INFLUENCED BY THIS  Group to ———. Read the Article it is crystal clear of the happenings . Present Scenerio Mars is In deep affliction may not bear good Fruits , since in 2018 also Mars will be a Fallen Planet in Scorpio and then Jupiter also in this Sign in 2019, hence no major respite till 30th March 2020

Till Saturn is there in Scorpio it will be over the Moon in Scorpio at the time when Jupiter was fallen and afflicted badly in 2009, hence some Under ground activity and hidden things and Vital information may be revealed relating to the Project before 26th Oct. 2017. When Saturn goes in the Sign Sagitarius the Procedures of the Law will start  and may take till Saturn reaches the Capricorn Sign on the 25th Jan 2020. The Dispute may be settled then When Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Jupiter and Mars after the 30th March 2020

From the above it seems that the Project will be delivered from the 30th March 2020 to 5th Oct. 2022

Lucky One will get after 6th Oct. 2017 to 26th Oct. 2017 the Appartment which are about to be completed 


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
12th August 2017 2017  09.10 hrs 
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Disclaimer Clause as Per My Webpage. The Writer is no way responsible if any Person Invests according to the Above Predictions and shall be doing at his own risk and Fancies. The above article is Just astrology analysis and not my Personal comment  This may please be noted and I have no intention to bring any bad names to any one .The Planetary Positions are only indicators 

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