Presidential Election 2017 Today Ram Nath Kovind, Meira Kumar Battle : What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

Presidential Election 2017 today: A primer on polls which will decide Pranab Mukherjee’s successor link

The current President will complete his five-year term on the 24th July 2017. The Election Commission has announced that elections for the next President will be conducted on 17 July 10-00 am. These elections will be on the basis of single transferable voting (STV) that results in (approximately) proportional representation. The President is elected by the representatives of the people through an Electoral College.

Voting for Presidential election is now underway

  • The fight is between NDA nominee Ram Nath Kovind and Opposition’s pick Meira Kumar
  • A total of 4,896 lawmakers vote to elect Pranab Mukherjee’s successor
  • PM Modi, BJP chief Amit Shah and UP CM Yogi Adityanath cast their votes after 10-02 am today

Let us have a look at the Planetary positions on the 17th July 2017 10-02 hrs. What they Foretell for the Above Elections

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the 9th house and having Exchange with Debilitated Mars and Day Lord Moon is in the yama of Mercury  and the Yama Lord is Placed with Lagna Lord Sun and Mars in the 12th house , Placement of the Yama Lord with the Debilitated Planet is not Good , also Moon Dispositor in the 12th house makes Day Lord and the Moon Weak for Fructifications for the Lagna . Since the Present President is from the Congress , the Lagna is represented by Congress and the 7th House by the oppositions

Tithi is  KP-8

Nakshatra  Ashvini

Yoga Drithi Malefic

Karna  Kaulava and the Lord is Placed in the 12th house and has no connection with the 10th house for Good Fructifications

Hora  Sun

The Lagna is Leo the Royal Sign of the Zodiac and has Rahu in Gandantha and also in Forward Motion till 19th July 2017  and aspected by Fallen Saturn from the 4th house is the Most malefic component in the Chart at the time of the beginning of the Presidential Elections  for Congress Party since the Congress Candidate is the Present President . Placement of the Lagna Lord with Debilitated Mars and Yama Lord in the 12th house makes the Lagna weak .Hence from the Above it can be Seen that the Lagna is weak

The 7th Lord is Saturn though Retrograde and aspects the Lagna at the Lagna Degrees . Lagna is 27.16  and Saturn is 28.16  Connection of the Retrograde Planet with the Lagna further makes it weak , also the 7th Lord is Placed in the Kendra  and is Connected to the the 10th Lord of the Chart afflicting the 10th house aswell, this 10th Lord is the Yoga Karka for the 7th house , since it is Aquarius Lagna  and Placed in the 4th house from the 7th house gives it Digbala also it is Placed in its own house , also the $th Lord from the 7th house is Venus and has Poorna Ithasla with the 2nd and the 11th Lord Jupiter from the 7th house , making the 7th House Stronger then the Lagna . Another Parameter is the Almost Poorna ithasla of Venus and the Jupiter for the Lagna is the Ithasla of the 10th Lord and the *th Lord from Lagna and shows Bad Results for the Ruling President Party  and Hence Congress

The Lagna and the Navamsha are both Male Signs  and Male Planets are influencing the 7th house since Mars is aspecting the 7th house . Moon is also Connected to Male Planet Mars , Dispositor of the 7th Lord is also a Male Planet  and again with a Male Planet Sun, The Yoga Karka for the Lagna is weaker then the Yaga Karka Venus  for the 7th House and Venus has aspect and Poorna Ithasal  with Jupiter a Male Planet , Female Planets Venus and Moon are connected to male Planets .


Male sign rising in the Navamsha and the Lord is Placed in the 8th house with the Lagna Lord of the Event Chart Sun. The 7th Lord is Placed in the Kendra  and Both Positions of Saturn in the Rashi and Navamsha are strong and aspected By Exhalted Jupiter Placed in the 2nd House from the 7th house , Making absolutely clear that the Opposition Party President will come out with Flying Colors with Majority

Hence as Per Planetary Positions the Oppositions and the BJP in this Case will Lead the Show and Ram Nath Kovind will be the Next President of the Country

There is one Parameter in the Chart which is of Concern is Rahu Adverse on the Day of Start of the Elections is not good for the Event and has the capacity to turn the tables either side , but seems that the BJP Candidate will be the Winner as Predicted above

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

17th  July 2017  08-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


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