EarthQuakes :What Planetary Positions in the Full Moon Kundali of 4th May 2015 Foretell

by astrodocanil

We are all aware of the  Earth quakes taken Place in Nepal and the Northern part of India.

Let me explain why an Earthquake takes place.Planetary configurations are definite indicators of Earthquakes, hence if the Scientists combine the Astrology perspective with  knowledge of geology and seismology using the help of eminent Astrologers having sound Knowledge for ocurance of Earthquake then the massive devastation can be taken care of.

Let us see what are the basic Reasons of the Earthquake taking place.

One of the Prime Parameters in the planetary positions is the alignment of Major planets in the 1/7 axis . Sun and Moon at 0 degree or 180 degree with the Earth, then the Earth will be caught in the middle in a huge Gravity struggle between the Sun and the Planets .The Gravitational stresses would change the speed of the Earth in its orbit and when the speed of rotation of the earth changes the tectonic plate motion also gets affected and then Earthquakes are surfaced .It can be well explained with an example of a bus Running at a normal speed and all of a sudden the driver applies brakes and those standing collide with each other, similiar way due to change of speed of Earth the Tectonic plates collide with each other and give birth to an Earthquake .

Let us see what the Planetary positions say in the Full Moon Kundali of 4th May 2015 09-07  hrs.  The Chart is below.

Full Moon Kundali

Let us First see the Planetary combinations for  Earthquakes .

 I have already explained above the Basic reasons of the Surfacing of an Earthquake. Why I was prompted to write this article was merely on the ocurance of the above planetary positions when on a Full Moon day the Sun and Moon are placed at 180 degrees from each other , Saturn another major planet almost at 189 degrees from Sun and Mars and Saturn at 180 from each other on the 15th May 2015.

Earthquakes surface close to the heels of Eclipses. We are all aware that there are  2 eclipses one Solar and one Lunar in the month of  March -April 2015. Those countries where the eclipses are taking place in the 4/10 axis  from the Lagna or the Zodical sign will be more prone to Earthquakes.

Since Earthquake is related to Earth Earthy signs 2,6,10 are important, therefore at least one sign has to be afflicted by malefics.

Mars and Saturn conjunct or in 2/12 or 6/8 axis . Sun Saturn in 2/12 or 6/8 axis, Mars Rahu-Ketu in 6/8 axis, Mars and Saturn in 6/8 axis , conjuct or in 1/7 axis .

Most of the Planets in the Nakshatra of Ketu, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, but most crucial will be when most of them will be in the nakshatra of Mars and Mercury.

Major planets occupying Mutual kendras and Trikonas. 1,4,7,8, 12 or the 10th house from Marmagaya Sthan , will indicate the place of Occurance . The asterism of the day  may belong to Prithvi (Earthy or Vayu(Air) category.  Prithvi Tatwa Nakshatra are  Bharini and Rohini and Airy Tatwa are Ashvini, Ardra, P Vasu,,U Phalguni, Haste, Jyestha, Moola, P Bhadra , U Bhadra and Satbisha.

There are 4 parameters also very important.

1. The Day of the Earthquake. Can be found out By Planetary combinations

2.The Direction of the Earthquake. Rough idea can be found out, but Exact location is difficult since Seismological and Geogological Methods are to be employed

3. The Longitude and Lattitude .  As Mentioned above

4. Intensitiy of the Earthquake By Affliction in the Eclipse charts and 8th House /Lord/Navamsha Sign, 8th Lord of Navamsha in Rashi and navamsha chart Intensity can be known

Hence as an Astrologer we have limitation of the Longitude and Latitude and exact Direction

Let us analyse the Full Moon Kundali of 4th May 2015 .

Panchang  Parameters  Day Monday, Tithi Full Moon Shukla Paksha , Nakshatra Swati Lord is Rahu, Yoga Vyatipata Lord is RahuKarna Balav Lord is Moon  , Sun  rise  5.39 hrs and Sun Set 18.56 hrs

Hora is of  Mars .Malefic

Yama of Mercury  since day lord Moon  is placed in the 2nd Yama of  Gemini and the Sign is Placed in Lagna and the Lord Mercury is placed in the Earthy sign Taurus  conjuct with Mars 6th Lord and aspected by Retrograde Saturn from the 6th house and is also the 8th lord , Saturn is also aspecting the 8th house is most malefic combination here.

Rashi chart Earthy signs Virgo and Taurus are afflicted in the Rashi chart. Lagna lord  Mercury and Mars both Placed in Earthy sign in the nakshatra of  Krittika , Lagna in the Nakshatra of Ardra. Jupiter in the nakshatra of Mercury, Rahu in the nakshatra of Moon , who is placed in the Nakshatra of Rahu is Most adverse combination of Exchange of Rahu and Moon Nakshatra ,and Moon in Paap kartari yoga. ,  Saturn in the nakshatra of Anuradha its own nakshatra , Ketu in the nakshatra of Saturn and Sun in the nakshatra of Venus . Affliction to all the 3 Earthy Rashis 2,6 and 10 is not good for the fortnight . Saturn Retrograde and  very close to Earth and at 199.37 degrees from Sun . As per India Foundation chart Rahu and Ketu will be transitting the 1/7 axis as per navamsha of Transit , Taurus sign is also the navamsha sign of the 8th lord Jupiter . Moon is in   Windy circle, Four Planets in Fiery Circle namely Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus, Since maximum number of planets are there in Fiery Circle , If Rain Starts heavily then after 7 days there could be an Earthquake . In Karnatka  heavy Rains have Started  hence as specified by me 5th and 6th May 2015 most prone to an EarthQuake.

Navamsha chart  All the 3 signs 2,6,10 are having malefics , Taurus has Rahu, Virgo has Sun and Retrograde Sun, Capricorn has Mars . Lagna Lord Mercury has become Deblitated and conjuct with Moon and aspected by both Sun and Saturn.

Timing of an Earthquake   Earthquake takes place Near Eclipses or Lunations, near Sun rise or Sunset, near midnight . Full Moon or Amavasya Day. Eclipse of 4th April 2015 taken place in an Earthy sign in Haste nakshatra . Mars and Saturn in Kendra from each other , Taurus and Scorpio Sign afflicted by Mars, Saturn and Mercury also afflicted . Moon and Mercury connection will be there on the 5th and 6th May 2015. Moon will then be in Punarvasu and Anuradha Nakshatra and will be in affliction in the Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra, by Mars and Saturn and also In the Full Moon Kundali by Mars and Saturn.

Malefic in the nakshatra of Moon and since Rahu and Moon have nakshatra exchange it is a combination for an earthquake.

Mercury afflicted along with 8th Lord and Mars in Earthy Rashi  , as is in the Full Moon chart .

Moon and Mercury will be in opposition on the 5th May 2015 is another combination for an earthquake.

Airy Tatwa will fall on 4th May 2015 it self being the Nakshatra of Rahu Swati and falls in the Vayavya Mandal, hence strong Possibility on the 4th-5th May 2015. Moon will be in the Jyesthsa nakshatra on the 6th May 2015, Hence 4th may to 6th May most prone Period for an Earthquake.

Area which will be influenced by the Earthquake

As Mentioned above 1,4,7,8,12 or the 10th house from the Eclipse point Pieces, hence the signs will be Pieces, Sagitarius, Virgo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. if afflicted those places will be Prone to Earthquakes. In the Paksha Kundali Virgo, Pieces and Libra are afflicted

In the Koorma Chakra  the Direction is South West and Signifies Goa, Karnatka, South west of Maharashtra, North western India, South of Kashmir,Gujrat,Tamilnadu, Regions between Jhelum and Indus. Are prone to Earthquakes, Tornados, Cyclone and Natural Disasters . The fortnight is prone to such activities after Excessive Rains or shortfall of Rains . Since the Earthy signs are under affliction the intensity of the Earthquakes can be higher than   6.00 , since the major planets are in 1/7 axis and influencing the speed of the earth due to huge gravity struggle.

Dates 4th to 6th and then  12th to 15th May 2015 are  adverse for  natural calamities Tornodos, Cyclones, Earthquakes etc for the places mentioned  above and the Signs signifying the Rashis Pieces, Virgo, Sagitarius and Libra.

15th May is most prone as  well since Mars and Saturn will be at exact degree  opposition and Saturn will also be nearest to Earth  and 189 degrees from Sun, Sun will also ingress in Taurus on this day, at this Time Rahu will also be in adverse motion and Moon will be in the Nakshatra of Revati and Mercury in the Nakshatra of Moon from 15th May 2015 at 04.35 hrs. Revati  nakshatra signifies Varun Mandal and Rain can start 7 days before in the Areas on the 8th May 2015 , those will become Prone to Earthquakes .The Area specified by this Nakshatra in the Koorma chart is  North East Area . Nepal,Sikkam, Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, China, Burma, Kashmir, Regions of Gandharva, Garhwal , Himalayas beyond Chilata Tarai near Bihar, Malasyia.

Delhi Sign is Scorpio for all malefic happenings and Mars and Saturn in the 1/7 axis along with 8th Lord Mercuryafflicted  in the 7th house is also not condusive for this fortnight .

Adding the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra as shown by the chart confirm the events since affliction to Sun and Moon, Ecliptcal point of Pieces , Benefics afflicted except Jupiter, but not aspects the malefics is weakness in the planetary positions .

Below is the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra of the 4th May 2015

5th may moon in Scorpiois worse. Sun, Ketu and Saturn mutual aspect is worst, Mutual aspect of moon, mars and Mercury, Lagna and Venus mutual aspect of rahu, Afflictions to sun and moonand except Jupiter benefics afflicted . Ecliptical point afflicted .


Nakshatra sanghatta chakra on the 5th May 2015.

Sun and Moon afflicted , Lagna Afflicted , Double affliction on Sun


Rashi Sanghatta Chakra on the 15th May 2015 10.38 hrs.

14th May 2015 Sun in Aries. Sun and Moon afflicted, Eclipse point afflicted, Benefics afflicted except Jupiter



Globally speaking

The places ruled by Earthy Signs are Thailand, North and South Korea, , Bolivia, Ukraine, Libya, India, USSR,  China  Sun in Virgo at 15.00 , Iran no planet in Virgo, Japan has Saturn in Virgo and at 16 degrees , USA has Saturn in Virgo, hence Earthquakes are possible. To exactly predict the country is again a matter of Research.

Hence from the above it is clear that 4th, 5th and 15th May 2015 will be most malefic as per the Planetary positions and Earthquakes, Tornado, Cyclones, Tsunami and Natural Disasters expected along with other events predicted by me earlier . Rahu in adverse motion from the 12th to 15th May is also instrumental in the activation of the mundane events.

Read this also Part of India Slid About 1 Foot to 10 Feet Northwards During Nepal Earthquake, Claims US Scientist link

God bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 28th April 2015  20-30 hrs.

Disclaimer: Earthquake Predictions are most difficult and with out Seismological and Geogological Methods employed  one cannot Predict the Longitude and Lattitude of the Occurance, Hence the above predictions may be taken as possibility of the Occurance but not of the Place exactly, it may be  true or not only time will tell  , since as explained above Need a Through study  of the methods of Seismological and Geogological.

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