My Research on 8th House and Paksha Kundali of 19th April 2015

by astrodocanil

As Per my Research if malefics  influence the 8th house/Lord /Navamsha sign of 8th Lord , 8th Lord of Navamsha in Rashi or Navamsha chart then Malefic happening takes place  specially near the Eclipses for any Country/Individual , then Specially when Rahu is also in adverse motion untoward happening take place.   I am writting this article in context with India Foundation chart of 15th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs  and the Paksha Kundali of 19th April 2015 of 00.26 hrs .

Let us see the India Foundation chart first


India is running the Dasha of Sun-Ven-Jup till 2nd May 2015 and then Sun-Ven-Sat till 29-6-2015 Sun is placed in the 3rd house as the lord of the 4th house, it has gone in the 12th house from its house and house of the Boarder countries . Venus is the Lord of Lagna and the 6th house and Jupiter the Lord of the 8th and the 11th house  and Placed in the 6th house  and Venus also placed in the 3rd house , Venus is placed in the 10th house from its MT sign and will primarily give the results of the 6th house and Jupiter as 8th and 11th Lord placed in the 6th house in the house of Venus , hence there could be Boarder issues till Sub Sub Dasha of Saturn is in operation .

Now Let us have a look on the Paksha Kundali of the 19th April 00.26 hrs.

Paksha Kundali

The Lagna rising in the Paksha Kundali is the 8th house of the Foundation chart and the Lagna Lord Jupiter is placed in the 8th house which is the 3rd house of the foundation chart and signifies happening concerning the 3rd house and the 8th house . The Dasha in operation as mentioned above is of Sun-Ven-Jupiter till 2nd May 2015.  The most crucial Parameter in this fortnight starting from the 19th April 2015 and the Lunar Eclipse  on the 4th April 2015 at 17.36 hrs is the  Rahu in adverse motion on the 27th April to 1st May 2015 along with Moon in Haste Nakshatra,which according to Varahamihira  as per Koorma chart is  South of India, But the Earthquake in Nepal took place in Punarvasu Nakshatra , hence from East to South Direction as Far as India is concerned could be ill influenced . As Per the Book of Mundane Astrology by M.S Mehta and Radhika Rao.

My Research Parameters as explained above are getting activated on the 29th April 2015, the Chart is below


1. 8th House rising in the Lagna of the Paksha Kundali and Lagna Lord placed in the 8th house of the Kundali.

2. 8th Lord Jupiter aspected by Mars , in Transit. Mars in transit is also aspecting the Natal Jupiter of the foundation chart at exact degrees by 7th aspect  . Natal Jupiter is 25.52 and Mars is 27.07 degrees .

3. Lagna Lord Venus of the Foundation chart Placed in the navamsha sign of the 8th Lord Jupiter  and aspected by Malefic Saturn .

4. In Navamsha of  Transit Jupiter gone in the 8th house of the foundation chart with Mars in the sign of Sagitarius.

5. Taurus sign is the Navamsha sign of the 8th lord Jupiter of the foundation chart and in Navamsha of the Transit on the 29th April 2015, Rahu is Placed in Taurus and is in Adverse motion from the 27th April to 1st May 2015 and  Moon the 3rd Lord of the Foundation chart Moon is in rahu Ketu axis in Navamsha Transit and also Deblitated .

6. As per Paksha Kundali Rahu-Ketu  are Placed in the 4/10 axis and the 5/11 axis of the foundation chart and both in Adverse motion.

7.Moon in Transit will be in the nakshatra of  Sun-Moon and Mars  the nakshatra being one before and one after Moons Nakshatra the nakshatra of the eclipse of the 4th April 2015.

8. Transit navamsha of the 29th April 2015 is also showing Venus the Lagna and the 6th lord  of the foundation chart is Deblitated along with Moon .

9. All watery signs afflicted  along with Lords  from Fiery Planets, Hence issues relating to Watery signs and Coastal Areas. Excessive Rains in Places of eclipse as mentioned.

10. Out of Earthy signs 2,6,10 at least one has to be afflicted in the Rashi and Navamsha , the more the affliction the more is the strength of the Earthquake. In the Rashi chart Virgo is afflicted by Rahu where the eclipse took place and in navamsha , Virgo , Taurus is afflicted  by malefics .

I expect the following from the above combinations. Political Turmoils ,  Boarder issues with Neighboring countries  may flare up,  Rail  accidents , Terrorist Activities, Earthquake , Tsunami, Tornado in the East to Southern Part of   India and Coastal Areas. Significations of the 3rd house suffering . Another Parameter is the States where the Eclipse of the 4th April 2015 has taken place in the 1/7 axis of Lagna, Moon , Sun and the 8th house /Lord/Navamsha/Navamsha 8th Lord  . Intensity will depend upon the 8th house Parameters as mentioned by me in this article are influenced .  AndraPradesh Moon in Virgo, 8th Lord Saturn in Virgo Navamsha , Madhya Pradesh Moon in Virgo  and Vargottam and in Rahu-Ketu axis in Navamsha ,Manipur Moon in Pieces, Meghalaya Moon in Pieces, Nagaland Jupiter 8th Lord in Pieces , Punjab Eclipse in 1/7 axis both in Rashi and navamsha , Rajasthan, Moon in Virgo, Saturn the 8th lord Navamsha also Virgo, Tripura Moon in Pieces , Uttranchal, Moon in Pieces and Virgo the 8th house of navamsha , Kerala Moon in Virgo , 8th Lord Navamsha also Virgo, All the above could have untoward , Happenings in the fortnight starting from 19th April 2015 and more so from 27th April to 1st May 2015. India is not prone as Virgo , Pieces are not in adverse house the axis of the eclipse, hence there can not be any adversity of a higher magnitude, although Earthquake cannot be ruled out of Intensity of  around 6 .00  in the areas mentioned above. Nepal as mentioned by me there could be 3 Major Earthquakes starting from 25th April to  3rd May 2015 and more so till 27th May 2015, after which the Earthquake intensity will be less than 6.00 on the Scale.

The Most critical period is from 27th April to 1st May 2015 , when Rahu is in Forward motion.  After which there may be stoppage of Earthquakes in Nepal over 6.00 scale, specially after 27th April 2015. The Havoc can be there till Mars in Aries till 3rd May 2015 .God Bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  26th April 2015 10-00 PM

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