A Query for Career By Mook Prashna Using Tamil Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am Discussing a Prashna By Mook Prashna 

Mook Prashna 

Mook means Silent . Querist who remains silent or the Astrologer who tells the Querist  before he opens  his mind. The specific query is judged and replied  by the Astrologer goes under the name of Mook Prashna

Broadly speaking the Mook Prashna is divided in to 3 combinations

1.Dhatu. All articles obtained  or excavated  from the Earth e.g. metals or minerals . This is also the first stage of the Chinta

2.Mula Vegetation. All those things which grow  from the Earth e.g. Wood, Roots, Vegetation etc.

3. Jeeva  Living Beings and the Final Stage of the Chinta . All living beings which are not attached to the Earth

Principles based on the Rising Signs 

  1. Signs rising associated with their Lords . Aries, Leo and Scorpio  and aspected by their Lords then the Query is pertaining to Dhatu.
  2. Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius associated with their Lords then the Query is Pertaining to Mula
  3. Taurus, Libra, Sagitarius , Pieces , Cancer associated with their Lords then the Query is Pertaining to Living Beings

According to the Signs Rising and the Navamsha Rising 

Odd Signs                                                           Navamsha

D              M               J

1                2                3

4                5                6

7               8               9

Even Signs                                        

J              M            D

There are several other Methods as well

In the Early June when Jupiter was Stationary I got a Call from a Querist  and wanted to consult me . I told her not to disclose her query and that I would tell her what is the Chinta which is disturbing her and hence she decided to come to me as she was amazed as to how a Person could read her mind and tell her chinta which is disturbing her.

Using another Principle of the Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord we find the Query is for Partnership in a Firm

Have a Look at the chart below

I told her before she could open her mind that the query is for a Living being  and is his son  and for his Establishing a Firm with his Friends

There are combinations of a Jeeva query as mentioned in the above Principles  . The Day Lord and the Yama lord are placed together in the 8th house . The  Yama Lord  Mercury is a Young Boy and Looking at the Planetary Cycles I Told her that the age of the Son will be multiples of 9 and around 27 years and Born after June 1990. She was amazed at the Predictions by Mook Prashna and replied that the Query was correct . I also told her that she also had a Second Query of Marriage for him .

All this was done as per the Planetary Positions and cycles of Planets

From the Clothes she was wearing and the Planets influencing her  could be known

I also Told her that since the Yama Lord and the Day Lord were ill placed from the Lagnesh and the Karyesh, the Query may not fructify  and since Mars and Venus have Poorna Ithasla he has already Started a Firm with his Friends , But since the 11th Lord is Placed in an inimical sign there may be humiliations of 8 types  and the Future is not secure although Presently the Same is Smooth and he has started the Firm  before  27th Jan 2017  To which she gave an answer in affirmative .

I also Told her that after 29th June when Venus goes in the 8th house there will be trouble , but he would be saved  although the other 2 Person may quit since they will have issues with him Sun is Uncomfortable with Mercury as per Tamil Shastra

I also told the Mother that she was also Born after 31st May 1958 and to this she was amazed as to how I could also give her age which was absolutely correct in both cases .

For the Ashtmangala Prashna she had placed the Gold Ring in the Sign Scorpio  and Hence the Uday Lagna was Libra and Arudha Lagna was Scorpio and the Chaitra Rashi Pieces

I told her that after 12th Sept. 2017 he would have issues since the Yama Lord is Ill Placed from the Concerned Houses and Moon is Badly afflicted .

The Placement of the Chaitra Rashi in the 6/8 axis from the Lagna was a concern , more over Jupiter aspected by Mars and Saturn in Gandantha  was another Parameter which could not be ignored and after 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 will be the time of obtructions and Hurdles in Running the Firm . The Ultimate result is not good one

The Day Lord the Yama Lord of Sun and Moon both in the 8th house and in Navamsha 8th Lord is aspecting the Lagna , Navamsha Lagna s shorshodayo but a malefic one

I also Told her that the Time is not ripe for Marriage since the Planetary Positions are not  condusive with the Yama Lord and the Day Lord and Venus Placement

The Querist was amazed at the Predictions I gave and almost matched with what was happening and the Age of Both the Mother and the son were on dot

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 16th June  2017  Time 12-10 hrs. New Delhi
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
  • Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
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