Hit and Run Case of Salman Khan: What Stars Foretell on Verdict Day

by astrodocanil

Verdict in Salman Khan’s hit-and-run case: Wednesday May 06, 2015 at 11.15 AM in actor’s presence.

Read more at: http://www.merinews.com/article/verdict-in-salman-khans-hit-and-run-case-wednesday-may-06-2015-at-1115-am-in-actors-presence/15905913.shtml&cp

Salman Verdict

See the chart above . Let us see the Panchang Parameters .

Day is Wednesday .

Tithi KP-3 Jaya

Nakshatra Anuradha Lord is Saturn and is the owner of the 7th and the 8th house of the event chart

Yoga Parigha Lord is Saturn

Karna Vanija Lord is connected to the 12th house

Hora  Of Sun from 11.11 hrs. placed in the 10th house Exhalted

DBA Planets  Sat-Jup-Ven

Yama  The Day lord Mercury is placed in 2nd Yama and in own sign which is the 12th house of the event chart and its Lord Mercury  is placed in the 11th house with Mars aspected by Retrograde Saturn the 8th Lord and Deblitated  Moon the Lagnesh, hence the verdict given by the Court will be a Harsh one .

In court cases Plaintiff is represented by the Lagna and the Defendant  is the one against whom the court case has been instituted, Hence the Court is represented by the Lagna and Salman khan by the 7th house .

Houses and Planets

9th to 2nd houses are considered the houses of the Plaintiff and  3rd to 8th the houses of the Defendant. The Plaintiff or Defendant wins which  so ever group has more benefics . if you have a look at the chart all benefics are from the 9th to the 2nd house and there are no benefics in the 3rd to 8th house rather there are malefics Rahu, Saturn , Hence it is evident that Salman khan will lose the case in all possibilities.

Lagna  Has Jupiter and is Representing the plaintiff and the court and will be a wise man.

2nd House Oral evidence , aspected by a malefic Saturn is weak , hence sufferings of the family.

3rd House   Fate of appeal, documentary evidence , again Rahu present here shows court is not satisfied with the same .

4th house  Judgement  4th  house is in paap kartari yoga and aspected by Strong Sun Exhalted , hence Punitive Punishment.

6th house  Prime House of litigation against the native and loss of the 7th house  being the 12th from the 7th house aspected by Venus Karka for vehicle  and Mars Karka for accidents  and the lord is exhalted and aspects the 7th house from Lagna  showing Salman the victim of the the results and his failure in the case of Hit and run .

7th house  House of Defedant  and since Saturn is the Lord and retrograde , weaker than the Lagna lord , moon and Saturn together but saturn retrograde there will be no compromise . 8th house Tensions, insults , failure of the Event . Moon is with 8th Lord hence there will be insults and tension to the Defendant .

10th house  Judge and Authorities and since Sun digbali and Exhalted a strong judge will give the verdict which will be punitive punishment .

11th house   10th Lord in the 11th house with 12th lord is indicative of the judgement  aspecting Saturn the 7th Lord.

12th house Loss penalities, Imprisonment , day Lord is owning the 12th house and also placed in the 12th house as per Yama chart and lord is Mercury is having connection with Mars and Saturn  and also the 8th lord hence permannent loss to the Defendant.

6,10 and 11 houses signify Bail, Now DBA planets are Saturn ,Jup and Venus , Jup and Venus indicating Bail. , but saturn does not signify the same .

Between Lagnesh and the 7th lord who so ever is aspected by 10th lord is at fault, here both are aspected but Saturn is weaker then Moon , since Vargottam and also in neecha bhang rajyoga. Hence the 7th lord and Salman Khan is at fault. Native will get bail  since 2 of the DBA Planets are connected to the 6th and 11th house

Since Lagnesh and Moon are in Fixed sign no more chance will be given by the court to the defendant and the Judgement will be final .

Success in Appeal  3rd house  signifies appeal, therefore 3rd Lord Mercury  or planets in the 3rd house  Rahu in this case or nakshatra Lord of the 3rd Lord which is Rohini and Lord is Moon  or Sign Lord of 3rd Lord which is Venus   in navamsha  related to 6th or 11th house  or their Lords then success in appeal. Now in navamsha Mercury is the 11th Lord ,and in 6th House Mars is placed and connected to Mercury in the 9th house , hence appeal possible.

Now Looking at the birth chart of Salman Khan  of 27th Dec 1965 14-27 hrs Indore

Salman Khan Chart

He is Running the Dasha of Saturn -Mars -Rahu  and i have already predicted  the outcome of the case  earlier on this website  I am trying to Use Prashna Method to pinpoint the event results .

Now see the transit chart as per his Lagna Aries of 21.53 degrees below.

Transit 6-5-2015

The Dasha Lords Saturn,Mars and Rahu are connected to Trik Bhavas  and Saturn and Mars connected to the 2/8 axis along with Moon deblitated  8th house is badly afflicted . In the Natal chart Moon and Saturn are conjuct and Saturn aspecting the 8th house where in Transit the conjuction of Saturn and Moon is there . All is self explainatory  for the results specially when the 12th Lord is aspecting the 8th house and its dispositor is also in the 8th house . God bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala   22nd April 2015

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